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little girl: So the Bellz's laugh really is one of a kind!

*random father figure*: "That's right sweetie. *ruffles hair*

little girl: "Daddy!"


little girl: "NO! I DON'T WANNA!"

dad: "Then go sit on the couch and think about what you did!"

little girl: "Wha-? I didn't do anything!"

dad: "Just go sit!"

little girl: "You mean.......'SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!!!'?"

dad: Sure, okay. STFD!"

little girl: "M'kay."

dad: "Ultra?"

Bellz: *Escape* "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LOVE HER?!"

dad: "I do!"

Bellz: "No you don't you just yelled at that little girl!" *whacks Manson over his head*

little girl: "Daddy!"

Dom: "No, little girl, Bohemian Rhapsody goes like this 'MAMA! Ooohhhh...."

Bellz: "Oh no Dom, don't sing!" *whacks Manson over Dom's head*

Police: "You're under arrest for assault!"

Bellz: *dragged away* "NO ONE'S GONNA TAKE ME ALIVE!"

Police: :wtf:

Bellz: *uses their confused moment to escape* :D

Muse puns :p This probably makes no sense to anyone else :erm: Oh well!


YKYATMW ^^ You're making muse puns all over :facepalm:

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little girl: So the Bellz's laugh really is one of a kind!

*random father figure*: "That's right sweetie. *ruffles hair*

little girl: "Daddy!"


little girl: "NO! I DON'T WANNA!"

dad: "Then go sit on the couch and think about what you did!"

little girl: "Wha-? I didn't do anything!"

dad: "Just go sit!"

little girl: "You mean.......'SIT THE FUCK DOWN!!!!'?"

dad: Sure, okay. STFD!"

little girl: "M'kay."

dad: "Ultra?"

Bellz: *Escape* "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LOVE HER?!"

dad: "I do!"

Bellz: "No you don't you just yelled at that little girl!" *whacks Manson over his head*

little girl: "Daddy!"

Dom: "No, little girl, Bohemian Rhapsody goes like this 'MAMA! Ooohhhh...."

Bellz: "Oh no Dom, don't sing!" *whacks Manson over Dom's head*

Police: "You're under arrest for assault!"

Bellz: *dragged away* "NO ONE'S GONNA TAKE ME ALIVE!"

Police: :wtf:

Bellz: *uses their confused moment to escape* :D

Muse puns :p This probably makes no sense to anyone else :erm: Oh well!


YKYATMW ^^ You're making muse puns all over :facepalm:


Yay for muse puns!


YKYATMW you can't wait to go home and do musey things on the computer.

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YKYATM whenever something Muse related is mentioned (by accident or on purpose), everyone instantly looks towards you waiting for a fanboy 'random musings' reaction :rolleyes:


That happens to me too :LOL:


YKYATMW your friend asks what you're listening to, and when you say something different from muse (but got into because of muse :happy:) everyone within a five-foot radius on the bus clapped :facepalm:

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:eek: That's so cool! Now I want to make one just like it to put my muse-board christmas-cards in :yesey:


YKYATMW: you're on holiday in London (October last year) and you go into Harrods for a laugh (everything there's WAY too expensive). And you end up buying the only thing worth buying there: the Q magazine with muse on the cover :D

I had to! they don't sell it in my country... my parents thought I was acting a bit strange, going into a shop like that and buying just one lousy magazine :chuckle:

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