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What does ASCII mean? I really know nothing today.

"American Standard Code for Information Interchange" ... basically, symbols. usually when you refer to ASCII you talk about the code to get a letter or a certain letter with an accent.




ASCII art is when you use LOTS and LOTS of symbols to make pictures:

from the simple:



to the extreme "wow you have way too much time on your hands":


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hey, i resent that.


i'm a casual user of the board, and i am no one's friggin groupie.


to be a groupie implys i might actually think about sleeping with them, which i do NOT.

so i am assuming this also rules out the muse moms.


i hope. :LOL:






but i will admit... just this ONE TIME... tom does have a certain charm to him.

that and he gave me a coke, which has earned him my eternal love. or at least some respect. :p

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hey, i resent that.


i'm a casual user of the board, and i am no one's friggin groupie.


to be a groupie implys i might actually think about sleeping with them, which i do NOT.

so i am assuming this also rules out the muse moms.


i hope. :LOL:






but i will admit... just this ONE TIME... tom does have a certain charm to him.

that and he gave me a coke, which has earned him my eternal love. or at least some respect. :p


On this board I think the term groupie is used loosely, to mean you're a big fan, not someone who would want to sleep with one of them, no one was trying to imply that. I'm sorry if you took offence.

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' At Monobrow.com, we don't view having one eyebrow as a grotesque, freakish human deformity. On the contrary. We think you are special (and not the kind of special where you wear a helmet.) The kind of special where people look at the hairy, catipillar-like growth above your eyes and say, "Oh my God! What the hell is that thing?" You're not alone. Monobrow.com, celebrating the unity of your eyebrows '


may be of some interest


as most people say Tom Kirk has a monobrow although I think its more of a triple brow

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' At Monobrow.com, we don't view having one eyebrow as a grotesque, freakish human deformity. On the contrary. We think you are special (and not the kind of special where you wear a helmet.) The kind of special where people look at the hairy, catipillar-like growth above your eyes and say, "Oh my God! What the hell is that thing?" You're not alone. Monobrow.com, celebrating the unity of your eyebrows '


may be of some interest


as most people say Tom Kirk has a monobrow although I think its more of a triple brow


If monobrow.com accepts this as a monobrow then I think they'd accept Kirky's can be accepted as a monobrow too, I'm saying it counts as both a triple brow and a monobrow, even though that's a contradiction.

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Tom Kirk Fetish List




Right Angled Triangles






French cheese.

Heat sensitive cameras







added by gocanux

cowboy boots

video cameras


added by greatbigsquirrel






Key added by

Honey Ryder

Youcouldbemy unintended



I've added NASA to my list I made ages ago.

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