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For people wondering about going GA for the US Fall show srsly go for it. I went to 2 shows in the US and those were the tamest crowds in terms of pushing and shoving... I mean I had space to dance at the barrier in Vegas! :stunned:


Srsly it was surreal especially being on Matt's side... I am used to hang on for dear life or being squashed but not there. Great experience though.


Something tells me that Stade de France and Wembley won't be the same :LOL:


Ditto to this. I was so worried about getting crushed and getting my glasses broken and not even being able to move my arms off the barrier to take pictures, and actually it ended up being a breeze. And I was on Matt's side, near the middle. I had plenty of room to move around. This type of pit seems to be true of all the US shows as far as I know. It may sound boring, and maybe some of the pits were lame, but I think a lot of them still had a lot of energy, there was just less pushing and shoving.


So if anyone is having reservations, I say go for it! :)

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GA is where it's at! Dont think, just do. I went in Houston, we got there at 12, my gf thought I was nuts for going so early but we met some awesome people in line and had a fantastic time! We ended up on the barrier, and my gf is small. 5"5 maybe 100 lbs soaking wet and she had no problems even though our crowd was pretty wild! Not to mention it was easily the best time I've really had at a show, I wish I could go back. It seems tiring between shows, but adrenaline kicks in and it's all good.

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here's my GA story in Vancouver lol


First time at a concert and it's Muse as GA. I figured, since I play ice hockey quite a lot, there's no way a concert can be more intense than a physical game of hockey. It wasn't, but it's a different kind of intensity.


As soon as Uprising started everyone went psycho and I may have expended all of my energy then because by the time Uprising started and Resistance began, I had to cool down and try to get some air but people were still going nuts.


The first 4 or 5 songs are usually high tempo before you really get to cool down with USoE. The point is, pace yourself. Also, drink lots of water before the gig and take some with you if you feel you need it. Eat something before you go as well because you're gonna need a bit of energy.


At around Unnatural Selection I somehow ended up behind a wall of people who were just standing around until everybody started jumping again. After you've been where the rowdy stuff is, the tame stuff is so boring and you want to get back in the action. It's fine if you need to cool off for a bit but I almost couldn't enjoy Time Is Running Out because of where I was.


Also, you better brace yourself for when the Eyeballoons are released, when Stockholm is played and when Knights is played because that and Uprising is when people seemed to go the most crazy.


By the end of the gig my ears were ringing through and through and I was absolutely drenched and thirsty as hell. My calves were incredibly sore as well too. Top that with the fact that I finally got my MK Ultra shirt, that was one of the most amazing nights I've had in a while. It's an absolute blast and I hope Muse come back here in the Fall.

Edited by jbyun04
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I haven't read much past the OP, but I want to chime in a bit: don't take this thread to mean that the whole of GA is like this. There's the pit and there's the rest of GA. The pit is total balls afaic, for all the reasons listed in this thread. I'd rather have space to dance and enjoy the music rather than fight for my life, but that's just me. :LOL:


If you're not into the combat thing, stay back a bit, near the edges of the mental zone. There's more space, fewer cunts, and you still get a great view. :happy:

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Yeah, we call them eyeballoons now because they look like giant eyeballs. They release them during PiB. :)


I know... Or Bliss... They will always be Hullabaloons to me ;) I think I still have one somewhere from Manchester 2006... last time I looked it was a bit manky ... and smelly.

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I haven't read much past the OP, but I want to chime in a bit: don't take this thread to mean that the whole of GA is like this. There's the pit and there's the rest of GA. The pit is total balls afaic, for all the reasons listed in this thread. I'd rather have space to dance and enjoy the music rather than fight for my life, but that's just me. :LOL:


If you're not into the combat thing, stay back a bit, near the edges of the mental zone. There's more space, fewer cunts, and you still get a great view. :happy:


+1 :LOL:

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I got to hit one! It was fun. :happy:


i had one pop over me...i'm making it my mission to get one next aussie tour :)


and added to that...GA is so much fun!!! i've been in GA for all but one show and had the best time in there...though only been on the barrier only once...at the big day out...

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Just wanted to say thank you for this thread! I'll be seeing Muse live for the first time in October and I'm now convinced that I must get GA tix for both shows we're going to. It sounds like the pit doesn't get overly insane.


My boyfriend (who likes Muse but isn't as obsessed as me :)) thinks he's "too old" (we're only 30!) to fight crazy crowds in a pit, but I think the last time he was in a moshpit was at a Gwar show a while back. Somehow I don't think a Muse show is the same scene as a Gwar show! (At least I hope not...)

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my last two shows I had seats and I am contemplating getting GA seats, but I am nervous because I am only 5" tall, I would be stuck behind, amidst tall people and not see anything



Honestly seeing isn't as much of a problem as breathing. If you're little though people will help you, so it has it's advantages.

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