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Dear Blee

Grinning Death

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Dear Miss Blee


i think your avatar is hilariously brilliant. it has alleviated my irrational fear of the Radiohead bear. thank you.






Dear Blee ^


Got pmed that as well. Spam Spam glorious spam


Looks like kevbot got there already. And in my thread. HOW DARE, SPAMBOT.


I'm gonna do your thingy this weekend :)


Thank yooooo *gropes* :D

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*falls off chair from laughing so much* you have totally made my day... that little .gif is brilliant! thank you!




Dear Blee, please could you fix it for me to have a name change because this one is too silly.




omg no :(


General consensus is no, dude..


Sweet Bleefers,


What is this thingy that needs sorting?? :LOL:


Dying of salacious curiosity, I remain




Mneme :D


Awwwww ten points and a gold star for how that was worded :happy:


Mikey is doing a banner for me for http://www.anxietyboy.co.uk which is a podcast that Nerdface writes.


See, not that exciting :LOL:

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Bloody hell, back from the dead!


Dear Blee


What's up with my name change?




Did you send me one?! I haven't got one! Can you please PM me again?


Dear Blee,


I miss old times. can we bring back all the gang, like Gem and Gemsy and Olly and lol at things and such?


less than three your face



We are all still about, I think. We should all go get drunk sometime.


Dear Blee,


Why so sexy? <3


luv gemmer xxx


NO, YOU <3 xxxxxxx

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