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lol GQ :LOL:


really? have you tried Borders or Barnes and Nobles? that's where i found Q


i heard that some countries are behind on the issues or something :erm:

No I haven't but now I will. :D

YKYOWMW you are singing Assassin at the end of Kill Bill...

(and when you spent all night creating your very own fan-made poster).

I LOVE KILL BILL! :awesome::happy:


I would mail you my copy, but I kinda ripped out the Muse pages and stuck them on my wall. :$

No worries, I'd do the same. ;) I might even buy two copies if I ever find it... Might have to buy it online for some ridiculous price.

Haha. Well in was sold out online and in the store. :( Dang you Musers! :LOL:


I know we can't talk about it, but I just wanted to say that Matt's baby boy was born 2 days before my birthday!

Hey, I'm following you on tumblr! :LOL: Unless there is someone else who's birthday is 2 days after the Newborn... :erm:

Really? That's funny cuz I have the ring and the bracelet, but not the necklace :p

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Hey, I'm following you on tumblr! :LOL: Unless there is someone else who's birthday is 2 days after the Newborn... :erm:

Really? That's funny cuz I have the ring and the bracelet, but not the necklace :p


It must be someone else! Haha. I dont have tumbler! It is probably restocked now. I will check!

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It must be someone else! Haha. I dont have tumbler! It is probably restocked now. I will check!

:LOL: Whoops.

Woooooow. Talk about a light switch that guy. He's just goin' with whatever's cool, ain't he?


Actually, he's kind of a hipster tool, my brother. He's in a metal blues band called The Carnivores :erm: which makes him hate anything remotely mainstream, trying to be cool and whatnot. and i think being a sibling causes him to hate everything I like. Plus plus also and, my apparent "obsession" seems to drive people away from whatever I like :chuckle: Like, if you meet someone who loves Cheese, and all they talk about is Cheese this Cheese that, sorry I'm boring you; here have some cheese! Then eventually, you hate Cheese. (Until you see a Kraft Singles Commercial with said person and go, WHOA! CHEESE IS AMAZING!)



ANYWAYS, YKYATMW...I dunno, I'm trying to keep this damn thread going. :p

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Where is the person that offered to make Muse crosswords and word searches? I've tried scouring posts, and maybe it's in the random musings thread, but I can't find them! I'm going to be doing a lot of driving, and I need something to do when I'm not driving!

Orrrrr if any others here wanna make some, please do! PM me or post them here!

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Where is the person that offered to make Muse crosswords and word searches? I've tried scouring posts, and maybe it's in the random musings thread, but I can't find them! I'm going to be doing a lot of driving, and I need something to do when I'm not driving!

Orrrrr if any others here wanna make some, please do! PM me or post them here!


:eek: That was me! I'm so sorry! I've been so busy with work and college!:$ I have a crossword puzzle almost done! I didn't realize anyone was actually looking forward to these! :LOL:

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:eek: That was me! I'm so sorry! I've been so busy with work and college!:$ I have a crossword puzzle almost done! I didn't realize anyone was actually looking forward to these! :LOL:


Did someone say muse crosswords? :awesome:


Haha! No no, I didn't mean to rush you or anything. I understand you have a life. I just know for sure now that I'm going to 'need' them (you know, fight of boredom), and I tried searching the threads so I could PM you, but after spending too much time on that, I thought a shout out might work :)

Well, it looks like you have more of a crowd than I thought! Would you like me to make anything in exchange?

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Where is the person that offered to make Muse crosswords and word searches? I've tried scouring posts, and maybe it's in the random musings thread, but I can't find them! I'm going to be doing a lot of driving, and I need something to do when I'm not driving!

Orrrrr if any others here wanna make some, please do! PM me or post them here!


That sounds like lots of fun to make..

I'm going to do it :D but it wasn't me who said it :erm:

Have you seen that spongebob? "We shall never deny a guest, even the most ridiculous request!"

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Haha! No no, I didn't mean to rush you or anything. I understand you have a life. I just know for sure now that I'm going to 'need' them (you know, fight of boredom), and I tried searching the threads so I could PM you, but after spending too much time on that, I thought a shout out might work :)

Well, it looks like you have more of a crowd than I thought! Would you like me to make anything in exchange?


Nah, that's okay! I'm just doing this for fun and for others to enjoy!:happy:



YKYATMW you make a Muse crossword puzzle! :D Hope you guys like it!


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Guest Bliss272

YKYATMW: You name some of your possesions after muse stuff, you like a lot of muse related pages on facebook and frequently comment, you have a stash of money just in case muse come to town

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Guest Bliss272
Nah, that's okay! I'm just doing this for fun and for others to enjoy!:happy:



YKYATMW you make a Muse crossword puzzle! :D Hope you guys like it!


Thanks for the puzzle! It's awesome :) Cheers!

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When you get upset because you didn't notice a girl's Resistance butterfly shirt.


My sister pointed it out after she had passed at Kings Island today


That happened to me once too :( There was this girl wearing a TR shirt and I didn't notice until my friend pointed it out :$:facepalm:


EDIT: wow I haven't been on this thread in a while. I'm not liking this non-musey summer I've been having :(

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YKYATMW: You name some of your possesions after muse stuff, you like a lot of muse related pages on facebook and frequently comment, you have a stash of money just in case muse come to town

i have $10 set aside for that issue of Q with Muse on it :happy:





YKYATMW you take hearing Uprising on the radio as a good sign after you had bought your Deathly Hallows ticket

it gets better after that i went to the mall to exchange something, then i walk into the bookstore and found a magazine from last year with Matt on the cover :awesome:

it makes up for not having the Q with Muse on it


YKYATMW you try calling Kroq to try and win the LA Rising ticket and preshow bbq ticket to meet Muse and Rage

some guy named Moses won >.<

he lives in East LA i think, i'm going to stalk him :LOL: jk



YKYATMW you go to your cousin's house(he likes Muse) and start showing him Muse videos :chuckle:


this all happened in the same day

made me so happy :D

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YKYATMW you refer to Matt's baby as Banana

i think it's an adorable nickname :happy: and i really don't like calling him Baby Bell because that's what i used to call my dog


I usually call it Baby Bells or The Newborn :p


I don't like calling him Baby Bell because I feel like Kate should get a mention too. So I call him Bellson. :p

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My mom doesnt have a name for my new baby sister yet so (us both being musers) we are currently calling her the Newborn until someone can come up with a good name. XD


:chuckle: I wish my mother was a muser :shifty:


YKYATMW today we went out for breakfast and my dad was making fun of Dom and france or soemthing, then I mentioned how Matt sort of speaks french and my mom was like. "who?" and my dad was like "my good buddy, Matty." and my mom was all, "WHO!?" and I'm like "my.........role model." my father figure patted me on the back and said, "good job dear, I'm so proud of you. Managed to say roll model instead of husband." :chuckle:



Also they named the child Bingham. "Bing" for short. I am not even going to elaborate on this. Keeping my mouth shut this time. :p

I hope they don't name their next child Yahoo.

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Guest Bliss272
I know!!


YKYATMW you celebrate Origin of Symmetry's birthday by playing it on repeat all day long


I also did that for Black Holes and Revelations!! XD it's friggin pwoper awesome! We just have to celebrate great albums :)

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