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I cant do the heel toe technique - my foots too big. If i curl up my toes and put them against the chain i can kinda do it. So instead im focusing more on the slide technique.


I heard about that one from a friend, but he wasn't very precise about it, so I'm still confused about it. lol

My lack of technique knowledge is due to being a toe-person (if that makes sense).

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I heard about that one from a friend, but he wasn't very precise about it, so I'm still confused about it. lol

My lack of technique knowledge is due to being a toe-person (if that makes sense).


if you youtube 'heel-toe' technique you get loads of videos telling you how to do it. :)

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I cant do the heel toe technique - my foots too big. If i curl up my toes and put them against the chain i can kinda do it. So instead im focusing more on the slide technique.


Size of foot shouldn't affect ability to paly heel toe. All pedal boards are shorter than most people's feet (except Longboards).



I've only ever seen people HTing on short boards.

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To call them Emperors is a bit of a lie by Remo, they're much heavier than Emperor weight (2 plies of 7 mil film), with 2 plies of Ambassador weight film (10 mil) and a 5 mil black dot they're like a super 2 ply version of the CS head.


They're the heaviest head Remo makes so they've got no sensitivity or overtones and have a boxy character to them but they'd do well in louder styles of music.

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It's the heaviest head Remo makes so they've got no sensitivity or overtones and have a boxy character to them but they'd do well in louder styles of music.


That's the kind of music we're playing mostly ;) Or would be playing, if we had a band room :'( Oh well, I can always get another head. Or put on the original head that came with the drums. Next time I'm going to purchase some drums stuff, I'll ask you first ;)

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They're Aquarian heads, I think Super Kicks and Powerstroke 3's are two of the most widely used bass heads in the world. They're pre-muffled heads of either 1 or 2 plies of Ambassador weight film (Aquarian film is different, thought, it's generally denser and doesn't have the plasticy sound Evans and Remo heads have) with a ring of felt around the outer edge. Aquarian also makes a matching resonant side head called Regulator that you can get in black or white with a small or large port. Dom used a clear Super Kick II (2-ply) over a black Regulator in the Hullabaloo days (Super Kick over Force I in the early BHAR period) and I like a coated Super Kick I (1-ply) witha kick pad over a coated Force I (the Force series is Aquarian's analogue of the Powerstroke 3s) resonant.


where I should look for them?

I don't know, I don't know where you live. :D Germany?



That's a really nice looking kit, btw. Innovations ftw. EDIT: Are those Carbosticks?


The X one. I didn't try them out, but I assumed they'd be ok ;)

Ah, no need with clear Emps, they're a safe bet.

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Ok, my immediate thought is to go for "rock" since I'm a fan of rock music, but then, if my thinking is right, don't they give off a duller sound and feel, where as a medium weight would be nice and bright?


I've gone for PST5s by the way.


14" Hats

16" Crash (Might change this for a 17", not sure yet)

18" Crash

20" Ride.


Help meeee people.


I'm also replacing my coated head for clear emperors (got ambassadors on the reso, currently got coated emperors on the batters).


Also, Mapex Panther Premium Steel 14 x 6.5, head/reso suggestions?


That'll do me kiddies! :D.


EDIT: Hmmm, how much better than PST5s are Alpha Pros?

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Size of foot shouldn't affect ability to paly heel toe. All pedal boards are shorter than most people's feet (except Longboards).



I've only ever seen people HTing on short boards.


Yeah you said that earlier in this thread - i remember you saying. I can do it with my toes curled up against the chain but otherwise my heel doesnt get on the board! :(


Im only a size 43 (10ish)! :(


Whilst Im here - is there any freeware that I can download to transcribe drum notation. For instance, if I'm tabbing some stuff, I want to make sure that Im doing it right. So i'd write what I think it is - listen to it and edit it if necessary?


I used to use Logic - but its being gay to me. It says something about an audio driver which I dont understand. :(

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[lots of information]




I don't know, I don't know where you live. :D Germany?


In the deed I do.


That's a really nice looking kit, btw. Innovations ftw. EDIT: Are those Carbosticks?


They are. I think We had a discussion on those some months back.


Ah, no need with clear Emps, they're a safe bet.


Oh, I meant the CS/X heads for the snare :) I had clear Emperors on my old drums and liked them very much, so I bought those again.

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the assassin fill...how do I tab it? I know whats PLAYED...but I cant tab it correctly.


so far I have:



But that isnt right.


Its in triplets, but the hi-hat and bass are in 4/4 (arent they? :confused:)...well - theyre equi-distant apart!


The hat is always at the beggining of each triplet - and the bass is dead in the middle. According to that tab above, the 'foot pattern' will be "bass hat - bass hat - bass hat" when it needs to go: "bass - hat - bass - hat - bass - hat"


Niles...any help?

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Ok, my immediate thought is to go for "rock" since I'm a fan of rock music, but then, if my thinking is right, don't they give off a duller sound and feel, where as a medium weight would be nice and bright?

The thinner the head the brighter and livelier it will be, adding a second ply dampens a great deal of overtones and really enhances bottom end. Coated heads are warmer with a less "clicky" attack. Dampening is alot more effective around the outside of the head where the high frequencies are generated.


I use Aquarian 1-ply heads all round and it works for anything, Coated Studio-X over Classic Clear on the toms (to cut down on irritating over-ring; I'm not the best at tuning :$). I used to use a Texture Coated with Power Dot on the snare (over Classic Clear Snare weight head) when I had a good snare, but now I use a low end kit and need a coated Studio-X w/ dot to make the snare sound passable. No matter what kit I use the kick always sounds phenomenal, though, because I put a coated Super Kick I with kick pad over a coated Force I (ported) on it.


The majority of what I play is The Mars Volta, Led Zeppelin, Tool, Muse and RATM and it sound great for those styles.



Some of these heads are nominally identical to Remo and Evans heads (except for the Aquarian XD film which is thought to sound a little less lively (fewer overtones) and the Texture Coating which is thicker and absolutely indestructable, in fact if the coating chips you can return it and get a new head):


Classic Clear = Clear Ambassador = Clear G1

Texture Coated = Coated Ambassador = Coated G1

Response 2 = Clear Emperor = Clear G2

All Aquarian heads are available in coated and power dot models (and some have coated and power dot models).


I'm also replacing my coated head for clear emperors (got ambassadors on the reso, currently got coated emperors on the batters).

At first I didn't especially like how coated heads on toms looked but I used them because they were warmer with a softer attack and now I think they look pretty damn good.


Also, Mapex Panther Premium Steel 14 x 6.5, head/reso suggestions?

A batter to cut down on the notoriously harsh high frequencies steel has and a Diplomat ss or Ambassador ss weight snare side head:



Texture Coated Studio-X w/ Power Dot (fantastic head, I use them almost all around now, medium edge muffling)


Texture Coated Focus-X w/ power dot (heavy edge muffling, bit too dry for my tastes)



Coated or Smooth White Powerstroke 3 or 4


Coated or Smooth White Pinstripe



Coated Genera Dry


Coated Genera ST Dry


Coated Genera HD Dry


The hat is always at the beggining of each triplet - and the bass is dead in the middle. According to that tab above, the 'foot pattern' will be "bass hat - bass hat - bass hat" when it needs to go: "bass - hat - bass - hat - bass - hat"

The bass is in middle, since the hat occupies one note mathematically the beat can't be symmetrical. The tab I wrote is, I think, pretty much the same as yours, that's how it's meant to be played:




The hats really are completely redundant in this passage. Firstly because they mimic note-for-note of the pattern of the (my right/your left) hand and secondly because you won't be able to hear them over the noise of the fill.

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The bass is in middle, since the hat occupies one note mathematically the beat can't be symmetrical. The tab I wrote is, I think, pretty much the same as yours, that's how it's meant to be played:




The hats really are completely redundant in this passage. Firstly because they mimic note-for-note of the pattern of the (my right/your left) hand and secondly because you won't be able to hear them over the noise of the fill.


Yeah thought so. lol I think theyre identical - just laid out differently. Ooh im getting better at this tabbing malarky aint I! lol


You can hear the hats in the studio version and he plays it live and in my opinion it helps you play it more accurately so I kept them in! :D

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Yeah, SKI batter FI reso.


I see... how important is the reso head anyway? *doesn't want to spend more money than necessary*


El Zilcho seems to have one of his cymbal stands mounted from a flower pot!


:LOL: I was too lazy to put the plant away and thought it might give it a nice touch ;)

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I see... how important is the reso head anyway? *doesn't want to spend more money than necessary*




Seriously the reso does make a big difference in sound, particularly if it's a ported head on bass drums. Luckily Aquarian heads are cheaper than Remos, a Force I costs less than an Ambassador of equal size.

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