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Question is, what do they drop for changes? There kids the problem. Every song serves a purpose


That's what I was thinking. Where are you going to slam Citizen Erased or a rarity in there? This show is too ridiculous and over the top...U2 360 comes to mind. I was digging it, but am starting to be a bit weary...it's such a slow concert with really no room for change...MAYBE we're freaking out a bit. I think we'll figure everything out after the second show. Whatever the case, I'm kind of underwhelmed.

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Hmmm... Could someone well versed in the language translate it better for us? This looks like it holds something of interest.



"Of course it was once again MUSE. But at the beginning they played so quietly that there was no real atmosphere. This only improved when it got dark and the light effects fully came into play. What was disappointing is that the obvious winner in an online poll, CE, wasn't played. The band had to practice the song, according to this newspaper, only to then not play it.

Conclusion: too expensive."


That's not a real conclusion though, is it;)... Unless what is meant is that playing CE was too expensive. That doesn't make any sense though:erm:

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Unfortunately not personally, no... But we rehearsed the evening before and were within a few metres of them on the stage. Was a shame we didn't get to shake hands though:D


As you've probably read, we were treated pretty shit during the rehearsals the day before the concert (Deadstar wrote an account somewhere that I fully agree with). But yesterday was muuuuch better... They had apparently realised that we were real fans, not just desperate for a free ticket, and tried to make up for the day before. Just a little waiting this time, very good organisation, coffee and tea (and cokes and water) at our disposal, many thanks. Still, a thanks directly from Muse would of course have been great... But as I said, they seemed reeaallyy nervous the evening before to me, and the experience was gratifying enough in itself:happy:.


I suppose even someone desparate for a free ticket might well be a fan who couldn't afford a ticket, but nice to hear that they made it up to you. Hopefully Muse will feel a bit more settled with the first show out of the way too.:)

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That's what I was thinking. Where are you going to slam Citizen Erased or a rarity in there? This show is too ridiculous and over the top...U2 360 comes to mind. I was digging it, but am starting to be a bit weary...it's such a slow concert with really no room for change...MAYBE we're freaking out a bit. I think we'll figure everything out after the second show. Whatever the case, I'm kind of underwhelmed.


I would imagine that they must have it set up for Citizen Erased since they are intending to play it. As for other changes, it will possibly follow a similar pattern to the Resistance Tour with a change after they've had a few days to sort it out, unless they've already got it all planned.

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i had the impression they're kind of trying to move away from that rock band image, playing so many ballads and slow songs...

i mean come on, nsc is just ridiculous with the lyrics, but lots of teenies will love it, sing along, as with guiding light, those songs just sound so simple in comparison with what they did in the past.

so my guess is that they're moving away from an awsome rockshow to a slower show concentrating on the stage, lighting etc. but maybe they realized that the atmosphere during the old songs was incomparable with the one during the new songs.... when time was running out started, people just seemed to be so relieved and went absolutely crazy!

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For the umpteenth time, nobody was bashing the gig. We were expressing disappointment with Muse for ignoring the setlist poll songs. There were many positives brought up about the gig (TaB, IBTY, etc.) and it's a bit ignorant for someone to say "I'm not reading the past 100 pages bc everyone was saying how much they hate Muse." That's simply not true. We're all fans and as are simply discussing their output.


Reviews from gig-goes so far have been really positive and vids have been pretty good too. I must say if it weren't for the promise of the setlist polls, this setlist would have been awesome. I love TaB and IBTY and I'm psyched they're back.

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i mean come on, nsc is just ridiculous with the lyrics, but lots of teenies will love it, sing along,
i really dont agree with this.

i was at RIR last week and the highlight of the night for me was stockholm without any doubt (it's probably my all time fave live anyway).

and yet, at the same time, i absolutely adore NSC *shrug* (and it's been a number of years since i've been a teen too :p)


muse have never been a band that tried to 'fit' in an image. the fans shouldnt do that either.



and again, NSC is fabulous :D

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Question is, what do they drop for changes? There kids the problem. Every song serves a purpose

There's no way they still need to play Starlight and MOTP at every gig....then there's Feeling Good. :LOL: And even if they couldn't bring themselves to drop those, they could rotate a couple of other oldies in Unintended and Take A Bow's positions. Anyone agree?

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So I just checked Musewiki, the top 5 voted songs weren't included.


Has we explanation? Or is everyone just in a blind rage :p... if they don't bring this up in an interview and explain I will be upset.

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So I just checked Musewiki, the top 5 voted songs weren't included.


Has we explanation? Or is everyone just in a blind rage :p... if they don't bring this up in an interview and explain I will be upset.


Blind rage :LOL:

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i had the impression they're kind of trying to move away from that rock band image, playing so many ballads and slow songs...

i mean come on, nsc is just ridiculous with the lyrics, but lots of teenies will love it, sing along, as with guiding light, those songs just sound so simple in comparison with what they did in the past.

so my guess is that they're moving away from an awsome rockshow to a slower show concentrating on the stage, lighting etc. but maybe they realized that the atmosphere during the old songs was incomparable with the one during the new songs.... when time was running out started, people just seemed to be so relieved and went absolutely crazy!


Dom did sound reluctant regarding playing Citizen Erased though he may have meant it jokily in that they were forced to play it or their fans would be pissed off. Maybe they really didn't think it was going to work and at the last minute, because they were so nervous anyway, thought "sod it, we'll give it a miss this evening and take the flak". If so I bet they wished they never had a poll now, even though their intentions were obviously good. Anyway just supposition. Maybe the real reason will become apparent at some point and we'll just have to see how it pans out.


If they don't play them the whole tour, I will think "Hmm strange", but it won't put me off Muse. I like them for bigger reasons than whether or not they keep their promises or whether or not they perform particular songs.

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i'm sure they're gonna play the songs from the polls in other concerts. maybe they weren't ready yet, they seem to have been stressed out, i don't know.

i don't really care so much, as long as they do it on other shows, but i would at least expect an explanation. and that interview just a day before the show was just extremely unfortunate. but i think it shows that they had actually planned on playing it!

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Does anyone else think the bit about 2:20 into TaB, after the "take a bow" line and before the guitar solo, where the lights change to a bright orange, is intensely cool?


TaB looks fucking fantastic. The visuals (esp the whiteout) looks insane and more importantly thought it sounded amazing too. Fits amazing right before PiB too.


Any IBTY vids yet?

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i'm sure they're gonna play the songs from the polls in other concerts. maybe they weren't ready yet, they seem to have been stressed out, i don't know.

i don't really care so much, as long as they do it on other shows, but i would at least expect an explanation. and that interview just a day before the show was just extremely unfortunate. but i think it shows that they had actually planned on playing it!


It does sound like they do get very nervous before launching a new show which is totally understandable and shows they never take anything for granted.

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It does sound like they do get very nervous before launching a new show which is totally understandable and shows they never take anything for granted.

Might be influenced by the apparently underwhelming reaction it got in Lisbon? Pure speculation, though.


PS. Can anyone work out what on earth he says after KoC? The guy talks so faaaaaaaaaaast.

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