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I'd like to see Matt try to pull that off. Would even the most devoted/crazed fans say he'd look good in it?


Have to wonder how they came up with such a random name.

I saw it as a reference to the chicken-killing/eating/etc?


I went to a Trelise Cooper sale the other day and most of the clothes were HIDEOUS.
Pity. I think I'll probably take her to Carly Harris and ask her what she wants. She always asks for earrings and then loses one and I'm so over that happening.
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The news must have gone to her head.


It must have been a blow to have been caught by the paparazzi.




In other totally random stuff, am I the only one who think it's weird that tip top are heavily marketing Choc Bars? Those have been around for a million years! They used to be sold in PAPER WRAPPING! And now the nostalgic ad.

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The news must have gone to her head.


It must have been a blow to have been caught by the paparazzi.




In other totally random stuff, am I the only one who think it's weird that tip top are heavily marketing Choc Bars? Those have been around for a million years! They used to be sold in PAPER WRAPPING! And now the nostalgic ad.

That's weird! I haven't actually seen any of the ads, but yeah, they've been around for yonks. Eons, even.

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INORITE! They were the perfect thing if you stopped at the dairy and were told you were only allowed one treat - because you ended up with an icecream AND a bar of chocolate.


Though the first time I ate one I freaked out because I thought I'd bitten through the stick. I was like... five.


Sales must be dropping or something. Jelly tips are still the most awesome tip top thing ever.

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Ooooh I love Jelly Tip. Not totally convinced on the Choc Bar. I had a Bubble o Bill for the first time in about ten years the other day. I have so much love for that ice cream!:LOL:


I used to always get them. We used to get given $1.50 to buy an icecream, and they were $1.40 at the time I think :p that was when I was about 8/9 though. Been many years since I've enjoyed an icecream, to be fair :(


Saw Zombieland tonight. Fucking hilarious. Loved it.


The one thing I thought was terrible about the movie was the awfully abrupt ending...

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Guest hysteriaaah
I used to always get them. We used to get given $1.50 to buy an icecream, and they were $1.40 at the time I think :p that was when I was about 8/9 though. Been many years since I've enjoyed an icecream, to be fair :(



i'm a high class bitch, always went for the magnums :LOL:

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The one thing I thought was terrible about the movie was the awfully abrupt ending...


The ending made absolutely no sense. They spent the whole movie running away, pointing guns at people, trying to stay safe, and then "oh right let's turn on an amusement park that can be seen and heard from MILES AROUND and get everybody's attention!" :wtf: Right...

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Ooooh I love Jelly Tip. Not totally convinced on the Choc Bar. I had a Bubble o Bill for the first time in about ten years the other day. I have so much love for that ice cream!:LOL:

I used to snap off the jellytip bit and give it to someone else. Yuck.


What was the difference between a chocbar and a topsy?

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After the jelly part, I get pretty bored with a Jelly Tip.


<3 Choc Bars.

i'm a high class bitch, always went for the magnums :LOL:


I used to snap off the jellytip bit and give it to someone else. Yuck.


You're all dead to me.


I used to always get them. We used to get given $1.50 to buy an icecream, and they were $1.40 at the time I think :p that was when I was about 8/9 though. Been many years since I've enjoyed an icecream, to be fair :(
Maan, me too. I'm lactose intolerant now, which means I spend a great deal of time finding ways around the fact I can't eat nearly any dairy. I make an epic raw vegan chocolate cheesecake though.


What was the difference between a chocbar and a topsy?
They don't have the chocolate thing in the middle, or the same coating? I've never had a topsy though, so I'm totally speculating.



My aunt's coming to stay this weekend which means I surrender my bedroom. Which means I have to tidy it up. And do a bunch of housework generally. Rats.

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