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Winners of the NME awards..i JUST found out..poor me..

Best British Band: MUSE:D


Best Live Band: KASABIAN -???????


Sexiest Man: MATT BELLAMY :D






Worst Album: ROBBIE WILLIAMS (Rudebox) :LOL:


Worst Dressed - LILY ALLEN :LOL: :LOL:



Villain Of The Year - GEORGE W BUSH :LOL:


Hero Of The Year - GERARD WAY:eek:



and the rest..


Best International Band: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE


Best Solo Artist: JAMIE T


Best New Band: KLAXONS


Best Album: ARCTIC MONKEYS (Whatever People Say I Am, That's What I'm Not)


Best Track: THE VIEW (Wasted Little DJs)


Best Video: THE KILLERS (Bones)


Best Music DVD: ARCTIC MONKEYS (Scummy Man)


Best Live Event: CARLING WEEEKEND (Reading And Leeds Festivals)




Best Radio Show: ZANE LOWE (Radio 1)




Sexiest Woman: KATE MOSS


Best Dressed - FARRIS ROTTER




Best Website - YOUTUBE :D

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There was an article on The Sun, Wed, 28/02/07 here (e-paper):


But I couldn't open it. If anyone could open it, could you paste it here for everyone's reading or those who have Wednesday's edition could you pls scan and paste it here


Here's The Sun review on the gig!


Congrats MUSE for the NME Award!


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should've asked Matt whether they went to that Jalan Bellamy!!! :LOL:


he didn't go to jalan bellamy :(.. i think.. that's what matt said right? ehh?


okay. today is friday. i have written no. notes. whatsoever. in. any. of. my. law. class. Full of doodles. ohh chris (imagines second hug).. matthew (is he reading my book? please ohh please).. tom (where's our picture tom?), and dom ("chris is over there, matthew, i don't know where matthew is"), pakcik galaxy (50th bwek to evil pakcik galaxy), galaxy girl who sits right to matt (hey, that is MY previous spot.. and how dare you talk to him for such a loonng time)..


they are the most not stuck up people i've ever seen before.


P/S.. okay, i don't think i screwed yesterday's xm paper after all. They're pretty decent. Thank god..


Haih, i'm having the "remember-every-single-moment-there-syndrome-and-thinking-of-100-ways-i-could-have-done-to-change-history." I wished i wasn't so all over the place and so selebet (but what do you expect waking up from UiTM very early in the morning and stalking muse with a law book to boot).. I wished I had taken the time to properly dress up that morning, properly think of what to wear, properly wrap the books...... go for plastic surgery..."


Eh? Am i the only one still talking.. okay i'll shut up about it now.


my current mood : jealousy at shannaz for actually having the courage to go hug matt. Reminiscing Kak Faz's entry into klia.

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i think this whole 'senyum sorang2' thing is gonna get me in trouble one of these days! :LOL:

i cant stop it! i need help :$


'senyum sorang2' is way better than 'nangis sorang2','nangis' because couldnt meet em(and hugs matt of course)...life's miserable after the concert,i never thought it would be as bad as this,but i'm glad my friends here doesnt love muse at all,it'll be worse if they're as fanatic as we are..thank god...sigh..

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Crazy_mary, here's the news abt Beastie Boys (The Star, 12 Jan 2007)


Beastie Boys switch dates to September


PETALING JAYA: Fans of hip-hop band Beastie Boys will have to wait a little longer than expected as the New York outfit has rescheduled its upcoming show in Malaysia on Feb 22 to September. “The reason I was given was that one of the band members, they didn’t say who, had to return to the United States around the time of the concert in Malaysia for personal reasons,” said Razman Razali, managing director of organisers Pineapple Concerts.


OMG!!!! thank u soooo much. so they're coming here in september!!!! cant wait.. dunno if i wanna stalk ém or not coz i'm not obsessed bout ém as much as am wif muse.. but the thot of the beasties in malaysia!!!! yeay!!


Anyway, I did record a few piano playing & jamming parts from the giant screen.


- Finest moments with the piano for the song "Butterflies & Hurricanes"

- Jamming part towards ending of assassin, an improvisation of the album version

- Matt on piano at his melancholic best - ending of Citizen Erased

- Matt acts as if he's going to collapse on the piano at the end of the song Hoodoo

- Matt on megaphone for Feeling Good, then throwing confetti over his piano


( Sorry, most of them are on Matt.)


Anyone interested? Since there are lots of recordings already on the net, they may be redundant. Anyway, if anyone's interested, I'll upload it on you tube (or is there a better site to upload videos where people can download them easily?)


:yesey: yes plissss.. we can never get enuf of muse!!


:LOL: i myself keep "suddenly smiling" in class..thinking about crazy_mary's 'encounter'....:rolleyes:

page 100!! WOOT


lol....wat encounter?? btw thanks for nme result muse_music


Haih, i'm having the "remember-every-single-moment-there-syndrome-and-thinking-of-100-ways-i-could-have-done-to-change-history." I wished i wasn't so all over the place and so selebet (but what do you expect waking up from UiTM very early in the morning and stalking muse with a law book to boot).. I wished I had taken the time to properly dress up that morning, properly think of what to wear, properly wrap the books...... go for plastic surgery..."


my current mood : jealousy at shannaz for actually having the courage to go hug matt. Reminiscing Kak Faz's entry into klia.


+1 wish i could've done a lot of things differently too..


:LOL: people must thought i was out of mind... running like hell from the parking area to the departure halll.. i was out of breath when i first got there... and shannaz... am gonna say it againn: jelessss giler..


'senyum sorang2' is way better than 'nangis sorang2','nangis' because couldnt meet em(and hugs matt of course)...life's miserable after the concert,i never thought it would be as bad as this,but i'm glad my friends here doesnt love muse at all,it'll be worse if they're as fanatic as we are..thank god...sigh..


gelak sorang2, senyum sorang2... adoi.. biler PMS ni nak hilang.. i've just found out that i lost 50% of my lit on screen paper marks coz i didnt show up for class.... i'm flunking my masters..

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oooohh...i think this pms thingy wont stop for months or for me it could be worse if they dont come here asap,matt's voices ring-a-linging in my head every single moment and i couldnt concentrate even the most handsomous lecturer givin lectures in front of me,my coach was like,"are u okay?" when i suddenly giggle during my physical training(i actually wanna lol remembering how crazy i sing along from the beginning to the end of the concert),hahah...it's hillarious,i couldnt help laughing when i watch back what i've recorded using my cam,especially when it comes to feeling good,oh my, i cant help myself from crying,yeah,i was crying when matt played feeling good,for me the best song of the concert was feeling good,with that megaphone thingy,and feathers,it makes me cry(what a shame me cried that night but seriously i cant help myself u noe...please dont call me jerk for that crying thing


u're no jerk...i cried during hysteria... and again during butterflies and hurricanes...i guess i jz felt that, i nvr believed i wud see them play live before my very eyes..those songs i listened to endlessly (no pun intended) while imagining them playing in my bedroom..i never thought the day wud come where i saw them perform less than 10 ft away..:)

i noticed the galaxy and rela ppl holding the barrier back staring at me, thinking im gonna faint or smth...as i was crying, singing and jumping and shouting at the top of my lungs at the same time...:$ after tht nite, life feels so empty and meaningless now that a dream has been realised..sorry, i noe im still showing symptoms of PMS

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OMG!!!! thank u soooo much. so they're coming here in september!!!! cant wait.. dunno if i wanna stalk ém or not coz i'm not obsessed bout ém as much as am wif muse.. but the thot of the beasties in malaysia!!!! yeay!!




:yesey: yes plissss.. we can never get enuf of muse!!




lol....wat encounter?? btw thanks for nme result muse_music




+1 wish i could've done a lot of things differently too..


:LOL: people must thought i was out of mind... running like hell from the parking area to the departure halll.. i was out of breath when i first got there... and shannaz... am gonna say it againn: jelessss giler..




gelak sorang2, senyum sorang2... adoi.. biler PMS ni nak hilang.. i've just found out that i lost 50% of my lit on screen paper marks coz i didnt show up for class.... i'm flunking my masters..


waaaaaaa.... fuckin jeles la..

rite now i still cant get them off my head..

even i see wall, matt face is all i see.. hehehe

do you still remember me aaa?? i'm the girl that you offer mee goreng at entrance B.

how come you can see them????

ohhh.. i nearly died of jealously..

lucky you..

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* RESPECT* aMUSEing ShAnNaZ for your effort..


fused you look like the chinese girl with specs who was queing infront of me during ticket launch.. with the boyfriend i assume..


a friend of mine got the pick card for free, i thought it was a 'fan' hahaha.. i noticed it was free with the BHAR dvd??


and yeah.. i might have saw u aswell crazy_mary though i dont know how u look like... they closed up on the fans on the front barricade and i saw a few girls wearing tudung singing along in dreamland.. haha


4 of my friends were wearing M,U,S,E shirt was suppose to stick together all the way till the end but most of the time they we're seperated! hahaha i can only spell MES most of the time when i look at them.. haha


Oh, the 4 guys with M-U-S-E white shirts?? I think that was pretty cool :p Wanted to take their pics when I saw them in the stadium, but they were quite far from me. Then I lost them when the concert started, lol.

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Winners of the NME awards..i JUST found out..poor me..

Best British Band: MUSE:D


Best Live Band: KASABIAN -???????


Sexiest Man: MATT BELLAMY :D



just heard that dom gave an acceptance speech from the stage in taiwan!? right before the outro on SS!! omg..how crazy is that...anyone can find the video on9?

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their speech was awesome.. they did it live in taipei??


those people must have gone crazy!


right now i'm not sure whether

whether i'm better off when muse was never around in malaysia, or whether right now is where i wanna be..


oh wait. 27th december is definitely the only date i wanna be in right now.


kak faz are you serious you might jeopardize your masters? god, pity us both. i can't imagine explaining to future interviewing committee:

"I am very talented and a very amazing go-getter. That F you see on my land law paper, that was because I believe in persistence. I stalked muse from 8am in uitm to 3.pm with only the hope that muse haven't already left the day before."


god, shannaz. u hugged the sexiest male of NME... i so hugged the wrong male.


|| my friends were telling me i should have told muse about incidences where my tudung girlfriends got prevented from buying tickets.. i wished i'd remembered to mention that. even better, right in front of the galaxy guy.

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I was so excited with the news they were coming over here for a gig so i bought the ticket one month earlier because i knew they wud sell like hot cakes...i bought the rockzone tickets and hopefully can crashed in the pitt area which i and everybody else were easily crashed in...hehehe...:LOL:

The opening song Knight of Cydonia ... that song really makes u "ghairah" to mosh and jump u know...haha i was in the middle of the crowd and i went crazy when it comes to that catchy riff...so was everybody else sampai the crowd in front of me almost fall down...that time my left shoe came off...im quite panic :eek: coz my feet can be cacat for life if get step on with excitedly moshing peeps...so i "selok2" i got this one shoe...a man's shoe...i just wore it and have an insanely joyous evening..haha...i wonder whose shoe was it. at the end of the concert...the place looked like been hit by tsunami...with water bottles everywhere...wet and there were people looking around for their lost belongings...including me...haha..looking for my left shoes! people were friendly too in helping to find my shoe...at last i found it...hancur already...oh well at least my feet is fine and dandy...;)

well, on the third song i cannot tahan the middle crowd coz a lot of pushing and im not stable coz the shoe incident so i went back a bit...but still enjoying myself like hell...i was star struck at the beginning untill the end....no...scratch that...i am still feeling star struck until now...i mean....there are MUSE in front of me...! I watch them play in MTV..CHANNEL V but now hey...they are here!!! :happy: my feets also still sore from the gig..~!


I loooovee feeling good...they were insanely amazing..! :happy: i was okey with their latest songs...but older songs kept me going...like sunburn...plug in baby...hysteria...;)

time is running out is too overated...but hell, i mosh like there was no tomorrow...

but kinda let down they didnt play cave and unintended...:(

mostly they played new songs...knight of cydonia my fave...one of the song that uplifting to hear in the morning before u go to work u know ;) ...huhuhu i wish they will make a second tour here....lets pray for that!~ :happy:

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i noticed the galaxy and rela ppl holding the barrier back staring at me, thinking im gonna faint or smth...as i was crying, singing and jumping and shouting at the top of my lungs at the same time...:$ after tht nite, life feels so empty and meaningless now that a dream has been realised..sorry, i noe im still showing symptoms of PMS


hey.. where were u? i thot of calling u when i got at the std. if u can c the rela peeps it means ur rite infront, yes?


waaaaaaa.... fuckin jeles la..

rite now i still cant get them off my head..

even i see wall, matt face is all i see.. hehehe

do you still remember me aaa?? i'm the girl that you offer mee goreng at entrance B.

how come you can see them????

ohhh.. i nearly died of jealously..

lucky you..


yes be jelesss of me.. but be jelesss of shannaz more coz she got to hug matt!!!

were u the one with blue mascara? yang baru baik demam tu ke? eheh.. i was damn hungry u see. tak makan langsung the nite b4 that coz was soooo excited..



dommehhh sooo sexeeehhhh..



oh wait. 27th december is definitely the only date i wanna be in right now.


kak faz are you serious you might jeopardize your masters? god, pity us both. i can't imagine explaining to future interviewing committee:

"I am very talented and a very amazing go-getter. That F you see on my land law paper, that was because I believe in persistence. I stalked muse from 8am in uitm to 3.pm with only the hope that muse haven't already left the day before."


god, shannaz. u hugged the sexiest male of NME... i so hugged the wrong male.


|| my friends were telling me i should have told muse about incidences where my tudung girlfriends got prevented from buying tickets.. i wished i'd remembered to mention that. even better, right in front of the galaxy guy.


december? u mean feb???


ya la... akak rasa akak kena stop. cant stand the pressure of working and studying at the same time anymore..i'll stop when this sem is done...not bcoz of muse tho..eheh. but just got back from class and begged my lecturer to give me another chance 4 my presentation and i got it..alhamdulillah..


shannaaaaazzzzzz..... sexiest ferr.. ooppss male tu!!!!!! *dies*


if u had told ém do u think muse would have cared? i hope they do.. coz i just cant stand when peeps discriminate!! malaysia is full of people like us..


oit oit!!!!


those two har har har Pm me!!!

later we go yam char!!!!

eit eit..




:LOL: orraiit.. but plisss, no ba kut teh ya..



am loving take a bow and supermassive now.. used to hate ém.


EDIT: pliss somebody tell me that i'm not going crazy.. but did the two contestants in american idol who went out last nite really sang muse' feeling good???? coz i was asleep and was awaken by that songg.. ehehe.. acute PMS tol..

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hey.. where were u? i thot of calling u when i got at the std. if u can c the rela peeps it means ur rite infront, yes?


EDIT: pliss somebody tell me that i'm not going crazy.. but did the two contestants in american idol who went out last nite really sang muse' feeling good???? coz i was asleep and was awaken by that songg.. ehehe.. acute PMS tol..


i was 2nd row from the front, more to chris's side of the stage..but the girl in front of me was short, so the view i got was as good as any ;)

i was tempted to call u too while waiting at the pitt entrance...i think u might've seen me wif my frens..not many chinese there tht early..heh..was wearing white shirt n glasses..i look lyk a scrawny lil kid :p


yeah yeah..i heard one of the guys sing feeling good..think its the first time i actually watched a full song performance in a.idol..lol

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