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Song written by Muse for Adam Lambert


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This might well annoy/baffle some people... :LOL:


Apparently Matt has written a song called 'Soaked' for Adam Lambert's new album.


Adam Lambert's twitter:

There is also a song called "Soaked" written by Muse! Also a tune called "Music Again" written by Justin Hawkins of the Darkness!

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I thought Matt didn't like him anyways, whenever he's asked about what he thinks, he's never said he's good just, "oh he's.. interesting"


hmph :phu:


Yeah! On the Zane Lowe interview, he described Adam as "hammy".




featuring Muse.... :facepalm: Funniest/most bizarre thing I've heard all day :LOL::LOL:




Thank you to those who appreciate and understand that the album cover is deliberately campy. It's an omage to the past. It IS ridiculous.


Well it's ridiculous for sure. :LOL:

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