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They need to fix the problem with an MP being locally elected meaning their party doesn't need to meet the threshold. That's hardly democratic or representative. Copying the 92 referendum queations is idiotic as well! I wrote an essay on that last year about how misleading the questions then results were.

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It just comes down to hoping you have a good employer. My boss is quite liberal, so I'm lucky.


If I wasn't so fortunate, I'd be so fucking terrified during those first 90 days. And I wouldn't dare take a sick day. Even if I survived that initial trial, the difficulty involved in getting a medical certificate would weigh on my mind when I was considering taking a day off (which every worker in the world should be allowed to have) when I felt too crook to go in to work.

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He doesn't seem to be a believer in convicted criminals' ability to redeem themselves, shall we say. It seems, at times, that he would jump at the chance to reinstate the death penalty. That may be influenced by his party, though.

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Is the lineup on the BDO website not the full lineup? Because I got an email newsletter i'm subscribed to just mentioned that Aphex Twin were there, but they aren't on the BDO site... :unsure:

They release the lineup in two announcements. The second one hasn't been made yet, but will be in the very near future. That newsletter may have accidentally included some information from the second announcement.

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I hope they all died in the first explosion, unknowing.


And I feel kind of terrible for wishing that.

I don't think you should feel terrible about that at all. It'd be better than them suffering for days and dying a slow and agonising death.

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With all that carbon monoxide if they did survive the first blast they would have just become unconscious and died. All the reporting just seems really irresponsible...right from the start it seemed so unlikely that they would lived very long in the mine. I guess the Chile thing really just askewed thinking.


The week you guys in NZ lose a public holiday, we get an extra one in the UK for the royal wedding.

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I forgot that 50,000 people was ALOT of people for Auckland. Loads of buses packed to the brim with people are headed to Mt smart for the U2 gig going right past my house which is no where near Mt smart. Its weird thinking its more than the amount of people who go to big day out.

Edited by Shwissky
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"New Zealanders want to give people a fair go. It's part of our DNA. And they have given John Key a fair go. But they will be asking themselves whether smiles at the helm are going to help pay the bills at home." :awesome:
Oh Jim <3


The comments on that article fail though :LOL:



Got 99% in one of my papers.

This means I made a really really REALLY trivial mistake in the final exam. I keep yoyoing between :supersad: and :facepalm:

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But because I wrote a v as a y or something, I didn't get 100%. I screwed up by that much. Jesus Christ my Saviour.




There's an auction of obscure ancient Maori things in Paris, or so msn news tells me. Weird. I have greenstone which was brought back from European auction houses - just with my dad's work, it happens. He's one of the Indiana Joneses who bring things back, and finds out there were Maori pirates who retired to obscure villages on the French coast in the 18th century and things.

Edited by lensip max
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