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Certain Personality Types Drawn to Muse?

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Hello! I took a personality test and came off with INFJ. I was looking at musicians who had this personality, and both Bellamy and Wolstenholme have it. I have a theory that those with certain personalitys are drawn to certain artists like Muse. Do you think this is true?


Let the discussion commence!

Edited by lurkinglurker
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I'm INTJ and


1: that test is bullshit

2: every second person on the planet listens to muse


Not in America. You mention Muse here, and most will just know Madness.


I don't know, I just found it interesting. It may be BS, but it was interesting anyway.


Also, I didn't take the personality test on that site. I was just interested in others who had the INFJ personality among film and music.

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I trained as a musician but only ever played professionally three times. I took the test years ago and can only remember E__J. I would never describe Matt Bellamy as an 'Introvert.' :LOL:


Introvert in the MBTI test has nothing to do with not being outgoing it had to do wi where you draw your energy from.


MBTI is not about personality per say it has to do with preference and how like to do thing to behave. It doesn't mean that can't do or be the opposite it just means that one will come more naturally than the other.


Thing about those "tests" is that they are relevant if you know the context and knowing how to interpret the results.

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late reply here


I'm an INTJ myself, and very happy that Dom happens to be categorized as INTJ on that site considering Matt and Chris are INFJ (on the site at least).


We did the same thing in my Beatles first year seminar for college, and I wasn't any of the Beatles. Though their "quick test" said I was an ISTJ, which I know is wrong as a regular test said INTJ.


But it does seem that INs tend to like Muse I guess? Hard to tell without a formal poll, I suppose.

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Neat, I'm INFJ too. When I first took the test and read the INFJ profile, it was scary accurate to the way I think about the world. It seemed like someone had done a lifelong study of me inside and out and put down the main details of how I operate in words. Therefor I trust that test. Pretty cool that Matt and Chris are INFJ, too. :)

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Neat, I'm INFJ too. When I first took the test and read the INFJ profile, it was scary accurate to the way I think about the world. It seemed like someone had done a lifelong study of me inside and out and put down the main details of how I operate in words. Therefor I trust that test. Pretty cool that Matt and Chris are INFJ, too. :)


It is pretty interesting. And a bit scary. :eek:

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