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I do that! I go to HMV to look at the Muse posters I already have :rolleyes:

the store i go to only has one Muse poster :(

but i still go looking for it :chuckle:


I do that too! I always judge a store's music section by how many Muse albums it has :LOL:

the music store in my town only had HAARP last time i checked


and it was hiding, but i found it :chuckle:



but the Best Buy in my town is loaded with Muse cd's :awesome:




When you spend your time in English writing Muse lyrics instead of preparing yourself for some essay by writing notes about it


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Um, that's not really a good thing :LOL:

I'm really curious... why did Muse make you hate school?

But seriously, put up with it, it's for the best. :p


I really don't know why :$

I know it's best to be in school and learn from it, but I'm just starting to hate it. Most of the things they teach me doesn't help for when I have my dream job: being a bassist in a band :happy:

I pretty much just hate all the presentations we have to do :(

I STINK at public speaking especially in front of students that hate me because I'm an outcast :'(

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I really don't know why :$

I know it's best to be in school and learn from it, but I'm just starting to hate it. Most of the things they teach me doesn't help for when I have my dream job: being a bassist in a band :happy:

I pretty much just hate all the presentations we have to do :(

I STINK at public speaking especially in front of students that hate me because I'm an outcast :'(


Awww hun :( I know school can suck, but it's really important!


I call my dad Fasha, like in Austin Powers: Goldmember ... If you have ever seen that movie :D

But that has nothing to do with Muse :$


Austin Powers FTW :awesome:

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I really don't know why :$

I know it's best to be in school and learn from it, but I'm just starting to hate it. Most of the things they teach me doesn't help for when I have my dream job: being a bassist in a band :happy:

I pretty much just hate all the presentations we have to do :(

I STINK at public speaking especially in front of students that hate me because I'm an outcast :'(


I think your letting Matt's disinterest in school when he was younger influence you. And man, being an outcast usually means your the one that's being honest with yourself... the others are faking to fit in. Then when they have to go on their own after school, they're lost puppies.

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I really don't know why :$

I know it's best to be in school and learn from it, but I'm just starting to hate it. Most of the things they teach me doesn't help for when I have my dream job: being a bassist in a band :happy:

I pretty much just hate all the presentations we have to do :(

I STINK at public speaking especially in front of students that hate me because I'm an outcast :'(


i'm kind of an outcast too. I mean I have close friends but.. Personally I think outcasts are more interesting. but what do i know.

and you call your dad Fasha? like in auston powers :p lol yes i've seen the movie!

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I really don't know why :$

I know it's best to be in school and learn from it, but I'm just starting to hate it. Most of the things they teach me doesn't help for when I have my dream job: being a bassist in a band :happy:

I pretty much just hate all the presentations we have to do :(

I STINK at public speaking especially in front of students that hate me because I'm an outcast :'(


I know exactly what you mean...

But you need to go to school. Especially because your dream job might not work out, and you'll need something to fall back on, because you'd be screwed if it doesn't work.

And with the public speaking, you've just gotta deal with it. I have the same problem, people don't hate me, I'm an outcast, and I feel like I'm making a total fool of myself whenever I talk in front of people. Just make your presentations interesting, and that's pretty much all you can do.

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I really don't know why :$

I know it's best to be in school and learn from it, but I'm just starting to hate it. Most of the things they teach me doesn't help for when I have my dream job: being a bassist in a band :happy:

I pretty much just hate all the presentations we have to do :(

I STINK at public speaking especially in front of students that hate me because I'm an outcast :'(

......you could go homeschool!

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But. . . I'm not sure if I ever will :(

1984 is literally stocked in every bookstore/library I've ever been to. It's not hard to find. At all. And it's inexpensive, got my copy new for $7.95 while most books here are upwards of $12. And it's a great book, very interesting, Muse connections or not. :)


I really don't know why :$

I know it's best to be in school and learn from it, but I'm just starting to hate it. Most of the things they teach me doesn't help for when I have my dream job: being a bassist in a band :happy:

I pretty much just hate all the presentations we have to do :(

I STINK at public speaking especially in front of students that hate me because I'm an outcast :'(

For me I don't particularly hate school itself since I enjoy learning for its own sake, but I do share the general dread of actually going to classes, talking to people, doing presentations…


For me it's not so much being the outcast as much as having a somewhat avoidant personality (I guess mainly because I go to a ridiculously huge university, hence it has an incredibly diverse population, so no one really gives a fuck over what you're like; in primary school I was definitely the outcast) as much as that I'm at a loss of what the hell I want to do with my life. I don't know why the hell I'm doing what I'm doing or how it will help me.


But you know what? Nearly EVERYONE I know feels this way. The few that have a plan figured out or a dream don't even know what they're doing or how they're going to achieve it. I mean, in retrospect I suppose it's easy to think we "knew" at some point that this is what we wanted, because obviously to get to that point you had to start on the path, but really, most people I know simply stumbled to what they're doing.


It may have been what they loved all along, they may have had to sacrifice their real dreams, or maybe they even stumbled upon a new love that they never would've otherwise realized they had, but we all find our way somehow. Our life keeps going as long as we don't give up.



Well, that was overly long and pretentious. :stunned:


oh, and the reason I was gonna post in the first place and forgot about after typing all of that. :facepalm:

YKYATMW you think it's weird that you've gone 2 days without at least a member of Muse showing up in your dream in some form, even if the dream itself isn't explicitly about Muse.

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YKYATMW the only songs you play on piano and guitar anymore are Muse songs.

...When all of your family members know who Matt, Dom, and Chris are.


My mom only knows who Matt is. Nobody knows who they are in my family (except as I just said, my mom and Matt).


YKYATMW You enjoy wearing socks because you think of Matt (more than usual) when you do. :)

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1984 is literally stocked in every bookstore/library I've ever been to. It's not hard to find. At all. And it's inexpensive, got my copy new for $7.95 while most books here are upwards of $12. And it's a great book, very interesting, Muse connections or not. :)



For me I don't particularly hate school itself since I enjoy learning for its own sake, but I do share the general dread of actually going to classes, talking to people, doing presentations…


For me it's not so much being the outcast as much as having a somewhat avoidant personality (I guess mainly because I go to a ridiculously huge university, hence it has an incredibly diverse population, so no one really gives a fuck over what you're like; in primary school I was definitely the outcast) as much as that I'm at a loss of what the hell I want to do with my life. I don't know why the hell I'm doing what I'm doing or how it will help me.


But you know what? Nearly EVERYONE I know feels this way. The few that have a plan figured out or a dream don't even know what they're doing or how they're going to achieve it. I mean, in retrospect I suppose it's easy to think we "knew" at some point that this is what we wanted, because obviously to get to that point you had to start on the path, but really, most people I know simply stumbled to what they're doing.


It may have been what they loved all along, they may have had to sacrifice their real dreams, or maybe they even stumbled upon a new love that they never would've otherwise realized they had, but we all find our way somehow. Our life keeps going as long as we don't give up.



Well, that was overly long and pretentious. :stunned:


oh, and the reason I was gonna post in the first place and forgot about after typing all of that. :facepalm:

YKYATMW you think it's weird that you've gone 2 days without at least a member of Muse showing up in your dream in some form, even if the dream itself isn't explicitly about Muse.


Gonna buy my copy at school tomorrow :awesome:


I think and ponder a lot over how I am going to achieve my main goal in life, which is to be a journalist, but reading this made me feel a bit better actually. I think there is a perfect job out there for everyone. It's just hard to find it because there's so much to choose from.

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When you mention something Muse-related and when anyone asks, you say "It's a Muse thing, you wouldn't understand!" :p


EDIT: Last night me and my friends recorded the video for "Population Uprising" that I mentioned a few pages back so it will be uploaded sometime this week!


:awesome::awesome: Cant wait! :D:happy:

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When you mention something Muse-related and when anyone asks, you say "It's a Muse thing, you wouldn't understand!" :p


EDIT: Last night me and my friends recorded the video for "Population Uprising" that I mentioned a few pages back so it will be uploaded sometime this week!


:LOL: Yessssssss I can't wait to see this!!!

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YKYATMW ... if you go to a dirty old toilet and you're excited because the floor is made of hundreds of hexagons ...


:LOL: I never really liked Hexagons until The Resistance, either, gotta admit. Always was more of a triangle person beforehand. :$

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