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vspirit, i don't know if they'll remember malaysia by it, but i did give matt some stuff. only it was lousily wrapped, and actually it was halfway open already because i was about to throw the gifts (aka the books) away when they suddenly showed up right in front of me..


dom was amazing. i first saw dom, and i got him to sign the piece of crap paper from skyvans.. i was pretending not to have seen chris (and i didn't see matt at all), so i asked him. "Dom, where's matt and chris?" He was like " Oh well, chris is right oover there... And matt, hmmm, let's see, hmm, actually i don't know where matt went." (rubs own dagu very the cunly).. I was super starstruck, and had i brought along a videocam, i would so have shouted "wait wait.. can you say that again to the video cam again please?"

haha.. oh, and after that, i once tersasul name dom with chris.. morgan was laughing.
















and crazy_mary, you know what? I SHOULD HAVE BLOODY CALLED YOU! instead of waiting for you to call me, i should have bloody called you and then i might have had the chance to speak to Dom!! arghhh the regret is killing meeee.... *cries*


and nope i'm still not over the PMS yet. i couldnt sleep for the past 2 nights right after the gig, and last night i finally listened to Muse again and i could sleep peacefully. haha :happy:





*chuckles* some of us have thought of it. we just didn't think to actually act on it. at least it's good for them to know that they won't get mobbed here. a few fans here and there just to show they aren't totally unknown beyond their music but not so many as to be a bother to them.


but hey at least some of us got to meet them. really glad for you guys =D thanks for sharing all those nifty, nifty piccharz. and i think it's fantastic that crazy wore her baju kurung as I'm sure it's a real taste of malaysian tradition for the dudes. you look nice, btw, babe.


and howard's clothing color scheme is nice. against the pretty much dim background he really shone. i guess this makes up for the lack of yellow trousers, huh?


huhu, was bellamy just pointing or was he striking a Saturday Night Fever pose there (referring to the skylight...? skybridge..? sky...something picchar)? no, really. i honestly can't tell...


ya totally :happy: its like the opposite of what he normally wears...

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but hey at least some of us got to meet them. really glad for you guys =D thanks for sharing all those nifty, nifty piccharz. and i think it's fantastic that crazy wore her baju kurung as I'm sure it's a real taste of malaysian tradition for the dudes. you look nice, btw, babe.


u should've seen the galaxy people's faces when i first arrived, they were looking at me up and down.. sure hell, thinking " wat? org mcm ni pun bole minat muse ker??":LOL: i'm so embarrsed rite now. :$


i am still going crazy.

And tomorrow i have another test.


+ 1292746547845 !!!! i wish there's a medication that can help me calm my nerves down. i'm afraid my colleague mite think that i'm going crazy.. coz i cant stop smilling at work!! they kept asking if i am in love....:LOL: yeah, with muse!! and i couldnt do any reading for my next class!!


btw shannaz thanks a lot for the pix my dear, but could u plissssss edit my pic out, i haf no self-esteemmm and just hate looking at my ugly face:$ :$ :$


EDIT: yes deb, if only... no worries, so now u noe how to stalk 'em the next time they do come here.. we can always plan together ehehh

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i saw a video from the pitt...you can hardly hear matt singing in the area...but from where i was sitting, it sounds nicely...just like harmonized background vocals and not drowned matt's vocal


well, my friend thot so too.. but i didnt think so coz i could CLEARLY hear matt's voice and everything... i was almost deaf..


Hey crazy_mary i think you dont look too bad! n it's so cool u wore the baju! what exactly did u wear at the gig? im jus curious.. n what did u talk to the dudes about?


awww.. that's nice of u but i dont buy it!!! :D i wore a shirt and jeans la and tudung of course.. i had to wear that baju kurung coz i was rushing from work..didnt haf time to change and all..


EDIT: o forgot - well, i was late compared to those two girls, but we actually talked to dom first when i called him to take a photo wif me and for deb. cant remember much (coz was really staring at dom's eyes and face to make sure i remember every detail ) but basically the usual stuff, how was malaysia... quite surprised that they didnt go back on monday and when are they coming back plus thanking them for coming here..

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awww.. that's nice of u but i dont buy it!!! :D i wore a shirt and jeans la and tudung of course.. i had to wear that baju kurung coz i was rushing from work..didnt haf time to change and all..


EDIT: o forgot - well, i was late compared to those two girls, but we actually talked to dom first when i called him to take a photo wif me and for deb. cant remember much (coz was really staring at dom's eyes and face to make sure i remember every detail ) but basically the usual stuff, how was malaysia... quite surprised that they didnt go back on monday and when are they coming back plus thanking them for coming here..




Oh cmon i was sincere in the comment! :D


What did they say when u asked when r they coming back? im guessing they don't know? heh heh

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EDIT: o forgot - well, i was late compared to those two girls, but we actually talked to dom first when i called him to take a photo wif me and for deb. cant remember much (coz was really staring at dom's eyes and face to make sure i remember every detail ) but basically the usual stuff, how was malaysia... quite surprised that they didnt go back on monday and when are they coming back plus thanking them for coming here..


omg lol what colour are his eyes? nobody can tell. in some pictures its green, some its grey, some its blue. its really odd. DID YOU GET A GOOD LOOK? :stunned:


k. faz! we were both from work! lol! Matt actually thought i work at KLIA! n i was wearing my tag too n he was like 'whats this'? while holding my tag! :LOL: he's so damn CUTE!!! im loving my tag now! LOL!


omg thats so cute!! scan that tag for fingerprints!! cloning is the way! lol.


gosh i have no idea what i'd do if i were in your shoes. both of you. you may see me now as some chatty girl online but in real life i'm actually prety shy. some might think its hostility. but its plain shyness. if i ever see them i think i might just freeze...

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gosh i have no idea what i'd do if i were in your shoes. both of you. you may see me now as some chatty girl online but in real life i'm actually prety shy. some might think its hostility. but its plain shyness. if i ever see them i think i might just freeze...


i think thats what happened to me actually! i kinda regret i didnt talk much to them especially Matt! come to think of it, theres like a million questions i wanna ask him but i didnt coz i was mesmerized! i just hope i will get another chance to chat with them again! but i dont think im 'that' lucky! :LOL:

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k. faz! we were both from work! lol! Matt actually thought i work at KLIA! n i was wearing my tag too n he was like 'whats this'? while holding my tag! :LOL: he's so damn CUTE!!! im loving my tag now! LOL!


:LOL: two ladies who are obssesssed gillleeeeerrr ngan muse!!! awww.. did he? god, shannaz akak jeles giler la pulak!! but i thot he waasss so short but HHOOOOTTT.


Oh cmon i was sincere in the comment! :D


What did they say when u asked when r they coming back? im guessing they don't know? heh heh


still dont buy that :LOL: yeah, u guessed it rite. "not sure" ( correct rite, shannaz?)


omg lol what colour are his eyes? nobody can tell. in some pictures its green, some its grey, some its blue. its really odd. DID YOU GET A GOOD LOOK? :stunned:




omg thats so cute!! scan that tag for fingerprints!! cloning is the way! lol.


gosh i have no idea what i'd do if i were in your shoes. both of you. you may see me now as some chatty girl online but in real life i'm actually prety shy. some might think its hostility. but its plain shyness. if i ever see them i think i might just freeze...


i did! they were blue...*dies*


yes, yes very cute ...


yeah, i noe, i remember having an awkward silent moment wif u at entrance B ;)

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:LOL: two ladies who are obssesssed gillleeeeerrr ngan muse!!! awww.. did he? god, shannaz akak jeles giler la pulak!! but i thot he waasss so short but HHOOOOTTT.




still dont buy that :LOL: yeah, u guessed it rite. "not sure" ( correct rite, shannaz?)




i did! they were blue...*dies*


yes, yes very cute ...


yeah, i noe, i remember having an awkward silent moment wif u at entrance B ;)


lol yeah.. haha sorry about that. even at the grand meet up i was pretty quiet... :( its a shame, really.

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somebody suggest to me what do i do now (instead of rushing every 2 hours to the library just to check on this muse forum)..


btw, i'm not sure about the rest, but since i heard them live, everytime i hear them on cd, i just starts reminiscing back to the concert. My cd cannot compare ever compare to them live anymore.


Sigh.. PLEASSSEE COMEE BACKKK........ i am dying here..

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how ar you guys doing there... i still cannot believe that I TOUCHED them yesterday.


Tell me it's true... tell me tell me...




still dont buy that :LOL: yeah, u guessed it rite. "not sure" ( correct rite, shannaz?)



actually, he kind of said maybe next year, as i recall! And didn't all three of us made him promise and he said I promise? (Or am I just going crazy now?)

I hope Matt really means it when he says they might be coming back next year. Cannot wait!.

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u should've seen the galaxy people's faces when i first arrived, they were looking at me up and down.. sure hell, thinking " wat? org mcm ni pun bole minat muse ker??":LOL: i'm so embarrsed rite now. :$


haha, don't worry. There were plenty of times that i got called "ustazah" back at the stadium as well. BWEK to them all!

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u know what? as i recall, one of the pictures that we took of dom was meant for u.. shannaz was like, "we have a friend.. her name is debbie. she really wants to meet you.. Can we take a picture of you for her?" Then that picture was taken.


Ask shannaz which one was it. I can't recall.


If we were to tell matt the same thing, you know, a phone call might have been on the way to your phone.. haha.. the shame of thinking what could have been....


oh my god oh my god. Ok, i'm going now. I have got to study. Law. School. Is. More. Important. Than. Muse.


Okay. I think I convinced myself. I'm going now.

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how ar you guys doing there... i still cannot believe that I TOUCHED them yesterday.


Tell me it's true... tell me tell me...




actually, he kind of said maybe next year, as i recall! And didn't all three of us made him promise and he said I promise? (Or am I just going crazy now?)

I hope Matt really means it when he says they might be coming back next year. Cannot wait!.


im not doin too good here, everytime i recall back the memory of talking to them, i cant breath! i need some serious help now...

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how ar you guys doing there... i still cannot believe that I TOUCHED them yesterday.


Tell me it's true... tell me tell me...




actually, he kind of said maybe next year, as i recall! And didn't all three of us made him promise and he said I promise? (Or am I just going crazy now?)

I hope Matt really means it when he says they might be coming back next year. Cannot wait!.


not too good, my dear. acute pms la...


i cant believe it either!!


oh yeah, i remember the promise thing but as i said i wasnt really paying much attention, was more star -truck!!!


haha, don't worry. There were plenty of times that i got called "ustazah" back at the stadium as well. BWEK to them all!


+1 how racist and close minded !!!



u know what? as i recall, one of the pictures that we took of dom was meant for u.. shannaz was like, "we have a friend.. her name is debbie. she really wants to meet you.. Can we take a picture of you for her?" Then that picture was taken.


Ask shannaz which one was it. I can't recall.


If we were to tell matt the same thing, you know, a phone call might have been on the way to your phone.. haha.. the shame of thinking what could have been....


oh my god oh my god. Ok, i'm going now. I have got to study. Law. School. Is. More. Important. Than. Muse.


Okay. I think I convinced myself. I'm going now.


it was me actually, i've pm her the pix but it was blurry.. yes, adila go back and study la... ur future is more important..


look shannaz wat u haf done to me.. ur pix made me go crazy again.. and the three of us are practically taking over the board :LOL:

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u know what? as i recall, one of the pictures that we took of dom was meant for u.. shannaz was like, "we have a friend.. her name is debbie. she really wants to meet you.. Can we take a picture of you for her?" Then that picture was taken.


Ask shannaz which one was it. I can't recall.


If we were to tell matt the same thing, you know, a phone call might have been on the way to your phone.. haha.. the shame of thinking what could have been....


oh my god oh my god. Ok, i'm going now. I have got to study. Law. School. Is. More. Important. Than. Muse.


Okay. I think I convinced myself. I'm going now.


HOHHHH :eek: actually i did think of that, i sent crazy_mary an sms saying "omg can i speak to them? O.O" but hotlink was being a bitch so she received that sms after they left. WHICH IS SUCH A TERRIBLE THING!! omg imagine what would happen if she got the sms on time and she called me and i got to speak to Dom, and then i could ask him to pass the phone to Matt and Chris and Tom or something... oh man oh man i could cry :eek: i seriously could.


lol i'm not entirely a Dom fan you know! i like Matt as much too! sure i make jokes about him looking like a ferret/bird/meerkat but he's still good looking :LOL: oh man if you told him about me, and i was just doing my own stuff at home and suddenly i got a phone call and its MATT!


omg i dunno what i'd do.


i'm actually picturing the conversation in my head right now..... :stunned: it involves a lot of little-girl-squeeling and me grinning like a mad idiot. :LOL:


it was me actually, i've pm her the pix but it was blurry.. yes, adila go back and study la... ur future is more important..


look shannaz wat u haf done to me.. ur pix made me go crazy again.. and the three of us are practically taking over the board :LOL:


lol thanks again for that, crazy_mary ;) man ALL THREE OF YOU are making me crazy!! *feels left out* my exams are in a week and i cant stop PMSing.

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