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I'm sorry, but I think your reaction was a little rude there.


And you know what, if someone said to me, "I'm really sorry, but is it okay if I slip in front of you?" I probably wouldn't mind. If someone says to me, "Do you mind moving?" then no chance. There is asking, and there is asking politely, and asking someone else if they mind moving is not asking politely.




Was not meaning to be rude, I hate confrontation. And "I'm really sorry, but is it okay if I slip in front of you?" - that's how I would ask. I am very polite and would not want to offend anyone, truth!

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I'd be really pissed off if someone asked me to move. Really. On the other hand, if there's a short-arse behind me who can't see anything and there's space in front of me with a good view, I will let them come in front of me. Common courtesy and manners. Blatantly asking someone to move out of your way when 9 times out of 10 there's nowhere to go will only cause beef, and/or make the person you asked to move feel paranoid about their size and feel guilty and ruin their enjoyment of the gig! Don't ask people to move. It's really not on. :noey:


Summed it up very nicely there Gemsy :yesey:


Was not meaning to be rude, I hate confrontation. And "I'm really sorry, but is it okay if I slip in front of you?" - that's how I would ask. I am very polite and would not want to offend anyone, truth!


Ah right - that's not so bad then.

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Yeah, I mean just saying "excuse me" and just slipping past people to move forward in the crowd is pretty much the norm, so I'd just do that if you end up behind a tall person. But I can't imagine actually saying to one person, "Can I stand in front of you please you lanky git?" :LOL:

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Security at London O2 were the best for that. . . "If I see you queue jumping, then you're going straight to the back!" :LOL: Best queueing experience ever there, fo'srs.


O2 security and queueing was brilliant: security was ruthless but fair and the people around us very well behaved and good fun as well.


The security at the barrier in Sheffield was pretty ruthless too - this guy was kicking off a few rows being us being a really twat and pushing people. We told security who asked me to come closer and just yanked him out of the pit.



:yesey: It was excellent - we were proclaiming our love for the security as we walked in :LOL:




I remember that skipping down the floor at the O2 hand in hand saying hello to every security officer and telling them they were the best!

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Can't help that I'm tall. If a shorter person asks me to move then I may only if it doesn't effect someone elses view in the process, however its often very difficult for that to work in standing, particularly when you're closer up. I think Gemsy has definitely summed it up best.:yesey:


In regard to people pushing in at the front, it happens. Its always going to happen. Just have to practise the art of making them push back.


And yeah, if you want to be my friend, please don't skip me in the queue.:LOL:

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I was wary to bring up Jolly Green. Could spot that one all the way across the pit.


Anyway. I've gotten good vibes at MSG before and I'm sure I will be again so this barrier/tall person thing shan't be an issue. Now I just have to watch the back of my head for crowd surfers, which, and I'm sure everyone agrees on this, are dangerous.

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You wanna know what's even more annoying than queue jumpers? People who leave the pit a million times to get beer and still expect you to let them back up the front. :mad:


Heh yeah that gets annoying. At Depeche Mode on Wednesday so many people were going in and out the aisle just as they were coming on stage, why do people do all that when the gig's starting!? I hate it when you're all "Yay! It's starting!" and some beer appears in your face

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You wanna know what's even more annoying than queue jumpers? People who leave the pit a million times to get beer and still expect you to let them back up the front. :mad:


:LOL: Aw man, the intolerance! I wish people would realise that gigs are big parties, not some sort of polite theatre production. "We ask the audience to remain seated until the interval"

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Geez, what a lot of bitching and moaning, 8 pages worth!:eek: Seems like both the short ones and tall ones are a bit testy about their height...


Let's get this thread back on track and stop all the rudeness. (I am SUCH a mom!)


oh and btw at the November Birmingham gig, the fans queued right around the building, single file, very orderly and polite. Then the idiot security came and decided to use a different entry door and told everyone to move, starting a bit of a free-for-all, when they could have just taken the people at the head of the line and moved them over, the rest following. Ended up with a mob at the door, all pushy and shoving. Nice move.


At the Hammerstein, NYC in '06, the fans lined up in a snaking line defined by ropes, like at Disneyland or airport security. It ended up with the end of the line being told to enter first! I will admit that we were at the end of the line (took a while to organize 13 people and get there from NJ...) and found ourselves on the barrier. Stayed there too, as there was no way to really determine who had queued all day as they were among the last to be let in.


My point: security aren't always right!


(Can give you zillions of examples of good security too, don't get me wrong and start another 8-page pissing contest....:LOL:)

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:LOL: Aw man, the intolerance! I wish people would realise that gigs are big parties, not some sort of polite theatre production. "We ask the audience to remain seated until the interval"


I don't mind it usually but when it happens constantly like at Radiohead it can get really annoying :noey:

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oh and btw at the November Birmingham gig, the fans queued right around the building, single file, very orderly and polite. Then the idiot security came and decided to use a different entry door and told everyone to move, starting a bit of a free-for-all, when they could have just taken the people at the head of the line and moved them over, the rest following.


Similar thing happened at Sheffield, when they finally brought us up to the doors they split the line a couple back so people who were 50 or so behind me (I was only about 10 back from the front) got to the doors first. Then the next day at Liverpool they didn't put the signs up for GA queuing until around 5 so my group had to move. I even talked to the people at the other entrance and they were not very forthcoming.


le sigh.


I've noticed too that security in the UK seem to be far more liberal with giving out water. The gigs I've seen in the states they always seem a tad more put upon about it.

Edited by Degrassi41
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We had this group of lads in Paris who thought they could push in front of us when the door opened because we were girls, unfortunately for them we all locked arms and the 2 at the end grabbed hold of the barriers on each side and after a minute or so moving forward they pretty much realised that they were not gonna get through and stopped trying :LOL:


Ooooh I forgot about that. :LOL:

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I've noticed too that security in the UK seem to be far more liberal with giving out water. The gigs I've seen in the states they always seem a tad more put upon about it.


The guards in Austin 5/05 were great, gave my friend water when she was about to faint (had strep throat and a fever, but had driven 1200 miles to see Muse and was not about to lose her barrier spot!). Same in Vegas recently, shared the water.

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i'm 5'2 and i only go to pit in any concert i dont care being crushed, punched and even groped but there's no way i would see a rock concert from the seats it's like a rock concert blasphemy XD in my personal opinion

when muse came here i was on the pit and one of my friends was on the seats, she regrets that until now

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Now I just have to watch the back of my head for crowd surfers, which, and I'm sure everyone agrees on this, are dangerous.


I despise crowd surfers.


I think I've said it before, but the only time I think it's even vaguely acceptable is if someone is stuck, can't move back, and needs to get out (if they're going to faint or something). People who crowdsurf just for the fun of it? Yeah, they can fuck right off.

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Oh, in my last few gigs most people were super sweet. Esp the Swiss (well, they have a reputation for being slow, right :D) - shared water and all. The only prob I had so far were a few teenie ladies who felt they were the super groupies and were afraid I would steal their spot- :LOL:...


Btw, I am 5'3 and I tend to ask if I end up right behind a really tall guy and there is no space to move anywhere else. Most times it works, but most times also the pit takes care of it anyways...


In 06 I nearly fainted due to exhaustion mid set, so I was darn grateful that they played a few slower numbers to calm us all down again. But it was such a blast - never ever would I have a seat if I can avoid it!

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