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hey.. where were u? i thot of calling u when i got at the std. if u can c the rela peeps it means ur rite infront, yes?




yes be jelesss of me.. but be jelesss of shannaz more coz she got to hug matt!!!

were u the one with blue mascara? yang baru baik demam tu ke? eheh.. i was damn hungry u see. tak makan langsung the nite b4 that coz was soooo excited..




dommehhh sooo sexeeehhhh..




december? u mean feb???


ya la... akak rasa akak kena stop. cant stand the pressure of working and studying at the same time anymore..i'll stop when this sem is done...not bcoz of muse tho..eheh. but just got back from class and begged my lecturer to give me another chance 4 my presentation and i got it..alhamdulillah..


shannaaaaazzzzzz..... sexiest ferr.. ooppss male tu!!!!!! *dies*


if u had told ém do u think muse would have cared? i hope they do.. coz i just cant stand when peeps discriminate!! malaysia is full of people like us..




:LOL: orraiit.. but plisss, no ba kut teh ya..



am loving take a bow and supermassive now.. used to hate ém.


EDIT: pliss somebody tell me that i'm not going crazy.. but did the two contestants in american idol who went out last nite really sang muse' feeling good???? coz i was asleep and was awaken by that song ehehe.. acute PMS tol..

they sang nina simone's version i guess

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december? u mean feb???


if u had told ém do u think muse would have cared? i hope they do.. coz i just cant stand when peeps discriminate!! malaysia is full of people like us..


shannaaaaazzzzzz..... sexiest ferr.. ooppss male tu!!!!!! *dies*



yes, i meant feb.. i must have been dreaming when i wrote that..


haha, well, they should care. :happy: i think they would have cared. malaysia is full of people like us, maybe that's why they're loving malaysia oh-so-much? especially since kak faz with the tudung was the one who actually jemput diorang from klia. makes a change from the normal crazed muse fans kan? *imagines matthew reprimanding evil pakcik galaxy while adila watches in glee*


haha, u have to admit matt didn't look like a ferr** then..


same back to you.. now i'm super loving supermassive blackhole after that live performance.. "oohh baby don't you know i suffer" *dies*.


congrats kak faz.. go hug your professor now.. haha..

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they sang nina simone's version i guess


nah.. the guy sang the Michael Buble version while the girl sang Nina Simone's version. its a huge coincidence that both of them got eliminated though.. my dad was saying that Feeling Good is a jynx :eek: lol for American Idol only la. dont panic or anything.:LOL:

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i was 2nd row from the front, more to chris's side of the stage..but the girl in front of me was short, so the view i got was as good as any ;)

i was tempted to call u too while waiting at the pitt entrance...i think u might've seen me wif my frens..not many chinese there tht early..heh..was wearing white shirt n glasses..i look lyk a scrawny lil kid :p


yeah yeah..i heard one of the guys sing feeling good..think its the first time i actually watched a full song performance in a.idol..lol


maybe i saw u but i just cant remember... eheh old lady, wat do u expect, eh? so how was chris's side? was it wild?


so only one guy sang that song? wat about the girl tho? i didnt watch it.. i was asleep infront of the tv and thot i dreamt someone was singing muse's song and did a very bad version of it..and when i opened my eyes, my friend was actually watching american idol. when i asked her she went like .. huh? :rolleyes:



they sang nina simone's version i guess


there's a new version of it? i must admit the first time i heard feeling good i thot it was a cover of an old song.. is it?


yes, i meant feb.. i must have been dreaming when i wrote that..


haha, well, they should care. :happy: i think they would have cared. malaysia is full of people like us, maybe that's why they're loving malaysia oh-so-much? especially since kak faz with the tudung was the one who actually jemput diorang from klia. makes a change from the normal crazed muse fans kan? *imagines matthew reprimanding evil pakcik galaxy while adila watches in glee*


haha, u have to admit matt didn't look like a ferr** then..


same back to you.. now i'm super loving supermassive blackhole after that live performance.. "oohh baby don't you know i suffer" *dies*.


congrats kak faz.. go hug your professor now.. haha..


maybe this coming 27th december we'll be seeing ém again??:D foreshadowing another stalking mission..


i hope so.. i hope that they acknowledge fans like us adyla.. coz incubus did. when they released the live in malaysia bootleg, they did mention about girls with tudung rocking out u noe..


more like a cute and sexy ferr**:LOL: nah... he's damn hotttt!! but dom is so sexxeehh


yeah.. i always skip supermassive and take a bow everytime i listened to their cd as well as soldier's poem, but now those r songs that i keep listening to.. they sound supermassive awesome live..


no, no... if i hug my prof, he mite fail me again :LOL:

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there's a new version of it? i must admit the first time i heard feeling good i thot it was a cover of an old song.. is it?


i think it is...

and there's another song "house of the rising sun" probably nina's song as well since i stumbled upon that song in one of her album while i;m searching for mp3 of nina's version of "Ne me quitte pas"....heard the song first time in Mukhsin trailer...fell in love at first listen

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in the star today there's an interview with pineapple concerts maanging director...still young though..around 30 i think...

and he said he will try to bring geen day, pearl jam, red hot etc to malaysia...

i'm so tempted to write him an email and ask him to bring more brit/europe bands/artists particularly radhiohead & sigur ros ;p


p/s: i think he's the guy that fazura(malay actress) fought over yg kes baling kasut

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maybe this coming 27th december we'll be seeing ém again??:D foreshadowing another stalking mission..


i hope so.. i hope that they acknowledge fans like us adyla.. coz incubus did. when they released the live in malaysia bootleg, they did mention about girls with tudung rocking out u noe..



hehe, 27th december eh? maybe.. maybe that date was actually ESPed my dommeh to me~ *wallawe*.. i can feel it now.. "adila. this is dom... we are waiting at jalan bellamy. 27th december. bring along stalker brown skirt and stalker baju kurung... adila.. respond if you can here me.. keep ESP secret. i repeat, keep ESP secret.."


hehe, let's start dreaming shall we? i mean, tom did took pictures of us... ooohh, muse has pictures of us!! maybe matt will go like, "malaysia's so cool, look at the picture of this tudung girls stalking us", dom will be like, "yeah, and did u check out the baju kurungs dude? hell, that's one sexxay outfit.. malaysia is one sexxay country", *dies* i cannot recall how many times i have died during this week.


nina simone? house of the rising sun? i didn't realize she did drugs.

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hehe, 27th december eh? maybe.. maybe that date was actually ESPed my dommeh to me~ *wallawe*.. i can feel it now.. "adila. this is dom... we are waiting at jalan bellamy. 27th december. bring along stalker brown skirt and stalker baju kurung... adila.. respond if you can here me.. keep ESP secret. i repeat, keep ESP secret.."


hehe, let's start dreaming shall we? i mean, tom did took pictures of us... ooohh, muse has pictures of us!! maybe matt will go like, "malaysia's so cool, look at the picture of this tudung girls stalking us", dom will be like, "yeah, and did u check out the baju kurungs dude? hell, that's one sexxay outfit.. malaysia is one sexxay country", *dies* i cannot recall how many times i have died during this week.


nina simone? house of the rising sun? i didn't realize she did drugs.


LOL at nina simone possibly being house of the rising sun's original singer :LOL:


tom took pics of you guys?? :O did he take out his camcorder? i saw this vid of them arrivingn at taipei, they showed tom kirk with his videocam. could there be a DVD in the making? :eek: :eek:

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i think the latest version of feeling good is pussycat dolls version but above all matt's version's still the ultimate bestest...


crazy_mary,i thought i was the only one whom studies being badly affected after the concert,u noe i skipped 2 labs,and a test without mc and still dont know what will happens next week when i see my lecturer...i cant think of a good reason for the escape,oh my...(whatever happens wont stop me from being muse fanatic);)

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in the star today there's an interview with pineapple concerts maanging director...still young though..around 30 i think...

and he said he will try to bring geen day, pearl jam, red hot etc to malaysia...

i'm so tempted to write him an email and ask him to bring more brit/europe bands/artists particularly radhiohead & sigur ros ;p


p/s: i think he's the guy that fazura(malay actress) fought over yg kes baling kasut


good god, if pearl jam comes to malaysia i'm gonna be a mental stalker of ém. been a fan of ém (esp eddie vedder) since i was in high school!!! plissss, plissss... i heard that they're touring rite now.. even my nick is one of their songs.. my fav pearl jam song..


yes, yes radiohead as well..


fazura?? that mtv vj? i thot she was quarelling for an anak datuk?


Nina Simone was awesome.


But House Of The Rising Sun is not her song.


sorry 4 my ignorance but who is this nina simone btw?


hehe, 27th december eh? maybe.. maybe that date was actually ESPed my dommeh to me~ *wallawe*.. i can feel it now.. "adila. this is dom... we are waiting at jalan bellamy. 27th december. bring along stalker brown skirt and stalker baju kurung... adila.. respond if you can here me.. keep ESP secret. i repeat, keep ESP secret.."


hehe, let's start dreaming shall we? i mean, tom did took pictures of us... ooohh, muse has pictures of us!! maybe matt will go like, "malaysia's so cool, look at the picture of this tudung girls stalking us", dom will be like, "yeah, and did u check out the baju kurungs dude? hell, that's one sexxay outfit.. malaysia is one sexxay country", *dies* i cannot recall how many times i have died during this week.


nina simone? house of the rising sun? i didn't realize she did drugs.


tom took a pic of u guys??? when was that? i hadnt arrived yet i assume.. hahaha..sexy baju kurung??


yeah, i died more than 5 times this week adyla... * dies again*


tom took pics of you guys?? :O did he take out his camcorder? i saw this vid of them arrivingn at taipei, they showed tom kirk with his videocam. could there be a DVD in the making? :eek: :eek:


yeah, i saw that vid as well... let's hope so..


EDIT: ibelieveinmuse - PCD??? euggghhhh... i'm suppose to be reading rite now coz i haf a class 2morro (yes, a class on a freaking sunday!!!!) but been staring at the same page for the past half an hour.. i'm so gonna get into a lot of trouble 2morrow..

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maybe i saw u but i just cant remember... eheh old lady, wat do u expect, eh? so how was chris's side? was it wild?


ahahha..twas great! ppl were jumping and headbanging, but it didnt get overboard..and the fans around me was just the kind i liked..ppl who knew how to enjoy the concert without having to squash n squeeze..:happy:


and hail wikipedia! alongside youtube, probably the greatest innovations the internet has produced in the last few years!

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ok..but do u have this mp3?


here's an embedded version instead.


it was in one of my dad's myriad of oldies cassettes. you guys seriously haven't heard this version before? i thought your dads would have broken you in by now...mine did me in by playing his la-bah-dees over and over in the car...and singing not-so-greatly along...


...and there you have it, my childhood years in a nutshell.

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yes i have the mp3....download through ares...a great rock version of it....yes the animals made it a popular song...even my dad knows the song huhu...


guys and girls...i'm not being rude-damn-jealous-and-all-those-negative-things-in-your-mind....but please dont be too obsess with the person....i mean....u can obsess with their music attitude...their arts...their super ability....it's just....u make them like a boyband when u like "aaaaaa!!" and "oh matt.."....u know....i'm just wondering...


no hard feelings ok...peace...:D

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here's an embedded version instead.


it was in one of my dad's myriad of oldies cassettes. you guys seriously haven't heard this version before? i thought your dads would have broken you in by now...mine did me in by playing his la-bah-dees over and over in the car...and singing not-so-greatly along...


...and there you have it, my childhood years in a nutshell.


no i mean nina's version of "Ne me quitte pas" mp3.....i can't find it anywhere on the net...at least the one that i can download.:p

i can only find youtube version here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFWs5kWP-us

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LOL at nina simone possibly being house of the rising sun's original singer :LOL:


tom took pics of you guys?? :O did he take out his camcorder? i saw this vid of them arrivingn at taipei, they showed tom kirk with his videocam. could there be a DVD in the making? :eek: :eek:


Are you saying it was a camcorder??? Shytes... shannaz!!! was it a camera or a camcorder? i thought it was just pictures. No wonder tom didn't actually wait for me to pose.. he just took out whatever-it-is-that-he-took-out and pointed... if that's the case, the scenario was beyond embarrassing. i think i was trying to get matt to shut my marker pen properly.


shannaz was definitely there when he did it.. um, kak faz wasn't there? kak faz, u did manage to talk to tom right? i think you were there when the whatever-it-is-that-he-took-out was taken out.


um, on the house of the rising sun... could it be possible that matt covered it for his mother as well (meaning he intended to cover nina simone's version)? just as he did feeling good?

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in the star today there's an interview with pineapple concerts maanging director...still young though..around 30 i think...

and he said he will try to bring geen day, pearl jam, red hot etc to malaysia...

i'm so tempted to write him an email and ask him to bring more brit/europe bands/artists particularly radhiohead & sigur ros ;p

Yeah there was a really great article in the Star the other day concerning our current concert-music scene. I thought it was cleverly written.


Also read this interview cum article in Malay Mail today. It's really long though! But definitely worth the read :)


The thinking man’s rock band

by Najmuddin najib

IF Muse had any doubts over the level of their popularity in Asia, the last three concerts they played would have put paid to any fears.


Having performed to packed arenas in the Singapore, Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur legs of the tour, the band were treated to hordes of screaming fans singing and moshing along to every tune they belted out during each of their Southeast Asian gigs.


Lead singer Matt Bellamy, asked at the Press conference before the KL gig on how the reception was during the Jakarta leg, expressed surprise at the fans’ response.


“We’ve played in Japan several years before, but this is the fi rst time that we’re visiting other countries in the region.


To be honest, we really weren’t aware of the level of our fan base here.


It’s been incredible.”


Much has happened for Bellamy, drummer Dominic Howard and bassist Chris Wolstenhome since they first burst onto the scene with their 1999 debut, Showbiz.


Their 2001 sophomore effort Origin of Symmetry gave them their first taste of success, spawning hits such as Plug In Baby and Newborn.


The band was even embroiled in a court case: In 2002, Nestle had sought permission from Muse to use their cover of Nina Simone’s Feeling Good for their coffee commercial, to which the band refused.


Undeterred, Nestle pressed on and used the track anyway, which resulted in the band hauling them to court and winning £500,000 in damages.


The band donated the winnings to British charity organisation Oxfam.


The band’s two-fi ngered salute to the establishment endeared themselves to a whole generation of disenchanted youths who had already lived through two Gulf Wars and the trauma of 9/11.


As such, when Muse’s third studio album Absolution, which featured dark themes hinting at politics and global conspiracy theories, came to the fore in 2003, their popularity went stratospheric.


Their current album Black Holes and Revelations also appears to be heading down the same path; having garnered critical acclaim and racking up album sales as well as having the distinction of being the most downloaded album of 2006.


The accolades have also been pouring in, and not just from the fans.


So much has been said of their lyrical makeup that critics as well as their peers have been quick to describe Muse as ‘rock music for clever people’ and ‘the thinking man’s rock band’.


In a recent interview with Weekend Mail, Wolstenhome appears almost embarrassed when asked on the aforementioned labels.


“Well it’s nice, especially coming from other musicians, when they decide that there’s something intelligent within the music we play.


But really, there’re a lot of bands out there, which you can say the same thing about.


“For us, it’s just about making music, exploring it and basically, seeing what we can come up with.


” Formed in 1992 while at Teignmouth Community College in Devon, the band was originally Howard’s, with Bellamy successfully auditioning for the role of lead vocalist.


Following the departure of the original bassist, Howard and Bellamy then decided to rope in Wolstenhome, a close friend of theirs.


Wolstenhome had to give up the drums to join the duo.


Despite having to learn playing bass from scratch, he is now regarded as among the best in the fi eld, having pioneered the use of fuzz and distortion in songs, even receiving compliments from Beatle’s bassist Sir Paul McCartney following Muse’s performance at the 2004 Glastonbury Music Festival.


Wolstenhome cited desperation as their prime motivation behind forming a band.


“When we were 14 or 15, we started a band because we didn’t want to be like the others.


You know, we’d see people in hanging around in town, on the streets getting drunk, getting into fi ghts, stuff like that.


“Even back then, that just seemed like a bad way of life to us.


Music was an escape.


It just helped us escape the reality of it all.


” Grunge music played a large part in the early stages of Muse’s development.


They were heavily infl uenced by Nirvana, Rage Against The Machine and Smashing Pumpkins.


“We listened to a lot of those when we started out; there was an overall American guitar rock feel to most of our stuff.


But as we started to explore music more, other infl uences started creeping in, such as classical music.


” It may come as a surprise to many that Bellamy, known for his soaring classicalesque piano solos, was an avid blues fan.


“Yeah, Matt always used to play a lot of blues,” chuckled Wolstenhome.


“He then began listening to a lot of Rachmaninoff and Chopin, lots of classical music.


“You could probably see the beginning of that in songs like Space Dementia (on their second album, Origin of Symmetry), which then just developed on its own.


It just really changed the way bands thought about music.


And Absolution obviously has intense classical music references as well.


” Bellamy is, without a doubt, the creative force behind Muse, something that Wolstenhome readily admits.


“Matt writes the songs.


He’ll come in with an idea and sometimes it’s a fully developed idea in his head, sometimes it’s just something intangible, like a core structure with a simple melody.


Some songs come together great quickly, others take a lot longer.


But we normally try to explore as many ideas as possible.


” The band’s almost fanatical dedication towards ‘getting the right sound’ is well documented.


Most of the songs in Black Holes and Revelation were done while Muse shacked up in an old chateau in the French countryside.


The isolated environment gave the bandmates time and freedom to explore without any distractions.


The recording process, however, was done in the hustle and bustle of New York City.


What has been described in other interviews as their taste for ‘over-perfection’ is summarised by Wolstenhome.


“Any song can be stripped down to chords and melody and it’s basically up to you how you want to present it.


“Like Supermassive Back Hole, it could’ve been a real heavy rock track, but we chose to adopt a more R&B groove.


That riff, if you strip it away and leave a three-piece riff, it could be Rage Against The Machine, a Tom Morello riff.


“Even Starlight, for example, there were six or seven different versions of it, and sometimes it’s really diffi cult to work out which one’s the best.


But once we get together in a room and work on it, things come together fairly quickly.


“Mostly it’s about being decisive and knowing the best way of playing it; that’s half the battle won.


” Muse’s drastic shift in direction from the classical majesty of Absolution to the almost pop-ish sensibility of Black Holes and Revelations have not been entirely lost on its fans.


The album, despite being a best-seller, has been described by some long-time fans as a ‘love it or hate it’ affair.


Wolstenhome agrees.


“This album was the fi rst that people have heard of Muse in two to three years and they’d be like, “Whaa..?” Yeah. I think initially people were very shocked.”


Wolstenhome cites fi lm music such as Ennio Morricone tunes as main infl uences behind the new album.


“A lot of the guitar infl uences are from there. Things like late 50s early 60s slide guitars, Dick Dale (surf rock pioneer), The Tornados (1960’s English instrumental group), those kind of bands.


Previously, our guitar sounds have mostly been more 90s.


” “But ultimately, music is about exploring yourself, exploring your abilities and just doing something new.


Supermassive Black Hole pretty much chose itself as the fi rst single.


“When we sat down and listened to our old tracks, like Plug In Baby, Time Is Running Out, Hysteria, and they were all almost in the same vein.


We thought that it would be more of an impact if we did something completely different, and that’s what it was all about.


“In order to move forward, we’ve got to do things differently and try new stuff.


I think that approach has been applied to pretty much all our albums.


“I think there’s this fear that we’ll repeat ourselves.”


Touching on their apparent fondness for politics in their songs, Wolstenhome ponders awhile before offering an answer.


“Well, obviously events that happened globally in recent years have somehow found a way into our lyrics. But having said that, I don’t think it’s all political.


“There aren’t any direct references to people or places.


But I can see how songs like Take A Bow, for instance, can be construed as such.


“Obviously, when people hear it for the fi rst time, they’d have preconceived notions about what or whom the song is referring to.”


“But at the same time, it could very well be a song about someone you met at a pub that you don’t like.


Looking at it, it’s obviously a song which expresses a deeply hateful feeling about somebody, but it isn’t necessarily about politics. ( Brief pause) “But the inspiration behind it could be political though ( chuckles).”


Nevertheless, the message behind Muse’s music, Wolstenhome believes, isn’t nearly as important as the act of enjoying the music itself.


“I think music can mean different things to different people; for some, it’s almost like a religion.


I think regardless of how it goes out, if at the end of the day it has some kind of positive effect on people then that’s great.


For us, the amazing thing is being able to communicate and share our feelings through the medium and this is especially fulfi lling when we’re onstage,” he says, as the interview draws to a close.


“When we started out, music was our escape. I think a lot of people share this sentiment, regardless of whether you’re creating music or listening to music.


“So when people come to our shows and just let themselves go, forget their troubles for a moment, that’s good enough for us”.


I love the italicized quotes towards the end of the article.

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