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^ Hahahah, I'll pass on the skills to you in the bus :LOL: I should catch up on sleep for the bus ride, but I have a feeling we'll be too excited lol. Can't wait for Wednesday morning too! :happy: Wangsa Maju station round bout 830am k? Or should we make it slightly earlier? I hope the traffic won't be too hideous that morning!

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Matt. Dom. Tom. Morgan.




YOU MET THEMM???? :supersad::supersad::supersad: Pictures please? Fully-detailed story? I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING!!


But whats sad is that I probably wont be able to come back online and read everything until I come home from singapore :( BUT I SHALL TRY! I'm super excited lah omg. I hope they play MK Ultra.. seriously :'( and I cant believe I'm actually gonna lose my singapore virginity! I actually took a little pride in saying "I've never been to singapore before" last time because its like.. I was the only one. and now I'm gonna be like every other malaysian but oh well! Its for Muse. It will be worth it :happy: I hope they decide to ride the Luge on Wednesday at Sentosa :chuckle: maybe I can bump into them hahahaha.... yeah right :(


See you guys after the gig! :D I hope we can meet up!

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Yeah Deb in the flesh!


Though it's not really an exclusive meet, as there were like 50 others st the airport!

Basically it all started with the infamous twitter pic from perth's departure entrance, posted at about 4pm. It didn't take long to do the math: 4 hours plus plane journey from 5pm probably, will give you an arrival of about 9pm. There were about 6-7 flights from Perth arriving around this time. One was Qantas, the other an SQ.


My friend and me met up and arrived at the airport at 8pm. Qantas was confirmed to arrive at 8.44pm. We asked the counter about the SQ one, which they said would arrive at 9.20pm. SWEET. If Qantas at Terminal 1 isn't the one, we decided that we will make a mad dash to Terminal 3 to welcome the SQ one.


There was time so we ate a quick plate of rojak (yumm). At 8.40pm, we went up to the arrivals hall to find many groups of fans who were there for the same purpose (damn). Some could be seen holding CD cases, books, posters... The works. We also spotted Laurietta and Andre Alabons from LAMC. That's it. This is definitely the right Terminal!


So we waited patiently. It was about 9.15 when we saw them slowly walking towards the baggage belt! Everyone was screaming (mostly guys believe it or not) and cameras were flashing. My friend's awesome girlfriend had a friend who works in the airport, so he took our camera and actually told DOM & MATT to pose!!


They knew they couldn't come out from this human blockade-d exit so they walked down to the next one which made EVRYONE follow and even ran to this exit. They finally stepped out of the sliding glass doors to the now pumped up crowd. People were shoving things to them to sign. My friend took pictures on the digicam ( while I made use of his iPhone to document the whole thing. (video on its way :D. I especially love the ending to this awesome home-made documentary).


That was my eventful Monday evening. Wasn't such a blue Monday thankfully.

















Edited by Nutcracker
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YOU MET THEMM???? :supersad::supersad::supersad: Pictures please? Fully-detailed story? I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING!!


But whats sad is that I probably wont be able to come back online and read everything until I come home from singapore :( BUT I SHALL TRY! I'm super excited lah omg. I hope they play MK Ultra.. seriously :'( and I cant believe I'm actually gonna lose my singapore virginity! I actually took a little pride in saying "I've never been to singapore before" last time because its like.. I was the only one. and now I'm gonna be like every other malaysian but oh well! Its for Muse. It will be worth it :happy: I hope they decide to ride the Luge on Wednesday at Sentosa :chuckle: maybe I can bump into them hahahaha.... yeah right :(


See you guys after the gig! :D I hope we can meet up!


i know how u feel! im finally gonna lose my "never been outside of semenanjung" virginity. but honestly, losing it for muse is sooooo worth it. i can jz imagine going "oh yeah i've only been outside malaysia once, to singapore, but it was for muse. yeah i did that for them :yesey:"



nut: you're so luckyyyy! but i'm not (that) jealous of u blv it or not. last night as i was reading all those posts on LAMC's fb page i was soooo jealous & annoyed & disappointed. but reading ur update, seeing ur pics & video, i'm so happy for u! :):)

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Aww, where's Chris? Is he flying over from Perth today? He needs love too lol.


Nut, those pictures are priceless! Thanks for the write up. Would've been better if there were less people, cause you get to have more personal time with them, but at least you got to see them! Meet & greet, literally? ;)


Miele & Debbie, have fun in Singapore today!!

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NUT NUT not only did you get his essence, but you were in THE AURA OF DOM. AWESOME SHIT!


"Dom, shake my hand, Dom!"

The video was so lol. And they look so tired aww.


Maaaan, I didn't expect so many people to turn up! Susah seh like that! Like the last time at KL there were only how many of you? You could take your time to chat with them and take pictures and all! Oh well. Muse is getting more populahh.


Yeah, there's still Chris left! And UGGH why didn't anyone jump on Tom when he was the only one standing by the crowd.

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Nut, my ticket is safe next to me right now. :) Thank you so much!

I just got to my grandparents' house in Singapore....sigh, if I'd gotten here a day earlier (and a couple of hours later) I would have arrived at the same time as Muse, and in the same terminal. :( Ah well, c'est la vie...

Who here wants to line up with me in the morning? :D

Edited by Waldo
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YOU MET THEMM???? Pictures please? Fully-detailed story? I WANNA KNOW EVERYTHING!!


But whats sad is that I probably wont be able to come back online and read everything until I come home from singapore BUT I SHALL TRY! I'm super excited lah omg. I hope they play MK Ultra.. seriously and I cant believe I'm actually gonna lose my singapore virginity! I actually took a little pride in saying "I've never been to singapore before" last time because its like.. I was the only one. and now I'm gonna be like every other malaysian but oh well! Its for Muse. It will be worth it :happy: I hope they decide to ride the Luge on Wednesday at Sentosa :chuckle: maybe I can bump into them hahahaha.... yeah right


See you guys after the gig! :D I hope we can meet up!


Lol.... I can't wait to go to Singapore. Wondering whether I can sleep right now or not. Lol




Yeah Deb in the flesh!


Though it's not really an exclusive meet, as there were like 50 others st the airport!

Basically it all started with the infamous twitter pic from perth's departure entrance, posted at about 4pm. It didn't take long to do the math: 4 hours plus plane journey from 5pm probably, will give you an arrival of about 9pm. There were about 6-7 flights from Perth arriving around this time. One was Qantas, the other an SQ.


My friend and me met up and arrived at the airport at 8pm. Qantas was confirmed to arrive at 8.44pm. We asked the counter about the SQ one, which they said would arrive at 9.20pm. SWEET. If Qantas at Terminal 1 isn't the one, we decided that we will make a mad dash to Terminal 3 to welcome the SQ one.


There was time so we ate a quick plate of rojak (yumm). At 8.40pm, we went up to the arrivals hall to find many groups of fans who were there for the same purpose (damn). Some could be seen holding CD cases, books, posters... The works. We also spotted Laurietta and Andre Alabons from LAMC. That's it. This is definitely the right Terminal!


So we waited patiently. It was about 9.15 when we saw them slowly walking towards the baggage belt! Everyone was screaming (mostly guys believe it or not) and cameras were flashing. My friend's awesome girlfriend had a friend who works in the airport, so he took our camera and actually told DOM & MATT to pose!!


They knew they couldn't come out from this human blockade-d exit so they walked down to the next one which made EVRYONE follow and even ran to this exit. They finally stepped out of the sliding glass doors to the now pumped up crowd. People were shoving things to them to sign. My friend took pictures on the digicam ( while I made use of his iPhone to document the whole thing. (video on its way :D. I especially love the ending to this awesome home-made documentary).


That was my eventful Monday evening. Wasn't such a blue Monday thankfully.




Woah Nut! That was awesome! You were next to Dom in the video :LOL:

They looked a bit tired, but amused :) Yeah...I hear guys screaming more than girls :LOL:



:LOL: Lol.... That was cool weih but good thing people didn't mobbed them that much :p



NUT NUT not only did you get his essence, but you were in THE AURA OF DOM. AWESOME SHIT!


"Dom, shake my hand, Dom!"

The video was so lol. And they look so tired aww.


Maaaan, I didn't expect so many people to turn up! Susah seh like that! Like the last time at KL there were only how many of you? You could take your time to chat with them and take pictures and all! Oh well. Muse is getting more populahh.


Yeah, there's still Chris left! And UGGH why didn't anyone jump on Tom when he was the only one standing by the crowd.


:LOL: Yeah, they look tired but they are still friendly and didn't like actas if "shoo... bust off right now all of you. Unlike MCR (especially that stupid Gerard Way, acting like as if the fans are not around) Good for you Muse :D:musesign::musesign:

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Yeah stalking them can be scarily fun. Stalking just sounds wrong... Following them is uber fun.


Just came back from a lepak session with Miele and her bf!



A taste of things to come. :D










Oh I'm going to try and Twitter the setlist on the fly! Yes yes i have twitter. http://twitter.com/x_leev

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Welcome aboard the twitter wagon! ;) I was thinking of updating the setlist too but I guess sending tweets from my Malaysian number wouldn't be too wise hurr. I'll just link to you for updates lol!


The gadgets look WAY TOO AWESOME. I CAN'T SLEEP!!


So I assume we'll be meeting after the concert then? At least, with those who would be queueing early. I guess the doors would open round bout 6pm tmrw yeah? If we reach early, we'll come by to say hello before you guys get in, but if we can't make it in time, we'll just meet after the gig? :D


Now, where would be the most convenient place to wait after the gig?

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Thank you thank you! It's a pretty neat little thing, this twitter is.


I know right! The thing beside the Kawai piano which, according to Miele, looked like a barbeque set got us all puzzled. Wonder what it really is!


Actually I think I've read somewhere that the doors open at 5.30pm. Thing is I will be coming pretty late from work. You can definitely catch Miele in the line and Tee though! I've told Miele that we should rendezvous at the 7-11 @ Leisure Park after the show, which is a mall opposite the Indoor Stadium. Shouldn't be hard to find it, believe me.


Man I'm too excited beyond words right now and can't sleep too. And I start work at 9.30 am laters.:stunned:

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Maybe it's for them in case they got hungry. :LOL: I suppose it's a projector or air cooler of sorts lol I'm amused that the screen actually looks really slim. I mean, if you're looking at it from the front (http://twitpic.com/110ce1), you would think it's 3 dimensional! Or maybe it's just my eyes right now, it's late!!


I would really love to work on setting up the acoustics for the stadium. Eek.


Shall go hunt for 7-11 then :D We'll see you guys there (we, meaning er me Joelyn and Mel?), and good luck squeezing in to get to the front, if you're going late from work!




Support group, we'll keep you updated whenever we can! I'm also gonna attempt to bootleg the gig for you guys, so it's almost like hearing it live :]

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Maybe it's for them in case they got hungry. :LOL: I suppose it's a projector or air cooler of sorts lol I'm amused that the screen actually looks really slim. I mean, if you're looking at it from the front (http://twitpic.com/110ce1), you would think it's 3 dimensional! Or maybe it's just my eyes right now, it's late!!


I would really love to work on setting up the acoustics for the stadium. Eek.


Shall go hunt for 7-11 then :D We'll see you guys there (we, meaning er me Joelyn and Mel?), and good luck squeezing in to get to the front, if you're going late from work!




Support group, we'll keep you updated whenever we can! I'm also gonna attempt to bootleg the gig for you guys, so it's almost like hearing it live :]


Yes oh my the screen does look slim. But I'm not complaining! :D:D

Hahaha so we'll see you 3 and then the rest too!




P.s: Don't get caught on the way in!!!!!!



Kay-a this has screwed up my priorities man. I should really be asleep right now.

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Actually I think I've read somewhere that the doors open at 5.30pm. Thing is I will be coming pretty late from work. You can definitely catch Miele in the line and Tee though! I've told Miele that we should rendezvous at the 7-11 @ Leisure Park after the show, which is a mall opposite the Indoor Stadium. Shouldn't be hard to find it, believe me.


I was going to go line up early but the guards are apparently not allowing people to line up until 10. :stunned: Weird. Anyways, my friend and I are gonna go around town for a little bit first, then I think I'm meeting Yuri in line the line.

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