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I had the best night of my life at the O2! Absolutely AMAZING! :D I was in front row! :awesome:


The performance was brilliant, the lighting, the crowd, which I thought Matt interacted with well :) And the band really looked like they were enjoying themselves, and so did the crowd.


I hope they come back to Ireland next year, Matt said in that Zane Lowe interview that they probably will, if they do, can't wait! :D

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We got more video up!








(posted the other day)



A few more to come, we're both still coming off the jetlag (8 hours of time zone crossings, 14 hours in the air, and another 7-8 in airports/customs)...


One more to add...


The camera's a bit shaky on this one, but considering the absolute frenzy going on at the time I think she did a great job with the shot. Love the moments when balloons popped overhead...

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I had the best night of my life at the O2! Absolutely AMAZING! :D I was in front row! :awesome:


The performance was brilliant, the lighting, the crowd, which I thought Matt interacted with well :) And the band really looked like they were enjoying themselves, and so did the crowd.


I hope they come back to Ireland next year, Matt said in that Zane Lowe interview that they probably will, if they do, can't wait! :D


It's my understanding they'll swing through Europe again (after they give the states a run) on either a festival or a proper stadium tour.

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Hi everyone.


This was my first gig - had an amazing time.


I'm not sure if this deserves it's own thread but I have a question...


We got seated tickets.

All the gigs I've been to in the Olympia etc seated tickets doesn't mean sitting, it's just a guarantee of personal space really.


So what do you guys think about seated tickets, are you practically signing a contract to sit for the entire gig?

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Hi everyone.


This was my first gig - had an amazing time.


I'm not sure if this deserves it's own thread but I have a question...


We got seated tickets.

All the gigs I've been to in the Olympia etc seated tickets doesn't mean sitting, it's just a guarantee of personal space really.


So what do you guys think about seated tickets, are you practically signing a contract to sit for the entire gig?


Depends on the stewards and the people around you tbh.

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Hi everyone.


This was my first gig - had an amazing time.


I'm not sure if this deserves it's own thread but I have a question...


We got seated tickets.

All the gigs I've been to in the Olympia etc seated tickets doesn't mean sitting, it's just a guarantee of personal space really.


So what do you guys think about seated tickets, are you practically signing a contract to sit for the entire gig?


ive never bought seated tickets, always standing :p

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Im soooo jealous :(

*tear* I wanna see muse again!!!

Im going back to school tomorrow . . Lol ive finally recovered after friday! :LOL:

You queing early tomorrow?


hehe, only got the ticket yesterday :happy:


:LOL: not jealous of you :p (though you do get to live in Ireland with all the Irish accents, that is something to be jealous of! :LOL:)


nah, pub! :D

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hehe, only got the ticket yesterday :happy:


:LOL: not jealous of you :p (though you do get to live in Ireland with all the Irish accents, that is something to be jealous of! :LOL:)


nah, pub! :D


I met you mate! :D


I spent so long looking at you going "Is he...? I think he might be...I sorta recognise but...what if I'm wrong...and what if I shut up as soon as I speak to him...?" - I'm like that :$.


Yeah, couldn't think of anything to say. Didn't want to go down the typical rampant Muser route in a way so I was kinda lost there. :LOL:

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I met you mate! :D


I spent so long looking at you going "Is he...? I think he might be...I sorta recognise but...what if I'm wrong...and what if I shut up as soon as I speak to him...?" - I'm like that :$.


Yeah, couldn't think of anything to say. Didn't want to go down the typical rampant Muser route in a way so I was kinda lost there. :LOL:


indeed you did! though I admit i was a bit confused as to who you were at first :$


haha, im suprised, there arent many guys with dyed red hair, thought I would be fairly recognisable! :LOL:

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