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:awesome: I watched Shrek 4 lastnight! When I heard that I told my friend, she went :rolleyes:


Haha I did that too :LOL: I even called her straight away, but then I realized just how pathetic I was being so I desperately tried to come up with something to tell her first so she wouldn't think I was even weirder than she already think I am :$



YKYATMW you hear people on the telly (in Sweden) mention Exeter and your thoughts go 'Exeter-Hugh Manson- the Manson shop-mirror guitar-matt... yeah you see where this is going.

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YKYATMW(hope I got it right, i'm new :D) when your friends guess your facebook password first time :$


even if my password was something Muse related, i don't think my friends would get it right :happy:

though they probably do think it's Muse related :LOL:


when u consume your (tiny) free time doing this






duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuddde :awesome:

i want


Ykyatmw.... While censoring your speech you use Muse son titles. Ex: I just hit my toe, "Maps of the problematique! That hurt!"




When you once put a Muse song and picture on your sister's myspace :chuckle:

idk if she found out though, she would've killed me since i've messed with her profile before

she probably found out about the song, idk about the picture, i think she still has it :erm:

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even if my password was something Muse related, i don't think my friends would get it right :happy:

though they probably do think it's Muse related :LOL:


Yea, mines muse related :$, i probably shouldnt have said that


when u consume your (tiny) free time doing this






:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:, can you make these on basketball shoes so i can wear them during games? and how much will u charge?

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Did you say you sell them? All I wear is Vans... how much would you make them for???


YKYATMW you wear a mustache for Chris's birthday :happy:



i was on Twitter during class one day, and i saw Chris's Movember tweets, so i decided to paint a stache on myself in honor of him





When you write "so confused when you're lost in the groove" on your desk at school

next thing you know i hear the teacher calling me, i thought i was in trouble


i don't normally do this kind of thing. i only did it because it was stuck in my head and i was bored :chuckle:

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When you find out your crush likes Muse and you just think "That's it. We have to get married." :D




when u consume your (tiny) free time doing this






Those are seriously awesome.


YKYATMW(hope I got it right, i'm new :D) when your friends guess your facebook password first time :$


Welcome! And ha, my password's Muse related too! Sadly I don't think my friends could guess it because they pretty much know very little about Muse. :(



Anyway, YKYATMW you're reading some stuff about WikiLeaks because you need a current event for school (and for some very weird reason you think Julian Assange is kind of awesome and not a terrorist in any way at all...) and you just decide that it seems like Matt would be the person to really like WikiLeaks.

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when u consume your (tiny) free time doing this





BRILLIANT!!!! :awesome:


YKYATMW stopped at a red light in your car, Starlight starts playing and you can't help from making "claps" with your feet (I suck with hands but I'm great with feet...don't try to understand why :facepalm:) that means with your rear lights :chuckle: ... and you know that the guy behind you absolutely didn't get it and that he's gonna think that you're a poor crazy thing trying to tell him something in morse code but you don't care and don't stop. :D

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