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People do like both, that wasn't my point.


My point was, some people will like Muse for the heavy side, some for the lighter side, some for a mix of both and some for the singles and some for other stuff. To call someone elitist for not liking Guiding Light and then accuse them of being a bully and potentially upsetting the band appears to be a bit pathetic to me and is unneccessary.


Alas i've made my point and can we now go back to topic.


So Resistance as a single? Yep fairly obvious. Need to hear the radio edit now.

Yep. Just some people seem to attack those who don't like the same as they do... it's ridiculous (and not talking about you now). You get called stupid fangirl/boy for liking something:noey:.



For the last time it has nothing to do about fashion or getting into "the cool gang" (whatever that is) as much as there are people who likes Guiding Light there are people who don't. It's called having different musical taste. End. Of. Story.


Can't listen to it yet... the website requires a window media player which I haven't. I'll have to wait a bit longer for it.

Just some people seem to change... also I've seen people being "scared" to say what they really like. Stupid or what:rolleyes:.


But yeah, it's matter of taste. So let people have their own tastes... there's nothing wrong with liking for example GD (or not liking it).



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Atleast they won't be making anymore songs like Undisclosed Desires then.. :awesome: (I say this, but I do actually think the song is pretty good).

Hope not.




The radio edit sounds quite good imo.


And I don't hate Guiding Light to be 'cool' round here, I just really don't like the song. Some like things, some don't. It's the way it is.


Just let them like (or not).

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I understand Resistance is too long for radio and therefore needs a radio edit, but I don't really like it this way.

For me the best parts are the intro and outro. By taking those out plus the piano in the middle it sounds more repetitive and makes the 'could be wrong's' sound even more prominent. Those parts irk me as it is and kind of ruin the song as a whole for me already.

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But yeah, it's matter of taste. So let people have their own tastes... there's nothing wrong with liking for example GD (or not liking it).






I am sorry but... that's what I've just said, we all have different musical taste.


And I never said there was something wrong with liking GL, just that I personally don't like it.




Anyway still waiting to listen to the radio edit.

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I am sorry but... that's what I've just said, we all have different musical taste.


And I never said there was something wrong with liking GL, just that I personally don't like it.

Yep. Didn't I agree with you?


I was talking about general attitudes here.

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The radio edit is far better than I expected. I don't think it was butchered at all.


Also, with regards to this whole elitist/cool gang stuff - man the hell up. That isn't even occuring.

It was butchered by removing parts of it:).



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Yep. Didn't I agree with you?


I was talking about general attitudes here.


Ah sorry I misunderstood then.


i actually am very interested as to how well this song does...


I think it really depends on the promo and marketing they do for the single. If they do it right there is no reason why it couldn't do well.

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speaking of promo, have we seen artwork yet?



ooh i wonder if they do a good video for this one :awesome:


Nope, only one has been on eBay and there was no pic. Just imagine the UD promo but white instead of grey though, that is what it looks like.

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I don't mind "Resistance" being the next single. But for fan's sake please let it not be the last single! we need more than just resistance.


It's been like 4 months since the release of the album and if they cut at 3 singles then that'll be a shame



4th one should Be EXOGENESIS imo, but due to the unlikeliness for that to happen I vote for MK Ultra. :)


And on another note, are B-SIDES dead for Resistance Muse??!?!?:(

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