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Yeah, he was really good.


So what was your great animation idea? If you can easily explain it.


Okay its going to sound lame now :LOL:

But I was thinking something along the lines of a polluted and war-torn Earth in the future, sending out a robot or something as their last hope to find a new home. The robot finds a beautiful planet and heads back to tell the people who sent it, but then when it gets back it realises that the people are the ones who ruined Earth and made it all shit, so it flies into the sun instead of telling them where the new planet is. So the people are left staring up at the sky waiting for the robot to return, but it never will.



Basically it came out of the idea that I find the last part of Exogenesis to be really beautiful if you think of it in a sad way, despite the fact that it's called Redemption :p I always imagine people singing it during Judgement Day or something :LOL: Maybe I'm weird.

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Yeah, I think there's definitely some regret and sadness in it.


Overture, on the other hand, I don't really understand. But it sounds so beautiful.


Overtune kind of makes me think of people first starting to question the meaning of life, with the whole 'who are we, where are we?' stuff. The whole thing kinda screams of religious allegory actually :LOL:

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morning people the first post of the day. I dont have to be at course until 10.30.. i am just curious about the day today will bring me. I just would need to hope that i have word about studylink and that they have fixed up the problem otherwise i will have to tell them i cant continue and ring my work place up and tell them to put me back on full time. That to me will defeat my purpose of staying signed into the course in the first place when i could of just dont lvl3 why didnt i have a crystal ball then.


And in that sea of people pic i would of been somewhere in the middle and i was that squashed that i asked to be pulled out i would of stayed but by the time muse came out i had enough of being squashed and wanted to breathe freely lol.

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I had a Vodafone salesman turn up at the door at 8pm on Sunday, I politely said "I'm not Interested" he responded with "How do you know you are not interested, I haven't told you what I'm here for" I responded by saying "I don't care" followed by closing the door :LOL:


It's bad enough them showing up during the day, but a Sunday evening is a bit extreme :rolleyes:

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:LOL: were you in the lift like '... oh hey, aren't you that guy from that band? The uh... Horrors or something?', trying to be all casual?


No, it wasn't quite that casual :LOL:. The lift door was about to close so I ran and stuck my foot in the door. Then I said "fancy seeing you here." I must have looked like a twat but he just laughed so it was all good :happy:

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I liked the crowd, are most Muse moshpits like that too? If so, it's better and less aggressive than I thought :awesome: BDO was my first concert ever, you see :yesey:


I don't think the moshpits are quite as bad at their own gigs. A lot more people get pulled out at BDO, which is one of the reasons I moved because I couldn't see while people were being lifted out :rolleyes:


I was waiting for someone to fall over, because when one fell, it was going to just be a domino effect from there... Luckily it never happened :chuckle:


A few guys fell over while I was moving back, luckily I kept my balance but that may be where I got the bruises on my ankle.


I think I have found my sister and myself in a pic her partner took from the stands, he wasn't a huge Muse fan so buggered off to the bar with his mates while I made sure my sister got a decent spot for her first live Muse experience.


I've pointed an arrow at what I'm pretty sure is me :LOL: I think we moved a tiny bit closer after the pic was taken at 8:26pm


Full size image here if you want to have a look for yourself



I think I can just see the back of my head, pointed out by an arrow too :LOL:





In the photo below I was behind the blonde chick who looks like she is in pain :LOL:





My day's been not so great - it turns out I can't do a Masters thesis without having done a dissertation as part of a Postgrad Diploma. So I have to do a dissertation in first semester and then start my Masters in July. It really wouldn't have been hard to tell me that last year.


That's a bummer about them not telling you. Do you think you could have fit that in your schedule to complete if you had known anyway?


I had a Vodafone salesman turn up at the door at 8pm on Sunday, I politely said "I'm not Interested" he responded with "How do you know you are not interested, I haven't told you what I'm here for" I responded by saying "I don't care" followed by closing the door :LOL:


It's bad enough them showing up during the day, but a Sunday evening is a bit extreme :rolleyes:




No, it wasn't quite that casual :LOL:. The lift door was about to close so I ran and stuck my foot in the door. Then I said "fancy seeing you here." I must have looked like a twat but he just laughed so it was all good :happy:


Aww :LOL:

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That's a bummer about them not telling you. Do you think you could have fit that in your schedule to complete if you had known anyway?

Yeah, I could have. I was told I had a choice between doing a dissertation and doing two extra classes. Thinking they were the same, I chose the classes. :facepalm:


Just a bit frustrating.


How's your day been?

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Yeah, I could have. I was told I had a choice between doing a dissertation and doing two extra classes. Thinking they were the same, I chose the classes. :facepalm:


Just a bit frustrating.


How's your day been?


Yeah that's a pain. Oh well, hopefully the two extra classes have been or will provide future use.


My day has been alright thanks. Just the usual Tuesday of visiting my gran and grocery shopping then had a couple ice cream orders to make :LOL:



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Hey everyone, first time on the muse messageboard. Ive been a muse fan for a couple of years and i just went to my first ever concert, of course the big day out. Muse were amazeing but i wish i could have gotten closer to them!!. Did anyone else here the muse interview saying there coming back to nz?? Im soo soo excited!!.

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