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Everything posted by queeney88

  1. Honestly, I can't even understand the article when they're translated it directly from English.
  2. I thought they're not touring next year due to work for the sixth album
  3. Congratulation miele for your wedding. Semoga berbahagia sehingga anak cucu I already watch the MTV Exit/MK Ultra video on youtube. It's kinda sad to know that slavery still happen nowadays. Unfortunately, I can't go to Paramore's gig, I'm working on that day actually I only know a few of their song But I'm looking forward for Adam Lambert's gig. Wonder if he will sing Soaked eventhough I like Muse's version more.
  4. SELAMAT HARI RAYA to all!!! I'm busy entertained my relatives from the first day of raya until now. I don't even get rest Yesterday my niece told me that Muse was on 8tv during pagi raya. Oh god, I missed it. Btw, I'm too busy to turn on the tv.LOL.
  5. A&W's root beer FTW! You can call me Tim. Yeah, I was at the barrier during 07 gig (and still having mental image of Matt's crotch in front of my eyes:$) It will be great idea to fly to Japan. I wonder how many great festival that we can go to (Fuji rock etc.) Have you guys seen Muse official music videos on YouTube? They're all blocked by Warner people!
  6. The time has come to make things riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight...... Maybe I was dreaming about Jusco because I always go shopping there. Kak Faz happy birthday to you!! I still remember you offered me your breakfast when we're beratur outside stadium negara back in 2007. And Happy fasting to all Muslim musers!
  7. whoa KoC FTW!! i've been lurk here before.i think it's the right time for me to make an appearance
  8. guys, i just want to share my dream last night. in my dream, muse is coming down to malaysia but there're performing in Jusco (WTF??) there's only a few audience. people not interested in them tho. i was screaming like OMFG, Musehhh!!! i ran on the stage and asked matt for autograph. then i realize that he's so freaking short!! his height is like 12 years old kid. then, i awake. that's my only muse related dream.
  9. Wut??? Galaxy dont want to bring them here again? Shame. But lets hope for other organizers to bring muse here. Guys, I've been lurking here on and off but why this thread so dead now?
  10. i just listening + downloading invincible radio edit and it's liek :eek: what happen to muse's songs when it is cut to fix the radio version:stunned: they cut my fave part.. as well as Koc radio edit
  11. can... can.. juz pm me ok? it includes pre n after gig interviews of them.. it's in avi format.. but take a bow n tiro is separately n it dont include stockholm syndrome but, i got a part at the end of ss (which matt hold his manson up infront of screen:D ) kak, i really2 want that dvd.. (cant wait too see dom+chris's shower scene:D )
  12. hey, i dont have hullaballo. kindly who interested to trade it wif me, please tell me ahh.. i have (vcd) of: milan 2004 glastonbury 2004 muse mtv big day out 2004 pink pop 2004 reading 2006 rock am ring 2004 and i can burn some vids 4 any1 whos interested: later with jools holland eurockenees 2000 bizzare fest 2000 la musicale france top of the pops n much morrreeee..
  13. i bought it in 2005 at a cd stall near my place. then last year i downloaded the BBC version of it from http://www.muselive.com anyway, i dont have the hullaballo.. i want la..
  14. she goes mental coz matt tease her liek 'huhuhu.. i'm in here.. catch me if u can' then the girl smack the mirror.. n said, 'ko hingat ko power sgt la' haha.. bayar ganti rugi:LOL: .. have anyone notice a part that the girl on the way up to the mem's room, she wears a ring that have 'DH' on it? what does this mean? is it DOMINIC HOWARD? whaaaa.. i already got the glastonbury Shep Bush?? Owhh.. i just got a few vids such tiro, KoC, plug in baby, n assassin.. me want the full version..
  15. lolz.. i've got ALL of their vids.. when i'm in form 4, i bought a cd that contain muse mtvs then, i become muselive.com member so that i can download berjuta-juta lemon of their vid during gigs @ concert, mtv, interviews, mp3s n rare recording (also b-side) hey bidadari, me think the sunburn vid is about a babysitter that want to steal her mem's necklace and then the ghost (muse!!!!) of the house (kind of penunggu) remind her.. to break this endless lies secretly she cries
  16. whoooaaaa.. o rly??? hehe.. all week i wait for the concert review on melodi. but they didnt review that!!! how come? speaking about muzik-muzik, i was slept time tu.. my fren sms me and told me to watch tv3.. and i liek OMG!!! running like hell to downstairs and thank god.. i seen a bit of MUSE concert that i went on tv.. hehe
  17. i just want to know if someone out there have Assassin (Grand Omega Bosses Edit) mp3?? God, i really want that version:rolleyes:
  18. i think he's in same age with Dom coz once i read in somewhere that Tom and Dom is classmates.. and of course he is the good looking one.. with no bulu-bulu...
  19. hohoho, i'm asking that tho.. is that correct?? me think that was the spanish version.
  20. lolz..remember there's a drama that called Mat Dom Teksi.. hahaha..
  21. brader, ko x yah la sampai nak nyampah kat kitorang.. bukan salah kitorang pun nak obses kat muse (salahkan MUSe..hehe) kitorang pham ape yg ko nak sampaikan.. kitorang bukanla tergiler-giler pasal status dorang as rock star (not groupies ok?) bukan gak gile pasal look dorang.. dorang bukan nye ensem macam orlando bloom pun.. tapi kitorang suke + kagum + respek + sayang kat muzik dorang.. memang la, dah lumrah gadis2 mase kini minat kat artis tu sampai obses gegiler.. so, ko yg patut kene trime kenyataan.. jgn ingat kitorang ni sekadar mnat paras rupe.. aku x raser yang mender2 camni boleh memalukan diri memasing.. abes tu, ko dah tgk blom gurlz (maybe guys pun ader) yang kat PMT, PDT, PCT, dan mcm2 lagi tu??? tu mat saleh lagi obses. tapi dorang minat muzik dorang.. bukan suke2 je nak puja sampai nak separuh mati.. muse deserve sume ni, dorang patut ader fans yg 'kipas-susah-mati'.. ko agaknye x g forum mcr kot.. kat situ budak2 melayu/malaysia lagi la.. jap.jap, 'ohhh.. gerard so sweet..' balik-balik, 'gerard, i love him to death!!!' hey..hey..hey..
  22. great.. but where's the rest?? i want invincible. who's got it in mp3??
  23. all days, i just listening to their songs. and keep imagine them during the concert.. ohh..just cant get them out off my head.
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