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I only like MOTP, B&H, Hysteria, New Born, Stockholm Syndrome and KOC out of the whole list.


The list looks fine to me and there are some tracks i havent heard of which will be something i would be keen to hear.


I feel that muse could bring out an album at fans request with the songs we want to hear the longer versions of on resistance track 11 is my fave and i would love the piano to go on longer and also starlight yes there is a few tracks.

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it would have been better had muse come out before the resistance was released. i'm hoping by june they'll start playing less of it.

I really wanted to see them last time they came, but the only chance I would've had was if they'd done a concert in Wellington.


Can't be arsed going to BDO as there's not really anyone else I'd go see. I couldn't put myself through Uprising anyway.

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they just don't try anymore with the setlists. in 2004 there was heaps of buzz about just what they would play at the st james as they were mixing it up so much in australia before our show. even back in 2007, muse essentially played the same show 3 different nights when i saw them in scandinavia.

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well they would need to make sure the songs they perform is going to sound good live otherwise we fans arent going to be happy.. this time round i am happy to see them live and i was kinda hoping they would do a concert at say vector but i will settle with the bdo

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I got my t-shirt printed today!!!!! I couldn't get the moa picture on it though as they have to draw it, can't just use my picture. But it still looks pretty awesome :D







Finally found the blue t-shirt in Farmers, otherwise I would have settled for green or red from Shantons. Logoland sell plain t-shirts too. So yeah, I hope some of you guys can also get one done too. I guess I will need to upload the logo's so you can show them what to print, but I don't think they actually use the ones I made.


Plus I finally caved and bought this.






Yeah, poor Wilf though. And I'm not sure where my tears started welling up, but I'm guessing it would have been around that picture :supersad:


T-shirt looks great! I'm going to look out for you there :happy:


Yeah but did he have to get stuck in that chamber? :supersad: Great episode though. The Master is a fantastic character. His return was definitely above and beyond anything I expected.


well they would need to make sure the songs they perform is going to sound good live otherwise we fans arent going to be happy.. this time round i am happy to see them live and i was kinda hoping they would do a concert at say vector but i will settle with the bdo


Not sure about Vector as a venue but a return would be awesome.


How is everyone? I avoided the neighbours who came over for a bbq by getting coffee with a friend and then going to her grandparents house and watching t.v :chuckle: We wanted to go to the movies but there was practically nothing showing :erm:. The only two movies we were interested in had one showing time each.

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That's unlucky. Hate when that happens.


I had a good night, thanks. :happy: Spent most of it in front of the TV, but there's nothing wrong with that. And I had a brief moment of terror in my car when I believed I was completely lost, but luckily that was short-lived.


Just to clarify, the TV-watching and driving were at different times.

Edited by _Ed_
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Yeah but did he have to get stuck in that chamber? :supersad: Great episode though. The Master is a fantastic character. His return was definitely above and beyond anything I expected.


Yeah, the four knocks being Wilf all that time :( The Master was great and again I was torn between laughing my ass off at him or having a :stunned: face :LOL:


I ended up watching the episode on Prime last night and was wondering why they started playing from that epidode. Then at the end I realised they are probably going to play all the old epsiodes from then to cover all the Harold Saxon business (starting from where his people are getting Martha's mum to get them back to Earth/find them) so everyone remembers what happened when they get to these latest episodes. So it's going to be a while til they are on tv :rolleyes:

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Yeah, the four knocks being Wilf all that time :(

The Master was great and again I was torn between laughing my ass off at him or having a :stunned: face :LOL:


I ended up watching the episode on Prime last night and was wondering why they started playing from that epidode. Then at the end I realised they are probably going to play all the old epsiodes from then to cover all the Harold Saxon business (starting from where his people are getting Martha's mum to get them back to Earth/find them) so everyone remembers what happened when they get to these latest episodes. So it's going to be a while til they are on tv :rolleyes:


That was so sad.

Yeah the Master was great. BREAKING NEWS- I'M EVERYONE :awesome:


I watched that one too! With my friend. Hadn't seen that episode before, didn't watch a lot of the Martha ones. I liked it even though it reminded me a bit of the Satan's Pit episode, and a bit of Midnight. It never ceases to amaze me how they brought in the Harold Saxon storyline throughout the entire season :stunned: Incredible writing.

The Stolen Earth was on UKTV :supersad:

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