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How? CE is everything Muse is. Metal influenced, lots of classical piano, breakdowns, falsetto, wild structure, good bass lines....


Everything Muse is. That's why it's stupid.

Cake is good, pizza is awesome and chocolate is nice.


Don't forget Sushi!

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When in fact Exogenesis is better. :yesey:


Yes! Exogenesis>CE


Undisclosed Desires > (Citizen Erased + Stockholm Syndrome + Bliss + Knights of Cydonia)


Falling Down works in that spot too.


Are you actually saying these words???!!!!:eek::eek:


How? CE is everything Muse is. Metal influenced, lots of classical piano, breakdowns, falsetto, wild structure, good bass lines....


Everything Muse is. That's why it's stupid.


Yeah, it maybe encompass everything about Muse, and is one of their greatest things, but you seriously think one HAS to like it to enjoy Muse? That's so stupid it's unbelievable.

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You are just unusual for the sake of being unusual.


No. I love Undisclosed Desires and Falling Down, and none of the songs in the parentheses are really that appealing to me right now. :/


There are some times when I like certain songs better than others, and I'm just kind of bored of them, and like the calmer songs better at the moment.




*Takes a deep calming breath*


Ok, its good you have opinions but I hope you are fucking joking!!!!!!!!


See above. :p

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How? CE is everything Muse is. Metal influenced, lots of classical piano, breakdowns, falsetto, wild structure, good bass lines....


Everything Muse is. That's why it's stupid.


It doesn't have classical piano. That is called a piano filler. That's like saying Stockholm Syndrome or Map of the Problematique are piano songs. So with your logic, Butterflies and Hurricanes is also Muse and Bliss as well.


Undisclosed Desires > (Citizen Erased + Stockholm Syndrome + Bliss + Knights of Cydonia)


Falling Down works in that spot too.


Hahaha I love you :LOL:

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No. I love Undisclosed Desires and Falling Down, and none of the songs in the parentheses are really that appealing to me right now. :/


There are some times when I like certain songs better than others, and I'm just kind of bored of them, and like the calmer songs better at the moment.




See above. :p



well if SS wasn't in your list then I might of coped, but it was... Huge Riffs beat wanna be homosexuals playing the Key - tar

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Your logic is flawed. Citizen Erased's piano pieces are classically influenced.

Your logic is based on your belief that just because you mix good thing you get something awesome that everyone needs to love.

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I hope you are joking.


I like this. :chuckle:


Why aren't we friends yet?


Oh wait...:awesome:




Are you actually saying these words???!!!!:eek::eek:


Nice day to you too sir. :happy:


Everyone knows Space Dementia is better than CE. :yesey:


Much. :yesey:


Hahaha I love you :LOL:


Thanks. :chuckle:

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