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He still says its "two narratives" but referring to it as the "epilogue" tells us really what it is. Again, the segue is a really obvious tip off to it.


yeah, it makes more sense now he's clarified it! This interview's been a bit meh so far, but at least now I know they like to ride bikes. Always good to know

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I think 2nd Law was a bit easier to like straight away, but didn't stand the test of time (imo). I think this album is a bit more difficult to like but will be a grower


Yep, these are exactly my thoughts. I remember when I first hear T2L, I thought it was a very good album at first. I even ranked it their 3rd best album :LOL::LOL:. But I was tired of it in two weeks, and I began to dislike almost everything about it. I only listen on a regular basis Madness, Animals, IS and Panic Station. With this album, I know I will listen to at least 4 songs on a regular basis (DI, The Handler, Reapers and Defector) and the rest are growing on me a lot (except Drones, it's not my cup of tea). So I hope, this could be, at least, 4th in my rank.

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don't think they've got the ideas tbh. We'd probs just get an hour's worth of whistling and Matt bellowing about "being free"


God I wish Muse had enough material for a Mesmerize/Hypnotize or Opposites style double album but I fear you may be correct about the potential results...

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