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omg last night was awesome!!! cheers to muse, and i hope that they will come back to jakarta. pleaseee :musesign:

nobody has uploaded the setlist yet..i only saw tom carrying the setlist paper when he passed in front of me.

first song was knights of cydonia, hysteria, supermassive, and the rest i forgot the order.

sad though, they didn't play bliss and invincible :(


u should've grabbed the set list! eheh.. looking at ur list of songs, it looked almost similar to the s'pore gig. any outstanding moment on stage? did matt throw his guitar again?

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u should've grabbed the set list! eheh.. looking at ur list of songs, it looked almost similar to the s'pore gig. any outstanding moment on stage? did matt throw his guitar again?


yea the setlist looked similar in their other gigs as well. no, he didn't do any spectacular things. but they sent out big balloons with confetti inside to the audience, like the one in hullabaloo dvd. awesomeness....

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kayaknya gw tlat bangedh neh

muse dah ada dari tahon '93

gw baru tau mereka pas album Blach Holes and revelation



anyway, critanya gw bisa ampe sini

pertama gw gak tau muse tuh apaan

trus temen gw recommend lagu "suppermasive black hole" ke gw

gw kan aliran musiknya lebih sering RnB, hiP hoP, n poP

maknya pas gw denger tuh lagu kok ane amed

tapi lama2 gw dengerin, gitarnya keren juga

trus gw jadi tau deh MusE

abiz itu mereka kluarin single Starlight, oke juga sih

tapi gw gak gitu ngefans ma mereka


gak tau napa pas temen gw nawarin mau pesen tiket Muse gak

gw mau pesen! padahal lagu mrk yang gw tau cuma

suppermasive black hole, starlight ma knights of cydonia

tapi kan gw dapet uang sinchiaan jadi gw pake aja deh


akhirnya jadi deh gw nonton konsernya kemaren malem

gw pesen tribune, blok E

huaaa kren abiz


skg gw ngefans ama Muse, pengen bli CD nya


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salam kenal semua.cihuy 2 hari yang lalu,tidak bisa dilupakan dan rasanya ingin nonton lagi secepatnya.gw dapet front row pula,mantap!!!sayang,padahal gw nungguin thought of dying atheist,emang jarang dibawain juga sih,hihi..




kapan yah nonton lagi om mamat dkk.?

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hello,,manggilnya apa nih?tante?kak?hehehe.. i got some pics but most of them are blurred. susah sih motretnya, org2 pd lompat2 gtu..

well happy anniversary then ;) and if you'd like to join museindo just visit the site http://www.muse-indo.com dsitu ada tmpat bwat register jd member klo ga salah..


hi ade' lady ..thanks for ur reply ...wats up:)haha..kalo tante ngga cocok kali krn gw kemarin ikutan jejingkrakan di tribune B,berhubung tiket festivalnya sold out....btw gw melarikan diri dari kantor, naik taksi keujanan,turun tambah kuyub..bener2 soaked to the skin termasuk file2 kerja yang terpaksa gw bawa biar senin ngga miss deadline...tapi semuanya benar2 worthed..sampe sekarang masih termimpi-mimpi...Gw sekeluarga ada koleksi box set nya MUSE...cuman itu doang pengobat rindu hahaha...Anyway tx for ur info ..we'll check out the website..kayaknya masih under construction ya....

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iya tuh masi under construction..klo ga, cari di fs aja, MUSE-INDONESIA..

@anidom, welcome to the board..kynya nambah lagi nih fans dom..msk PDT (pornogenic dom thread) deh..hehehe.


duh gw kyk menderita sindrom kangen muse gitu loh sejak abis konser..ga mood ngapa2in,cm bisa nginget2 muse lagi dan nyari video/foto sebanyak2nya.. kangeeeeennnn.

untung dom blg "..we promise we'll be back!" smoga bener :happy:

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Sorry I don't understand much this language, do you have pics or videos?:)


:D that's ok, some of us speak english too. pics are already available on microcuts, i also have uploaded mine. all other pics i took were blurry, too bad :(


the videos:

stockholm syndrome ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HeYtj...elated&search=

time is running out --->

hysteria ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vPq0x...elated&search=

supermassive --->

knights of cydonia ---> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1j-RU...elated&search=

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@ lady_dementia


where did u get that videos? do u have a high resolution full concert video? I mean the video with DVD picture quality, if u have... don't upload it to youtube coz my internet connection is very bad, just tell me and I will come to your place to copy it. thx in advance!

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:eek: keren banget fotonyaaaa. lo paling dpan di dket mikenya matt ya kmaren??enak bangett :(



gw ga paling depan, gw di tribune block A, tempatnya yg sejajar sama stage.. alhamdulillah bagus bgt emang sii posisi gw kmaren...

gw mesen situ karena matt pasti blockingnya dket di block A kan.. hehe.. makanya gw udah niat nyiapin cam nya, beserta custom setting biar g blur buat foto2 matt dkk..


btw, kmaren ko camera nya bnyk bgt yaa.. apa jangan2 ada niat buat dibkin dvd ? i wisshh!! itu ada camera di stand mikenya matt juga kan yaa ? aduh mudah2an nanti ada dvd nya.. buat kenang2an seumur hidup slaen foto2 yg gw ambil..


bsok ah mo masukin foto lagi.. gw ada videonya, tapi 200 mb.. huhuhu..

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gw ada videonya, tapi 200 mb.. huhuhu..


itu video lngkap dr awal ampe akhir ga? mau dong,,tp gmn cara upload/ngirimnya ya?wah kmaren gw ga pake kamera yg pro sih,,cm 3.2 megapixel jd hasilnya ga gt bagus dan byk yg blur..

iya,smoga mreka bikin dvd..gw terlalu kangen sm momen2 muse skrg ampe mo nangis skrg,hiks :(

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@ sylvie

you're welcome! well, that wasnt me who recorded the vids. i just got the links from another forum. anyway, enjoy :)



no i dont have the full version of the gig. im currently waiting for someone to upload the vids too! if you're looking for a good quality, try in muselive, but for now no one has uploaded a single vid in there.

maybe we should wait until java musikindo produces the dvd. hopefully they will...

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itu video lngkap dr awal ampe akhir ga? mau dong,,tp gmn cara upload/ngirimnya ya?wah kmaren gw ga pake kamera yg pro sih,,cm 3.2 megapixel jd hasilnya ga gt bagus dan byk yg blur..

iya,smoga mreka bikin dvd..gw terlalu kangen sm momen2 muse skrg ampe mo nangis skrg,hiks :(


cuma starlight doang.. hehehe, gila yaa sizenya.. 4 menit doang 200 mb.. gw juga nyesel cuma bawa memory card 512 saja.. yg 1 giga ga kebawa, malah kebawa yg 32mb.. huh!

mudah2an lah bkin dvd,. mo harganya seharga tiket muse kmaren juga pasti gw beli.. hehehe..


kira2 java dapat hak siar ga yaa.. klo dapet hak siar pgn direkam deh.. huhuhuhu..

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Guys, this is bad news... I've been called Javamusikindo to ask about concert video, guess what? they DON'T have a plan to produce it, I also ask Duta Suara and they have the same answer too. Damn...! :mad:


java nya emang g ada hak buat produce it boss.. klo dapet hak siar pun mreka cuma boleh nayangin 30 menit dari konser, walopun mreka boleh ngerekam full concert.. duta suara apalagi, dia sama skali ga ada hak buat produksi itu.. kan mreka cuma dealer..


yg punya hak nya cuma MUSE dan labelnya.. cuma bisa ga ya nanya k managementnya muse.. hehehe..


masi berharap ada dvd official dari muse nii gw.. sampe skrg masi males ngapa2in kcuali ngliatin foto2 kmaren.. hehehe.. :D

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java nya emang g ada hak buat produce it boss.. klo dapet hak siar pun mreka cuma boleh nayangin 30 menit dari konser, walopun mreka boleh ngerekam full concert.. duta suara apalagi, dia sama skali ga ada hak buat produksi itu.. kan mreka cuma dealer..


yg punya hak nya cuma MUSE dan labelnya.. cuma bisa ga ya nanya k managementnya muse.. hehehe..


masi berharap ada dvd official dari muse nii gw.. sampe skrg masi males ngapa2in kcuali ngliatin foto2 kmaren.. hehehe.. :D


hmmm... gitu ya, tp anehnya yg saranin gw utk tanya ke duta suara mereka sendiri (javamusikindo), mereka juga nyuruh gw nanya ke warner music indonesia pula. berati mereka sendiri sebenernya kurang paham soal ini dong? :D


o iya satu lagi, tadi pas gw tanya ke duta suara mereka bilang "belum ada karna konsernya baru hr jumat kmaren", ini artinya ada kemungkinan videonya bakal beredar. :)


btw lo tau darimana klo seandainya java punya hak siar mereka cuma boleh nayangin 30 menit? :confused:


Buat yg penasaran : Java Musikindo (021-57988623)

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