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hahaa...i've argued with my sis bout this and she really got awesome ideas to button my lips (yeah she's a muse fan but she didnt go the concert...that's why she's so pissed off)....i think it's forgiveable for girls to be so fanatic to muse....but for boys...please dont....concern bout ur future wife....be straight huhu....


still bout the concert...i just love the extra riff in the between of supermassiveblackhole.....what a clever sweet rhyme he got...



to all u girls who r obsessed with MUSE, r u guys single? if ur not then how does ur BF handle ur obsession?! :LOL:

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oh yeah....back in 4,5 years ago,i thought i was the only one who loved muse more than anything(even i thought i am the no 1 muse fanatic in this country)when i say i love muse,my friends will go"muse who?"...and now,muse has become more mainstream and we dont need to introduce them anymore,yeah it makes my job easier as i dont need to explain them but it's not as sweet as the good old days(when theres onle me and muse and nobody seems to be cared about them)...hahaha...my bad for being so selfish....


oh i have to stop now.......or else i got carried away again......gogogo...studies more important...


yeah...i liked it when no one knows MUSE!!! id be happy watching the gig by myself :LOL: its like they only perform for me! how great is that! i wish i could have them perform on my birthday someday! :D *sigh* if only im THAT lucky!!!

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akak crazy mary @ kak faz,

whatt??? shannaz got matt's hug. *dies of jealously*

ummp, i once got to hug matt but only in dream. hehehe..

akak, kite still dalam mood muse skarang ni. radio pun x nak bukak coz nak dgr lagu muse aje. camner nak buang syndrome ni?? lingkup la study camni...:(


Hiii!!! sampai tercabut tudung? kwn akaknyer tudung kept being pulled from behind too. i dont understand some guys.. they all ni langsung tak gentleman and showed no sense of respect towards women. the dude behind my friend was actually taller, but he kept pushing to go forward, i got so pissed at him that i told this rela guy, and finally that guy made him stood at the back again... pity my friend la, she suffered more so she couldnt enjoy the gig as much as i did.. she's not a muse fan (and still not, even after the concert!!!) oh well... least i tried.


if im not mistaken he was just holding a normal camera....he used his videocam at the concert though, i hope im in that one too! :LOL:


yeah, i saw that vidcam as well.. pray to god i'm not in it..


kalau nak usha sweater tu tengok kat sini(official online merc store for MUSE)

Smart ak???ingat nak beli kalau ade jual kat sini sebab

mahal sangat kalau beli dr web tu.


Yg belt tu sama ngn yg ni x???


waa.. cantik gak sweater tu.. but i didnt see any kt booth dlm std. i noe coz waktu ngah beratur i could c 'em setting up the booth. ko tak try carik kt booth yg kt luar std?


yer.. samer jer.. ada tie gak rasanyer time tuh.. but i paid more attention to the shirts.


sigh, i love Fury. :) i love the lyrics for TIRO too. its very... sexy. haha. to me, anyway. :p that whole song is pretty sexy. and the videoclip too! :LOL: damn it sorry i side tracked. haha.


dont wanna make mr ibrahimovic (i like that sweedish player .. but larson is better) tegur me again... but yes.. TIRO is sooooo sexy..


hahaa...i've argued with my sis bout this and she really got awesome ideas to button my lips (yeah she's a muse fan but she didnt go the concert...that's why she's so pissed off)....i think it's forgiveable for girls to be so fanatic to muse....but for boys...please dont....concern bout ur future wife....be straight huhu....


still bout the concert...i just love the extra riff in the between of supermassiveblackhole.....what a clever sweet rhyme he got...


tell ur sis she rocks!!! :LOL: it's just for fun mate. normalla for girls to be like this.. but wait, i'm no more a girl..


yes, yes ... i love the in bet guitar and piano riffs..


im just done repeating last week's setlist! :D im high again! :LOL:


hey.. i'm just about to start!!

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dont wanna make mr ibrahimovic (i like that sweedish player .. but larson is better) tegur me again... but yes.. TIRO is sooooo sexy..




tell ur sis she rocks!!! :LOL: it's just for fun mate. normalla for girls to be like this.. but wait, i'm no more a girl..


yes, yes ... i love the in bet guitar and piano riffs..




hahaa...i'm not teguring (teguring?)....i'm just giving my honest opinion bout the obsession....well if it doesnt mislead u all to the wrong path....i guess it's ok then....but i still dont agree when u said that matt is so damn cute,handsome and all that stuffs....he's just moderate ok?....if he is not a superstar and just a normal guy walking down the street (jalan bellamy haha)....i dont think u all will come to him and be like "ohhhh u r sooo cool..what's ur name?"...hahaa....


extra riff right after the assassin...that's what we called cool...heheh...:D

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hahaa...i've argued with my sis bout this and she really got awesome ideas to button my lips (yeah she's a muse fan but she didnt go the concert...that's why she's so pissed off)....i think it's forgiveable for girls to be so fanatic to muse....but for boys...please dont....concern bout ur future wife....be straight huhu....


i am a guy and i wanna bersanding with matthew bellamy in the future


if he is not a superstar and just a normal guy walking down the street (jalan bellamy haha)....i dont think u all will come to him and be like "ohhhh u r sooo cool..what's ur name?"...hahaa....


extra riff right after the assassin...that's what we called cool...heheh...:D


i can imagine kak faz going : ferret!!! i wanna that ferret *dies*


to all u girls who r obsessed with MUSE, r u guys single? if ur not then how does ur BF handle ur obsession?! :LOL:


i got ditched by MR right because i obsess too much about chris.. ahhaha, kidding.. but incidentally, i'm not exactly a man magnet leaving me free to obsess with whomever i want (even william hung, but eww, yuck?)

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i am a guy and i wanna bersanding with matthew bellamy in the future




i can imagine kak faz going : ferret!!! i wanna that ferret *dies*


no...u're kidding me right?....coz u r a girl....if im not mistaken....yes...of course u r a girl...and matt is not a gay....or i should stop listening to them...as what happen to placebo....those species should never exist...dammit...

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no...u're kidding me right?....coz u r a girl....if im not mistaken....yes...of course u r a girl...and matt is not a gay....or i should stop listening to them...as what happen to placebo....those species should never exist...dammit...


nope, matt and dom kissed in klia..

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hahaa...i'm not teguring (teguring?)....i'm just giving my honest opinion bout the obsession....well if it doesnt mislead u all to the wrong path....i guess it's ok then....but i still dont agree when u said that matt is so damn cute,handsome and all that stuffs....he's just moderate ok?....if he is not a superstar and just a normal guy walking down the street (jalan bellamy haha)....i dont think u all will come to him and be like "ohhhh u r sooo cool..what's ur name?"...hahaa....


extra riff right after the assassin...that's what we called cool...heheh...:D


wat wrong path?? :LOL: well, i see ur point. even if i c matt walking along jalan belamy i wouldnt go "ohhhh u r sooo cool..what's ur name?" yeah, i kinda admit it is kinda silly.. but it was just for fun u noe..well, if u think he is moderate... that's fine by me;)


i am a guy and i wanna bersanding with matthew bellamy in the future


i can imagine kak faz going : ferret!!! i wanna that ferret *dies*


i got ditched by MR right because i obsess too much about chris.. ahhaha, kidding.. but incidentally, i'm not exactly a man magnet leaving me free to obsess with whomever i want (even william hung, but eww, yuck?)




am i that predictable?? u forgot sexy... sexy.. ferret.:LOL:




no...u're kidding me right?....coz u r a girl....if im not mistaken....yes...of course u r a girl...and matt is not a gay....or i should stop listening to them...as what happen to placebo....those species should never exist...dammit...



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wat wrong path?? :LOL: well, i see ur point. even if i c matt walking along jalan belamy i wouldnt go "ohhhh u r sooo cool..what's ur name?" yeah, i kinda admit it is kinda silly.. but it was just for fun u noe..well, if u think he is moderate... that's fine by me;)




this is what would happen if muse wasn't a band.. i would totally overlook chris... but me and my friends, we would go gaga over matt and dom and be like, "look at the guy seblah meja yang makan ikan pari bakar tu.. hot gile kan?? *nudges friend* go lah mengoratkan die for me.. *hides under table* while loyal best friend go do her duties.*


oh nooooo.... what could have been.. matt oh matt why do you have to enter a famous band and be so unapproachable.. :happy:

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Hiii!!! sampai tercabut tudung? kwn akaknyer tudung kept being pulled from behind too. i dont understand some guys.. they all ni langsung tak gentleman and showed no sense of respect towards women. the dude behind my friend was actually taller, but he kept pushing to go forward, i got so pissed at him that i told this rela guy, and finally that guy made him stood at the back again... pity my friend la, she suffered more so she couldnt enjoy the gig as much as i did.. she's not a muse fan (and still not, even after the concert!!!) oh well... least i tried.


actually i protected some girls during the concert....even the girls with their boyfriends hahaaa....

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actually i protected some girls during the concert....even the girls with their boyfriends hahaaa....

hey..about the tudung thing. luckily my tudung hadnt been pulled that nite:pussy: but there was a guy...who went very excited (everyone does)...n he forgot that he was holding his drinks. he jumped n spilled his drinks to ppl around him..including me!!:mad: and he was like..'sorry, i forgot i was holding my drinks'..n poof!!gone~ i was like..hey!!..u stooooopid kid!n i heard some of them mumbled...:LOL:

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to all u girls who r obsessed with MUSE, r u guys single? if ur not then how does ur BF handle ur obsession?! :LOL:


Hehehehe... yeah to those girls that's still single, I'm still single & available :D . Maybe because I care more about muse rather than getting gf I guess :p . Its not that I'm obsess how cute matt or how charming dom or how *grunt* chris is, it's b'coz of thier music rocks! Damn it feels good to finally watch Muse's gig.

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to all u girls who r obsessed with MUSE, r u guys single? if ur not then how does ur BF handle ur obsession?! :LOL:


he's a BIGGGG fan of MUSE himself...n he was crazzzzzzzzzzzzyyyy on that concert..its good to have a BF who has the same obsession..isn't it??...:LOL: n my gal fren's BF is a BIGGGG fan of muse too..n he was like, 'hey,i can play guitar (guitar..is it the exact word??..huhu) juz like Matt'..& we were like "duh!!...borrrrrringg!!!'...:LOL: pity him,huhu

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Sooo lucky to have a BF with the same obsession!!! :LOL:

yeah..its hard to find a guy wit the same passion as mine.i've met a guy, n i told him im sooo into muse, n he was like 'muse???...muse 2 ape??'..la,he dont know muse..he DONT even know what is muse :stunned: n i left him the moment he said what is muse..(im sooo mean..but i cant stand guys like that..mannn..im MEAN...didnt i??)o lord..forgive me for leaving him..huhu

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betul, x der perasaan nak dgr lagu selain dari dari lagu muse.. hehehe..

ahhh... walaupun dah seminggu berlalu, still ader vmood muse..:$

same here..everytime i listen to muse's songs..n suddenly the image of the concert appears n it wont go..no matter how hard i try..:LOL: haiyyyeee...i'll b the next psycho..probably :musesign:

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Hehehehe... yeah to those girls that's still single, I'm still single & available :D . Maybe because I care more about muse rather than getting gf I guess :p . Its not that I'm obsess how cute matt or how charming dom or how *grunt* chris is, it's b'coz of thier music rocks! Damn it feels good to finally watch Muse's gig.



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same here..everytime i listen to muse's songs..n suddenly the image of the concert appears n it wont go..no matter how hard i try..:LOL: haiyyyeee...i'll b the next psycho..probably :musesign:


all days, i just listening to their songs. and keep imagine them during the concert.. ohh..just cant get them out off my head.

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