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The branch I worked in in the city is still closed.




I for some reason seem to like the cow one too. But I agree with Richard that they probably wouldn't bounce the same. Those are probably safer with four feet :LOL:


My weekend lolz: nearly walked into a tv3 sports presenter (Shaun Summerfield) whilst carrying two ice cream cones at the NZ V8 racing yesterday :LOL::facepalm: Ok, well he clearly saw me to get out of the way before I saw him, but still lol worthy

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Such a great feeling when you walk out of that last one.


Good luck for the exam!

Thanks! It actually went okay (I think...)


Hey, some of us are STILL flaky arts students, thanks very much :phu:
You're going to win some amazing literary prize one day.


As such you don't count :p




Booooooreeed. And tired but awake still. Might browse trademe for a bit so I can add things to my watchlist I have no intention of buying because I'm too poor to be able to afford to do so :awesome:

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I will never face slowed down internet again. Its so cheap to use on my smartphone too.


Oren and I booked tickets to Japan. I'M SO EXCITED. Caps was by mistake but easier to just keep going on my phone and turned out to be rather apt usage.

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That's awesome. Really exciting.


My local MP made a fool of himself again this week. He read a speech in Parliament that was apparently identical to a speech read by Peter Dunne a year or so ago. :facepalm: Labour MPs got a good laugh out of it at least.

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Sounds like precisely my cup of tea.


There was an awesome little interview with Thom from The Naked and Famous in the magazine on the plane today. My favourite bit was when he said "I don't know where the desire to write music comes from. It's like gas - you just have to let it out." :LOL::awesome:

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Haha, Christchurch - so climatically random. When I got there last Saturday it was 7 degrees, and it didn't get above 12 all day. I was underdressed, and I was cold. I wasn't going to make the same mistake yesterday.


It was 26. :LOL:

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it's nice to live in a country that isn't obsessed with rugby like new zealand is but i do dislike here that when people realise i'm a kiwi they instantly think i'll want to talk about rugby. or hobbits.


:rolleyes: That would get annoying. I just finished reading The Hobbit yesterday, so at least I know what that's all about now...


I feel a desperate need to see this TV movie called Sharktopus.




I think all of the above are appropriate responses.


Wow, that's something :LOL: I think I'll check some of that out on youtube later.


There was an awesome little interview with Thom from The Naked and Famous in the magazine on the plane today. My favourite bit was when he said "I don't know where the desire to write music comes from. It's like gas - you just have to let it out." :LOL::awesome:




School is finished and I got Dux :awesome: now trying to get ready for exams. Scholarship English on Tuesday morn :supersad:


Well done! Good luck for exams!

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I haven't been on here in a while. Hmmm


News: The Phoenix Foundation were awesome. School is finished and I got Dux :awesome: now trying to get ready for exams. Scholarship English on Tuesday morn :supersad:


:eek: What was the show like? Besides awesome, obviously?

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Thanks guys

:eek: What was the show like? Besides awesome, obviously?


It was so awesome. They're so funny :LOL: I was one of two people wearing a TPF shirt and was full on dancing at the front of the audience. I freaked out when they played a couple of songs and basically sang the whole lot by myself. Really talented bunch. Afterwards Will came and shook my hand for coming, etc :awesome:

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