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I'm gonna be so bored at Gatwick all on my own tomorrow night (Susie's coming in the early hours by taxi, I can't afford the £35 fare or the parking if I drive up):(


Still, Mark's giving me a lift to the airport fairly late tomorrow night so won't get to Gatwick until about 10.30-11ish so hopefully I'll be tired enough to sleep a little while!


Must remember to take the book I'm currently reading (which I'll dump there once I've finished it) and my mp3 player:happy:




If you get really bored just give us a call!! I am planning to sleep as well on the plane and on the coach as well!




I really don't see what your problem is.

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If you get really bored just give us a call!! I am planning to sleep as well on the plane and on the coach as well!




I have visions of us all on the bus from Oxegen back to Dublin snoring and dribbling! We're gonna be totally fucked!:LOL::LOL::LOL:

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Me? I have no problem, I still enjoy seeing Muse :yesey:


I do too but surely for those who don't it makes more sense for them to go and see a different band and have fun than stay for Muse and maybe not?? Seems like a no-brainer to me anyway.

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I do too but surely for those who don't it makes more sense for them to go and see a different band and have fun than stay for Muse and maybe not?? Seems like a no-brainer to me anyway.


I usually don't have interest in other bands/musicians bar a few that either aren't easily accessible or no longer touring, so when I get the chance to see Muse I go to see them.

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I usually don't have interest in other bands/musicians bar a few that either aren't easily accessible or no longer touring, so when I get the chance to see Muse I go to see them.


Yeah I understand that but you still like Muse so of course you would do! Same as me! If however you didn't, you'd go and see someone else at a festival!

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Yeah I understand that but you still like Muse so of course you would do! Same as me! If however you didn't, you'd go and see someone else at a festival!


I guess, but then some people who don't like Muse still actively frequent the forum, which seems a bit... odd :erm:


Is it just the banter that keeps them here? I'm an Arsenal fan and I frequent a Gooner forum, but if I no longer supported them I probably wouldn't stay on the forum.


Just strange really, of course people can choose not to see Muse, but why would you want to?

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I guess, but then some people who don't like Muse still actively frequent the forum, which seems a bit... odd :erm:


Is it just the banter that keeps them here? I'm an Arsenal fan and I frequent a Gooner forum, but if I no longer supported them I probably wouldn't stay on the forum.


Just strange really, of course people can choose not to see Muse, but why would you want to?


Who said people don't like muse? I still do and they are still my favourite band but they have disappointed me live lately and it doesn't give me less of a right to be here because i am more excited to see kasabian.


And even if people don't enjoy muse as much anymore as when they first registered, still doesn't mean that they should stop postin here.

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Who said people don't like muse? I still do and they are still my favourite band but they have disappointed me live lately and it doesn't give me less of a right to be here because i am more excited to see kasabian.


And even if people don't enjoy muse as much anymore as when they first registered, still doesn't mean that they should stop postin here.


I wasn't refering to you about not liking Muse, but I've seen quite a few posters recently talking about not liking Muse anymore and it's just sad that they feel that way, especially as most of the :srsb33f:is with the setlists, so they're not playing the songs YOU want to hear, just be glad you've been able to see them before it's too late!


My own beef is probably due to my overly obsessive love for Muse as I've been following them since September '98 and as I'm now disabled, it's incredibly rare that I get to see Muse now so I make the absolute most of it.

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Just finished packing so my list :p

Edit: Oh and Alix, I still don't know if I can just text/call the number you gave me without some prefix since it's a NI one. But lets just hope you're a bit more informed than I am :LOL: Will try tomorrow.


Jake you won't see this lawl but you don't need to add the prefix. I will text you later hater! :awesome:


In other words, if i'd texted you earlier, you wouldn't have got it:LOL: good to know, that!:p


I'm definitely out for this now. c'est la vie! Next stop, Kinross! with my tent, a rucksack of booze, a satchel of clothes and poly bag of food!:LOL:


That would be the case! :chuckle: I'll send a PM out now before I head off. HAPPY NAO?


Whoever's reached that point really should consider closing the garage door and leave the car running :yesey:




I wasn't refering to you about not liking Muse, but I've seen quite a few posters recently talking about not liking Muse anymore and it's just sad that they feel that way, especially as most of the :srsb33f:is with the setlists, so they're not playing the songs YOU want to hear, just be glad you've been able to see them before it's too late!


My own beef is probably due to my overly obsessive love for Muse as I've been following them since September '98 and as I'm now disabled, it's incredibly rare that I get to see Muse now so I make the absolute most of it.


It's nothing to do with the songs I want to hear. It's the lack of bloody rotation and the fact they don't seem to give a shit about the fans anymore. They have quite clearly rehearsed some songs that we hardly get to hear but they won't play them and take the piss out of fans on here more often now. Way back on the American tour when someone asked why they played RBS for one gig and not another, Matt said they wanted them to "feel good". Now all these dedications to the board? Yeah, real smart. Pity they can't play something else and dedicate it to us.

Muse are still my favourite band but now that they have hit the big time, and I mean BIG time it's all about the set up and the light show. It's not about the music anymore and putting their all in for the fans. They are lazy and I am so dissapointed in them right now.


That said, I know I'll be watching come Saturday.

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Guys, I actually agree with most of what has been said. I agree that if you don't like Muse anymore, don't come on here saying who much you don't like them. It wrecks everyone elses buzz. And it does make me wonder why, if you don't like them anymore or whatever, why you would go to the bother of posting anyway. I agree that the setlists have become predictable, but as with life in general, it is for the majority. And all those songs (with a few exceptions) are crowd pleasers. As for the lighting and stages. So what if they want it to be a spectacle. At least there is effort going into it. And the other thing is, look at the amount of touring they are doing??!?!?!? It is crazy!!! If they were to change the set list all the time, there would definitely be confusion at some point. Dom starting Assassin, Matt playing riffs to CE and Chris breaking into Nishe! I am sure that th band want to please everyone. But kudos to them for being absolutely note perfect, for making the effort to get to as many fans as possible, and for always trying to bring something bigger and more spectacluar on each tour. How many bads just tour with just themselves and the same backdrop year in, year out. Cut 'em some slack.


PS. Going to see other bands is fine too. If we were all going the same direction, a load of us wouldn't get into the pit!! :LOL:


And breathe.........

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I didn't know Pope was coming! Yay! May finally get to meet you properly at last (we just met briefly at the airport and Barnacles for Marlay)!:happy:


Will you be heading for Muse, or BEP?


Yeah I decided last min to go. Will be arriving at about 4ish though since I got an afternoon flight (yay sleep in) but I'll no doubt come find everyone as soon as I get there.


As for Muse/BEP I have no idea, we'll all probably end up seeing Muse anyway as we're gluttons for punishment but I'll go wherever the night takes me (preferably back to dublin airport in time for my flight home :LOL:).


I might end up flogging this ticket outside for £20 or something haha.

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Yeah I decided last min to go. Will be arriving at about 4ish though since I got an afternoon flight (yay sleep in) but I'll no doubt come find everyone as soon as I get there.


As for Muse/BEP I have no idea, we'll all probably end up seeing Muse anyway as we're gluttons for punishment but I'll go wherever the night takes me (preferably back to dublin airport in time for my flight home :LOL:).


I might end up flogging this ticket outside for £20 or something haha.


Is that a ticket just for the Saturday?

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I had a dream we were watching muse, and there was a tv screen that showed what the next song would be... it was unintended with an accordian, matt with a lab coat on and 3 girls singing along with him, then guding light... we buggered off to BEP after that - and then ran back when we heard TOADA.

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Anyone been before? I have a mate that isn't going, or is very unlikely to go and it's a 4 day camping pass, would it be easy to sell to a tout? As money would need recouped as you know, recession and all....bummz0r.


Will be selling at face value. Maybe even 200 euro for handiness

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At this stage, you'll have to sell below face value.


I'd guessed, better than nothing, considering my mate will be paying the 200. So he can't say I didn't try.


Also it's the print out tickets (barcode basically on an A4 sheet), so is it better to get the wrist band first then someone is more likely to trust it?

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Yeah I decided last min to go. Will be arriving at about 4ish though since I got an afternoon flight (yay sleep in) but I'll no doubt come find everyone as soon as I get there.


As for Muse/BEP I have no idea, we'll all probably end up seeing Muse anyway as we're gluttons for punishment but I'll go wherever the night takes me (preferably back to dublin airport in time for my flight home :LOL:).


I might end up flogging this ticket outside for £20 or something haha.


Well I hope to see you at some point anyway:)


What time is your flight back home? Are you coming back to the airport with all the rest of us after the festival in the early hours of Sunday morning?


I had a dream we were watching muse, and there was a tv screen that showed what the next song would be... it was unintended with an accordian, matt with a lab coat on and 3 girls singing along with him, then guding light... we buggered off to BEP after that - and then ran back when we heard TOADA.


Fucking accordion!:LOL::LOL::LOL:

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