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Friday friday (gotta get down on) I think that decision of going to the concert alone was the most ill judged decision I've made in a while.
Agreeing with this. I've been to a festival on my own which was a bad idea, and another gig earlier in the year... yet for some reason I felt this was a good idea.
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Woohoo newpowersoul :)!

Agreeing with this. I've been to a festival on my own which was a bad idea, and another gig earlier in the year... yet for some reason I felt this was a good idea.


Like I don't mind watching music on my lonesome, but it's just getting back and forth I'm uneasy about. A festival would be pretty intense by yourself :chuckle:

I'm going by myself too, only because nobody I know likes Muse. :(

Also, newpowersoul you lucky bastard. :chuckle:


My problem too, even one of my good friends who I met on here doesn't like them anymore :chuckle:

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So, Beady Eye, Deftones and the Hives are replacing Blur for Big Day Out.

What do y'all think about it?

Personally, I'm stoked cause I missed the Hives earlier this year and have always wanted to see Deftones, and Beady Eye should be good as well.


I now want to go to Big day out. But it's December and due to christmas - i cant afford it right now. :(

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