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Yeah true.. I think it'd be best if you guys add me on msn careleaf@hotmail.com as i don't use friendster:rolleyes:. Then i can not feel so awkward about displaying my pic cuz it's less scrutinised by the eyes of the public. And you shall address me as 2nd General Nut-tella. I serve General Bellamy. I move up the ranks pretty quick, you see. :LOL:


I'm so going to do my own T-shirt, i'll definitely post the pic! :D

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Stadium Negara? Isn't that, like, a steamboat restaurant near Jln. Ampang or something?


And can you actually be ranked a general and serve under another general? You can't , can you? So you'd either have to demote yourself to Brigadier General or promote Bellamy to Führer. Herr Bellamy.

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i'm not a muse fan yet but i'm so there on 25th feb in 2006.

for singaporean..stadium negara is like an arena..not an open stadium...can fit like 10k.

last time i went to stadium negara way back in 1996 to attend alanis concert.


so i'm gonna start digging their stuff...

i heard they are a good live band (thom yorke said so)

heard so much about them from radiohead fans.

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Stadium Negara? Isn't that, like, a steamboat restaurant near Jln. Ampang or something?


And can you actually be ranked a general and serve under another general? You can't , can you? So you'd either have to demote yourself to Brigadier General or promote Bellamy to Führer. Herr Bellamy.


LOL steamboat restaurant!!


That's why i have the authority give me a never-before-heard-of rank, 2nd general. Hey if my political leader can do it, why can't I? heh heh... Matt does behave like a dictator sometimes. Saw him do a funny salute in one of them live TIRO video.


i'm not a muse fan yet but i'm so there on 25th feb in 2006.

for singaporean..stadium negara is like an arena..not an open stadium...can fit like 10k.

last time i went to stadium negara way back in 1996 to attend alanis concert.


so i'm gonna start digging their stuff...

i heard they are a good live band (thom yorke said so)

heard so much about them from radiohead fans.


Thom Yorke said so???? That's cool haha. And 10k is alota people if u ask me.

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you're not a muse fan, but you're still going to the gig? :eek: wow... how awesome of you. i dont even know whether i should be sarcastic or not. heh.


YAAY I'M SO FORKING HAPPY!!! like what vspirit said, "we get to see Muse twice". woot. zomg. its finally sinking in. and i finally got my tickets from my friend.. ITS IN MY HANDS RIGHT NOW! well.. not really. but i can touch it... ehhehheh.. *stroke stroke*.


once i get the malaysian tickets.. THEEENNN only i'll start screaming. teehee!


General Nut-tella! permission to speak, sir! come visit us and watch Muse for the second time, sir! well.. thats if you're still General Nut-tella.. i'm so confused now. :$


EDIT: okay i cant remember.. but i think LinkinPark had a gig at Stadium Negara... or was it Merdeka... i dunno i forgot. but i went for it and it was AWEEEESOOMEEEEEEE............ you CANNOT MISS THIS. YOU MUST NOT MISS THIS.

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YEAAAAAAAH and 25th is a friggin saturday!!!! u guys r so lucky. Gd things come to those who wait, they say. I have a feeling Msia's gig is gona be waaaay bigger than Spore's. I wld waaaaant to come!!! Gota know the ticket price... Now im experiencing what you guys have experienced. Karma, i tell you, and for something i did not do??? Whhhhyy?? Whhhhy?? is this a crisis???

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Hmm...I heard through the grapevine that the acoustics of teh place fail tho. isn't it like really ramshackle with air-conditioning that only cares about cooling the back of your knees or summat? and given the fact that MUSE is an arena rock band...i'm not sure how much justice this rundown shack (which i thought was torn down ages ago btw, which is why i sincerely, tho admittedly dumbly, thought what business does a steamboat restaurant have to host an arena rock band like they're filipino imports?) will be able to do a band like them. and it's indoor isn't it? why, yes. yes it is. indoor + slimey acoustics = :noey:


but i'm happy they're coming at all so i'd prolly still go, if just to compare the two shows but this time, i'll prolly get a sitting ticket instead of a standing one...


...then again if the acoustics are gonna suck, i might as well try to get a spot nearer to teh stage and gawk at their maestroism(sic) instead of throughly trying to get into the sound of the music itself.


would be great if they had gotten bukit jalil instead...or at the very least, stadium merdeka, which has the open-air concept. =((


i'm gonna assume the sound system in fort canning rocks, or at least will rock harder than stadium negara's.


and 25th's a Sunday btw. It's around the end of the CNY holidays.


p/s: and thom yorke said they're good? how come i don't see anyone in teh main boards broadcasting this like crazy? could you have only dreamed it up?

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well, this is the info:


Date : Sunday, 25th February 2007

Time : 8 p.m.

Venue : Stadium Negara, KL

Ticket Pricing :

Numbered seats : RM 180, RM 140, RM 110

Free Seating : RM 80, RM 50

Arena Rockzone : RM 110

Tix hotline : 03 2282 2020..


i'm dying to go, but hopefully i'll raise money for the tix by the time tickets are sold :$

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huh? did you call up to ask or something? prices seem affordable. i'm looking at the 180 seated one but...what's arena rockzone? do they mean standing? and how come it's cheaper than some of the seated areas??


um...no i'm not really familiar with the workings when it comes to the local concert circuit...i don't even know where to buy tickets from if i wanna do a walk-in purchase...


what i find even more amazing than the fact they even had m'sia on their radar at all and made good on their landing on it, tho, is the fact that the organizers have finally gotten through the thick heads of those who run our Immigration Dept. that's truly a feat, if i ever saw one.


EDIT: nvm, just like you, i googled. i could totally see your tracks, dude. way to leave bread crumbs.

and if i can buy tix at rock corner, like that tiger page said people could for when WAS was here, then i'm all set. (then again, i seem to remember the guy from the rock corner outlet i frequent telling me that if muse were to ever come to kl, tickets can be gotten via his outlet...but it's so far back in the past i can barely recall it) now i just have to find out what exactly is arena rockzone and should i opt it over the 180 seated zone.


...and since when do steamboat places have arenas? this stadium negara must really be something else. i'd go even if it means i have to eat their XXX spicy steamboat, or whatever kind of steamboat it is that they sell there.

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well, this is the info:


Date : Sunday, 25th February 2007

Time : 8 p.m.

Venue : Stadium Negara, KL

Ticket Pricing :

Numbered seats : RM 180, RM 140, RM 110

Free Seating : RM 80, RM 50

Arena Rockzone : RM 110

Tix hotline : 03 2282 2020..


i'm dying to go, but hopefully i'll raise money for the tix by the time tickets are sold :$


tix prices seems reasonable and quite cheap (i guess)....

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huh? did you call up to ask or something? prices seem affordable. i'm looking at the 180 seated one but...what's arena rockzone? do they mean standing? and how come it's cheaper than some of the seated areas??


um...no i'm not really familiar with the workings when it comes to the local concert circuit...i don't even know where to buy tickets from if i wanna do a walk-in purchase...


what i find even more amazing than the fact they even had m'sia on their radar at all and made good on their landing on it, tho, is the fact that the organizers have finally gotten through the thick heads of those who run our Immigration Dept. that's truly a feat, if i ever saw one.


EDIT: nvm, just like you, i googled. i could totally see your tracks, dude. way to leave bread crumbs.

and if i can buy tix at rock corner, like that tiger page said people could for when WAS was here, then i'm all set. (then again, i seem to remember the guy from the rock corner outlet i frequent telling me that if muse were to ever come to kl, tickets can be gotten via his outlet...but it's so far back in the past i can barely recall it) now i just have to find out what exactly is arena rockzone and should i opt it over the 180 seated zone.


...and since when do steamboat places have arenas? this stadium negara must really be something else. i'd go even if it means i have to eat their XXX spicy steamboat, or whatever kind of steamboat it is that they sell there.



you should aim for arena rockzone...

it should be the one in front of the stage standing and all(provided u camp in front of stadium gate early in order to be in front)...

if i'm not mistaken the more expensive numbered seating is the seating area viewing the stage directly...

basically the more expensive tix is just like the free seating tix but with better view.


*this info is according to the seating placement the last time i watched a concert there.

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why thank you for the advice, not.tired.happy!


i sorta assumed rockzone is just a fancy term for standing so i guess i guessed right. think i'll go for the 180 seated, though, if I can get a direct view of the stage like you said, as I probably would've had my fill of standing at Fort Canning...


oh! and welcome to the boards.

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if i'm getting numbered seated, there won't be any reason for me to camp now, willl there? however if ir's arena rockzone...iunno. how nuts are malaysian fans usually? i haven't really had much experience attending concerts here in malaysia, you see...


but to be on the safe side, i spose sometime in the morning? like...9 or 10....? but again, i dunno about the fans here so there may be some who would've been there since the night before. i ain't camping overnite no matter whose concert it is, not in a muggy place (yes, I mean that in more ways than one) like this country is, so i guess the earliest i'll go is around 11ish or so. but it's gonna be so warm, yanno? which is why i'm more partial towards numbered seated in the first place. this way i'm gonna show up like...a half hour or 15 min before the show starts. If I'm driving, maybe slightly earlier to leave concession time for carpark hunting. xxD

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how early do u think we should camp?


haha~ i'm obsessed:p


i don't think you have to camp overnight etc...

to be on the safe side, maybe you have to be there like 4-5 hours before the gates open...

and one more thing, you have to be physically fit to sprint to the front of the stage once you're in the stadium (if u insist to stand in front of the stage lah)...i saw ppl do that...

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standing it is, then. thanks for helping me reach a decision. I'll prolly go there bright and early. 11 or so. tho i might end up being the only one there...which is gonna make me look stupid but hey, that ain't gonna hurt my image any, since i have none to speak of in the first place.


but there might be some hardcore punks (i don't mean that by genre, i call most kids punks anyway, like my dad does) who might already be campin there brighter and earlier. possibly even before the former. like i said, punks.


and i don't remember the restaurant looking like that...i feel like removing that dome like a tupperware cover. and that monk concert looks fascinating...

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but there might be some hardcore punks (i don't mean that by genre, i call most kids punks anyway, like my dad does) who might already be campin there brighter and earlier. possibly even before the former. like i said, punks.


and i just call them mat rempits..:LOL:


huhu~ guys if u plan on staying the night, would u mind taking a really loooong shower beforehand and keep a perfume close?


unless, that's what u're planning to do to prevent peeps like me from taking the front spot:eek: form a huge group of people who haven't taken a 5day shower or something


say no to no shower:mad:

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