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When the only reason why you're watching the Golden Globes is because you're hoping you might see Matt


YKYATMW you read this and die because you didn't think of it too. Thank!


YKYADTMW you hire Knight And Day because they had Uprising in the trailer and are very disappointed they don't play it in the movie :mad:

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YKYADTMW you hire Knight And Day because they had Uprising in the trailer and are very disappointed they don't play it in the movie :mad:


kind of similar for me, except I asked my brother if it was in the movie and he told me no, so i didn't believe him, and i watched it.

and my thoughts were "shit movie!! all i wanted was to hear Matt's voice! WAS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK!?" :p

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the first pics like which ones? hahahahha i feel so dorky talkin bout this ;)

i uploaded them to netz just for you Musers!

.....But i feel kinda weird, sharing these beautiful pictures with everyone, when i had them and i was all alone :p alright..this one. look at it and just go :eek: *squeals like a fan girl*




and then this one... after the first one i just pass out from so much beauty ;)




:LOL: Those are amazing!


Well......I LOVE the pic that I have as my avatar. and all the other ones from that shoot.

these are some of my fav pics of him!:happy:


I love his eyes in this one!




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YKYATMW you have a personal "sexiest pic of Matt" in your head. For me it is either the whole set where he's got that gray suit on, with a black pic as a necklace, and a white undershirt. (although i always though jewelery on guys was kind of...) but matt is an exception

or even better!!!:

the one (i haven't seen it often, but i have it!) he's wearing a sweater that is gray and black and he's looking straight into the camera and his eyes are just :eek:

no no this one's the best!:

the one where he's looking down and he's wearing like a purple/blue checkered shirt and there's a silver chain around his neck and he looks so perfect it is just :eek::yesey:


you know a better one would have been YKYATMW you have so many pics of matt you cant' really pic a favorite... :p


I want to see the last picture! Sounds sexy :stongue:

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:LOL: Those are amazing!


Well......I LOVE the pic that I have as my avatar. and all the other ones from that shoot.

these are some of my fav pics of him!:happy:


I love his eyes in this one!





haha yes that's what i meant! the pic in your avatar, i love that whole shoot!

and the second link i love that pic :)

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I've never seen those. Thanks for sharing, they're adorable :happy:


YKYADTMW you hire Knight And Day because they had Uprising in the trailer and are very disappointed they don't play it in the movie :mad:


They used Redemption for the Never Let Me Go trailor, and it seemed like an interesting story (and I'd run out of good books to read), so I read the book. You'd think I would have learned my lesson after Twilight :noey: It was awful... however there was a plot thread about 'the Gallery,' which kept me entertained :p


On the bright side, Seven Pounds is a good flick AND has Feeling Good in it :awesome:


You know when... You see an ad for 'Ab-Solution' excercise rubbish and facepalm at such blasphemy.


When you're watching tele and, out of the blue, you wonder whether Matt has ever used 'her' or 'him' in a song. (Has he?)

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I've never seen those. Thanks for sharing, they're adorable :happy:




They used Redemption for the Never Let Me Go trailor, and it seemed like an interesting story (and I'd run out of good books to read), so I read the book. You'd think I would have learned my lesson after Twilight :noey: It was awful... however there was a plot thread about 'the Gallery,' which kept me entertained :p


On the bright side, Seven Pounds is a good flick AND has Feeling Good in it :awesome:


You know when... You see an ad for 'Ab-Solution' excercise rubbish and facepalm at such blasphemy.


When you're watching tele and, out of the blue, you wonder whether Matt has ever used 'her' or 'him' in a song. (Has he?)


i saw the ab-solution commercial and i laughed so hard....

thanks for the warning, i will never read "Never Let Me Go"

but i will go watch Seven Pounds!!


....about the 'her' 'him' situation...you mean in the lyrics, right? i think he has...let me think...

i thought this would be easier...cant think of any..

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I've never seen those. Thanks for sharing, they're adorable :happy:




They used Redemption for the Never Let Me Go trailor, and it seemed like an interesting story (and I'd run out of good books to read), so I read the book. You'd think I would have learned my lesson after Twilight :noey: It was awful... however there was a plot thread about 'the Gallery,' which kept me entertained :p


On the bright side, Seven Pounds is a good flick AND has Feeling Good in it :awesome:


You know when... You see an ad for 'Ab-Solution' excercise rubbish and facepalm at such blasphemy.


When you're watching tele and, out of the blue, you wonder whether Matt has ever used 'her' or 'him' in a song. (Has he?)


REally?! I watched Seven Pounds before I heard Muse. I will watch it again!


In Unintended and The Groove he says she. But I can't think of any songs where he says her! OH! in Escape! "Why cant you just love HER!"

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YKYATMW you have a personal "sexiest pic of Matt" in your head. For me it is either the whole set where he's got that gray suit on, with a black pic as a necklace, and a white undershirt. (although i always though jewelery on guys was kind of...) but matt is an exception

or even better!!!:

the one (i haven't seen it often, but i have it!) he's wearing a sweater that is gray and black and he's looking straight into the camera and his eyes are just :eek:

no no this one's the best!:

the one where he's looking down and he's wearing like a purple/blue checkered shirt and there's a silver chain around his neck and he looks so perfect it is just :eek::yesey:


you know a better one would have been YKYATMW you have so many pics of matt you cant' really pic a favorite... :p

Nah, he looks better in white.

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When you write this little song for your AP Bio project. Hopefully my friend/partner likes it and we can make a video (will post it if it happens!)


Population Uprising


Population is in bloom

Some mushrooms on a log like to clump

Territorial animals like their space

Silly old flowers and plants don't care where they stay


Density is the number of creatures

Births and immigrants raise the population

Death and emigration bring it down

It is measured in a unit called volume




Describe the population!

Critters in an area

Make up the population!

(The next verse!)


Demography is only graphs

But they show who lives and who does not

Reproduction rates count only female babies

Why is that?

Read your notes so that you can find out

(So find out!)

Type I curves describe us humans

Type II curves the poor old rodents

Type III curves describe fishies and some plants

Some beings are in between cause they're just that cool

(Just that cool!)



Describe the population!

Critters in an area

Make up the population!

(Guitar time!)


Epic Solo



Describe the population!

Critters in an area

Make up the population!

(Goodbye now!)


too epic :awesome:

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Ah, thank you. Would have driven me crazy :LOL: ... Now to find out if he ever says 'him.' :shifty:


Welcome! haha. I will keep thinking too! Cuz its driving me Maaadddd! ;)


YKYATMW you say your dog needs a walk as an excuse to listen to Muse, when your supposed to be doing school work. even though is is 0 degrees F and snowing outside. :rolleyes:

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