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Thread is at the very bottom of the page! We can't have that.


Someone I haven't seen since high school tooted at me today while he was driving past. It took me a while to recognise him, and I'm not sure if I waved in time. He might think I snubbed him!


Oh, and I saw a guy wearing crocs and stubbies in Ponsonby this afternoon. Interesting look...to put it nicely.


And in other news, I think you've noticed, but eight days to go. :happy:


Man I do that all the time, ( the missing the wave thing not the public wearing crocs)

I worry about it afterwards too....


Even though Shadows won't be open, we should do something on Saturday if everyone's free to celebrate it being less than a week away. :happy:


How's everyone's day been?


Keen, are you still going to your sister's?


Haha, while in the caeser theatre today halfway through the case the obstetrician's phone rang, so the nurse answered it: "Sorry she can't come to the phone right now, she's in the middle of someone!"


I nearly cried with laughter. It may have been a 'you had to be there' moment!

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That's hilarious.


And thanks for clearing up that you weren't referring to the public crocsage. Had me worried for a second there.


I am going to my sister's on Saturday, but I'm going up there in the late morning and won't be staying any later than 3 or 4. I don't want to be in the way too much - she works Sunday to Thursday and her husband works Monday to Friday, so Saturday's the only full day they get together.

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That's hilarious.


And thanks for clearing up that you weren't referring to the public crocsage. Had me worried for a second there.


I am going to my sister's on Saturday, but I'm going up there in the late morning and won't be staying any later than 3 or 4. I don't want to be in the way too much - she works Sunday to Thursday and her husband works Monday to Friday, so Saturday's the only full day they get together.



Hahah I thought I'd better clarify but I shouldn't have had to!! Crocs in public! Bleughhhhh!



I am fine the usual but the inside exictement is starting to build up you know the bdo is coming closer but i dont think i am having much luck getting out back stage. Am i going to be meeting up with some of yous??


I'm excited, but I have other looking forward to other things before it too which is helping the time go quicker!

I'm sure we'll probably meet up, though it's not looking like we'll be wearing the t shirts.

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Hahah I thought I'd better clarify but I shouldn't have had to!! Crocs in public! Bleughhhhh!





I'm excited, but I have other looking forward to other things before it too which is helping the time go quicker!

I'm sure we'll probably meet up, though it's not looking like we'll be wearing the t shirts.


Well i know i wont be as i dont have one. But i will be wearing a black scarf on my head though. And also try to get there early before the gates open up.

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Yeah none of us have them, we haven't got round to getting them made. It's going to be a really good day!


No they would prolly have a stand i wanted to try and get into the signing tent on my space but it wouldnt take my details, I will be in town on the 14th so if we could plan to meet the night before or something will be cool but i am happy to take it as it comes.

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It's going to be a really good day!



I just went to get a snack from the vending machine at work. After much deliberation, I decided the BBQ Kettle Chips sounded the best. I opened them, and was so looking forward to that first bite, but then...it was a bit soft. And so were all the others.


Really big letdown. :( I won't be going back to that vending machine in a hurry.

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I just went to get a snack from the vending machine at work. After much deliberation, I decided the BBQ Kettle Chips sounded the best. I opened them, and was so looking forward to that first bite, but then...it was a bit soft. And so were all the others.


Really big letdown. :( I won't be going back to that vending machine in a hurry.




I've given up on the vending machine in the tea room, if it steals my snacks one more time I'm going to smash it's face in!

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I just went to get a snack from the vending machine at work. After much deliberation, I decided the BBQ Kettle Chips sounded the best. I opened them, and was so looking forward to that first bite, but then...it was a bit soft. And so were all the others.


Really big letdown. :( I won't be going back to that vending machine in a hurry.


Whose the company for that one. The one i have at course when i was going was an extra generous one you put in 2bucks for a packet of chips at 180 and you get 200 + anothe bag of chips and believe me there wasnt a student on that site that was complaining about that.

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I have to admit I've never noticed what company it is. I'm really observant, obviously.


It's just "that vending machine on the 2nd floor".


um do you know how many buildings in auckland that has second floors most prolly has vending machines :p. also i had someone at work ask me to describe them what the hash brown was are you allowed to get rid of people like that?????

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i don't like hash browns. the american version is a bit more edible than what we call hash browns.


fair enough i like making the hash browns with the grated potatoes,eggs and onions and frying it in the pan.. I suppose that is how the americans have it.

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my knee hurts for no reason :( i haven't even been to the gym since monday as i've been too tired from work. suppose its 2 weeks until i've got a few days off for campus a low hum and i booked some leave for february. my parents told me i wasn't allowed to take anything home but i called my mum today and said "i'm coming down in february to bring stuff down" and she just said "okay!"

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it's when it's just shredded up potato, the american style breakfast diner i went to served them as a side to everything.




Ahhh I've had those, they are goooood.


my knee hurts for no reason :( i haven't even been to the gym since monday as i've been too tired from work. suppose its 2 weeks until i've got a few days off for campus a low hum and i booked some leave for february. my parents told me i wasn't allowed to take anything home but i called my mum today and said "i'm coming down in february to bring stuff down" and she just said "okay!"



Bugger about your knee! I can understand how limiting that can be! Hopefully it's nothing serious and will come right soon!

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