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If anyone has actually read my arguments FOR double kick, and actually taken in what i'm trying to say, they certainly haven't posted!


Do I have a communication problem?


It's not about double bass rolls, or mental speed, or looking good, or not looking good. It sounds better!


No doubt some of you could play these beats with a single kick, but it wouldn't record as strong.


That sounds like sloppy technique to me.



What? Why? Have you tried? Are you a recording engineer?



Anyway, all this is BS. I was just trying to make the point, that if you have the money, no matter what you're playing, you should have a double kick. Even if you're the best heel-toer in the world, you should have a double kick, especially if you're in the studio with a rock band.

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If anyone has actually read my arguments FOR double kick, and actually taken in what i'm trying to say, they certainly haven't posted!


Do I have a communication problem?


It's not about double bass rolls, or mental speed, or looking good, or not looking good. It sounds better!




What? Why? Have you tried? Are you a recording engineer?



Anyway, all this is BS. I was just trying to make the point, that if you have the money, no matter what you're playing, you should have a double kick. Even if you're the best heel-toer in the world, you should have a double kick, especially if you're in the studio with a rock band.



oh yeah im not disagreeing with that, everyone should try a double pedal from time to time, seriously i was in that music shop for over 2 hours trying to decide, when i finally did i was chuffed, until when i got home i realised i couldn't do triplets with one pedal...grrr


but still like i said before, thetype of music i play theres no need for it so im happy:D


EDIT: please do not bring finance into this - don't stoop that low

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Right, so it makes a good point to bring finance into it, as obviously double kicks are more expensive, and for the less well off drummer, there may be something more important to be bought for his kit.


In my opinion, If you are a rock drummer, and you're going into the studio, there's not much that's more important than a well oiled double kick.

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Why would it be low to bring finance into it? I personally would have bought a nice cymbol, kept the shitty single kick I had, and saved up for a double.


sorry i wasnt clear enough, i meant what StockholmSyndrome1973 said about niles not being 'rich enough'


poor point, when i see him post he always posts something that he's just bought of ebay...or going to buy


no need

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No doubt some of you could play these beats with a single kick, but it wouldn't record as strong.


That sounds like sloppy technique to me.


From what I can gather, Niles is hardly a rich man. Double pedals are more expensive than singles. He probably couldn't afford them, and thus has probably decided "Fuck all those double users, I'm gonna be as good as them with a single", which, whilst impractical as it maybe, would physically look far more marvellous than a double pedal.


Double hits and maintaining full control of your hi-hats to do what you wanna do with them...sounds far more impressive than going nuts on the Bass anyday.




got it in one!

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I beat you all by having two singles and two bass drums :).



New (lol) kit:


Some chrome-finished Premier thing (two up, two down) with an extra bass drum, the most tonk hardware I've ever seen, 'project one' snare, 14" 'top beat' zildjian hats, 16" Zildjian K dark crash, paiste 505 dry ride and some powercolor crash thing....


All for £100 :happy: !


How can I find out the exact model? The kicks and rack toms are relatively big and shallow (with reinforcing hoops), with internal damper thingys :) !

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got it in one!


When someone has made a post, and then others replied to this post, it would make sense to read these replies, and reply to them, as well as supporting the original post.


Simply quoting something I have already responded to (questioning the validity of several remarks) several times is a little annoying, as the next reader may address the quote, rather than look at the original post, and check the replies. Basically, it just seems like you're very closed to the points of view expressed in between the original post, and your quote.


I'm sure you didn't mean to cause any annoyance, but a reply would be appreciated, as I would like someone (and you seem to feel very strongly about it) to explain to me why my view of "most drummers should have a double kick, especially in the studio" is wrong?


Again, it's not about looking, or sounding impressive. It's about playing for a band.

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It's obviously not odd to use a single pedal. This is what I mean, I have written the advantages of a double kick many times, and you've either not read them, not taken them in, or are trying to argue in a childish manner. No-one has been able to justify not wanting one.


I'm fully aware that there are plenty of advantages of using a double bass pedal, having used one once or twice.

It is, however, probably a LOT more effort to learn how to use yoru hi-hat pedal with your heel and the slave pedal with the toe, than it is to simply learn and master double techniques on a single pedal.


It's also a lot cheaper to simply use a single pedal over a double, especiallywhen you consider the two hi-hats solution; that's a double-the-price double pedal PLUS another pair of hi-hats, which all-in-all will probably come to somewhere between £400 and £500. Not cheap.

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When someone has made a post, and then others replied to this post, it would make sense to read these replies, and reply to them, as well as supporting the original post.


Simply quoting something I have already responded to (questioning the validity of several remarks) several times is a little annoying, as the next reader may address the quote, rather than look at the original post, and check the replies. Basically, it just seems like you're very closed to the points of view expressed in between the original post, and your quote.


I'm sure you didn't mean to cause any annoyance, but a reply would be appreciated, as I would like someone (and you seem to feel very strongly about it) to explain to me why my view of "most drummers should have a double kick, especially in the studio" is wrong?


Again, it's not about looking, or sounding impressive. It's about playing for a band.


...ok then.... ill just completely repeat what he said next time :rolleyes:


I agree with what he said. And by agreeing with him, and letting you KNOW that I agree shows that he's not the only person thinking that. Infact I think quite a lot of people will agree with him. Were not ALL going to write our specific reasons because there will be a hell of a lot of repetition.


is that better? ;)

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I dunno where some people get the idea where double bass pedals are a crutch...

Nor do I... in fact I don't know where you're getting it from. The single kick contingent never suggested that doubles are a crutch, in fact it's quite impossible to play most double kick work on a single, we;re simply saying that anything you can't so on a single won't sound good anyway.


I'm on dialup but if that's anything like the video on Drummerworld "Now That You've Got Something to Die For" he's a paragon of everything I hate about double work. He can't groove, there's no complexity at all, just a boring 4/4 plod, a token effort really, the beat is just a vehicle for the double kick, and that sucks, as I said before.


I just gotta laugh at double bass haters I'm afraid.

The Howards, Theodores and Bohnams of this world will be crushed.


and niles how can u listen to mike portnoy and say it dosnt sound good.

It comes from having the capacity to formulate my own opinions. He's vastly overrated.


Dave Weckl is a great drummer, Jon Theodore is a great drummer, Mike Portnoy is a technically proficient yet boring drummer.


It does sound good and impressive. but no, you will rpefer some poor gypo old man playing a beaten down kit with one arm and his big toe sounding exactly the same, because its more hardcore

The only thing impressive about it is how much praise he can garner from teenaged degenerates. That and how he can manage to hit every single item on his nation-sized wank-kits in the course of a single song, and to hell with tastefulness. His drumming is mechanical and lifeless because he has no concept of groove or swing.


carey > all.

Oh please. He's a three trick pony.

1) Tribal tom rhythm ad nauseam

2) Ryhthmically complex, technically basic groove

3) Rhythmically basic, technically basic groove, rescued by some double work here and there


You can hear this in just about every song on Lateralus.


I was just trying to make the point, that if you have the money, no matter what you're playing, you should have a double kick. Even if you're the best heel-toer in the world, you should have a double kick, especially if you're in the studio with a rock band.

How presumtuous can you get...?


It sounds better!

NO IT DOESN'T! Do I have a communication problem, too?




In my opinion, If you are a rock drummer, and you're going into the studio, there's not much that's more important than a well oiled double kick.

Unless you play good music...


Some chrome-finished Premier thing (two up, two down) with an extra bass drum, the most tonk hardware I've ever seen, 'project one' snare, 14" 'top beat' zildjian hats, 16" Zildjian K dark crash, paiste 505 dry ride and some powercolor crash thing....


All for £100 !

That is fecking awesome. Are you sure the hats aren't "New Beat"? I don't know anything about old Premiers, sorry, the vintage section on http://www.pearldrummersforum.com will, though.


It's obviously not odd to use a single pedal. This is what I mean, I have written the advantages of a double kick many times, and you've either not read them, not taken them in, or are trying to argue in a childish manner. No-one has been able to justify not wanting one.

I don't think you can read.

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That is fecking awesome. Are you sure the hats aren't "New Beat"? I don't know anything about old Premiers, sorry, the vintage section on http://www.pearldrummersforum.com will, though.


New beat's the one! I got top from the top/bottom labels :LOL: .


Cheers for that site - I'm hoping the odd sizes will help with ID:) !





While we're at it, do you have any tips for tuning? The toms have half-head things on the bottoms...

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Firstly hats off to Niles for one of the longest multiquotes I have seen on here whilst still managing to rightly put someone down.. but doing it with complete style ie "how he can manage to hit every single item on his nation-sized wank-kits in the course of a single song, and to hell with tastefulness"


I am not worthy :D


Secondly.....erm...dunno...anyone fancy a pint ?

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niles, your opinion is wrong, because it is different from mine.


have you heard the work which was put into jambi?

no you wouldnt because your nutsack got in the way of your face.


Anyone remember cheddatom complaining about how some people were arguing in a childish manner?


And I'm in agreement with Niles/ADAM/fellow single-pedal devotees, based mostly on Niles' multi-quote.

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niles, your opinion is wrong, because it is different from mine.


have you heard the work which was put into jambi?

no you wouldnt because your nutsack got in the way of your face.


As "opinion" is defined as "a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty" one wonders how an opinion could be wrong.


And Niles's nutsack would need to be over his ears not in the way of his face to stop him hearing the work put in to Jambi.


Like I said, if you are going to insult...make sure you can do it with style. :p


But lets all lighten up...if it helps I would say the worst advertisment for the double pedal is those who use them badly or go over the top on them. They can tarnish the reputations of the other Double "Peddlars" who give them a good name.

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As "opinion" is defined as "a personal belief or judgment that is not founded on proof or certainty" one wonders how an opinion could be wrong.


And Niles's nutsack would need to be over his ears not in the way of his face to stop him hearing the work put in to Jambi.


Like I said, if you are going to insult...make sure you can do it with style. :p


But lets all lighten up...if it helps I would say the worst advertisment for the double pedal is those who use them badly or go over the top on them. They can tarnish the reputations of the other Double "Peddlars" who give them a good name.


lol i love winding people up. its sexcellent.

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