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Had to drive to a barbecue in Glendowie tonight. Glendowie. Seriously.


But it was probably worth it in the end. Really enjoyed it. Especially when we busted out Safety Dance (including the astonishing music video).

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Trade me have made their message board viewable only by members because they don't want every man and his dog using it.

They also realised how many people went there to find out names of those with suppression, their new rules include:


Keep it legal: In particular, do not name, drop hints, or post any other information which identifies members of the public who have name suppression.
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But it was probably worth it in the end. Really enjoyed it. Especially when we busted out Safety Dance (including the astonishing music video).


Make an S! Another S! That spells S-S!

(If you haven't seen the literal music version on YouTube, you should :LOL: )


As to your question Rich, no I hadn't. This was my first and last night I realised that it was media. I thought it was English. Had to craaaaam. It was okay though. So tired now though from a 6 am start.


@Michelle- I saw that on Nightline haha. Its always that one fuckin' presenter who makes fail jokes :LOL:

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Leaving for NZ this Sunday! :awesome: I'll be in Auckland by Tuesday Kiwi time. It'll be so good to be home. :happy:



Read comments on stuff article about Styris retiring from NZ cricket. Favourite was "that'll do pig. That'll do" :LOL:




I went to my first rugby match tonight. Not really a fan, but the crowd was pretty big and it was a fun atmosphere. Auckland winning easily helped, naturally.

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Had an awkward moment yesterday evening in Whangarei - we randomly accidentally walked through someone's private costume party!


My sister's friend suggested we take a shortcut to the place we were going, and it took us through this little underground bar. As we walked through, a large number of people in very weird costumes were standing there motionless staring at us. To make it all the more surreal, the Flash Gordon song by Queen was playing very loudly in this bar at the time.


It was very strange and quite hilarious.


Oh, and then my sister's friend hit herself in the face with the car door while opening it. Impressive skills! Not that I can talk, I suppose...

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