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YKYATMW you want to buy tights because they are called "glitterati" tights.


I've got these earrings that are red and glittery and I call them my glitterati's :awesome:


They're kind of heavy, they hurt my ears and I sorta kinda maybe a little bit stole them from my sister but I love them and wear them every chance I get :LOL:



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I've got these earrings that are red and glittery and I call them my glitterati's:awesome:


They're kind of heavy, they hurt my ears and I sort of kind of maybe a little bit stoole them from my sister but I love them and wear them every chance I get:LOL:





I'm going to get a girt card and buy the tights.

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YKYATMW...you play silly girly games just to support your lil sister there and you name your caracter AmyBellamy:p


When you notice there's a dent on your rubber that looks like a broken pipe or just the Bliss hole and you draw a stick-bliss-figure Matt falling through it:rolleyes:


When they ask me what I want Santa to bring me this year I reply "Muse tickets for every gig on the 6th album tour!"

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YKYATMW you can't decide what nail polish to pick, and your friends say "Which one is most like Muse?"


My friend Brittany does that to me all the time :LOL:. It's okay. I know how to get her back (can anyone say MJ???)


YKYATMW you get pissed because JCPenney is out of women's skinny jeans in green. :shifty:


YKYATMW you get pissed because you have to wait to order all of your Christmas stuff [for myself heehee] (which includes the ridiculously-priced OoS shirt, the door poster, and a good chunk of the MP3 B-sides, along with a flash drive), which really and truly sucks. :indiff:


Well, Happy Christmas to every one of you guys (just because I say Happy Christmas does NOT mean I am British).

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YKYATMW you get out of bed, put your red pants on, get the cardboard model of Matt's guitar that you made in art class, and get and eat a banana :)

Also, YKYATMW in science class, you watch a video about states of matter that was made by someone in the world, and it starts playing SMBH, you turn to the guy sitting next to you who you never talk to and go "This is a Muse song!!!!!!!!!" and then when the person in front of you says, "This song is from Twilight!" you tell her to shut up and listen to the best band ever. I'm usually quiet in that class, I think I scared my teacher haha.

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