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Just on Zane Lowe, he has been perhaps the most consistent media collaborator with Muse over more than a decade.


From the SS premiere to MTV Gonzo, all the preview stuff around BH&R, DJing at Muse gigs, the Resistance/T2L studio interviews (IIRC) plus the SMBH and Uprising radio premieres.


I would say it's completely possible we'll hear the first single on his show next week of it fits in with the band's timetable.

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On this whole "it would be announced long before if they were going to premiere songs on ZL's show", does anyone know what the timeframes were for the T2L song announcements? http://www.stereoboard.com/content/view/173311/9 seems to suggest Survival was announced the day before its first play, but http://www.muselive.com/madness-to-debut-next-monday-postponed-1344269940/ suggests there was over a week's notice for the Madness debut

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I meant a trailer, like we got for T2L, which is something bigger than we got until now, but not a full single.


It might also be something else. There is a lot of comparing with T2L, but they are clearly doing things differently. My point is just that "psycho" doesn't have to be a song title, just like entropy wasn't a title.

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I think next week sometime is pretty realistic tbh (I know I've been saying this for ages, but I'm sure this time. :p) Seriously though, I always thought the first/second week in March was the most realistic time-frame, and with everything seemingly falling into place, next week could be a good bet...


Or Valve soon.


Yeah, about that, there's a Valve conference at GDC next week on Tuesday at 3pm..





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I meant a trailer, like we got for T2L, which is something bigger than we got until now, but not a full single.


It might also be something else. There is a lot of comparing with T2L, but they are clearly doing things differently. My point is just that "psycho" doesn't have to be a song title, just like entropy wasn't a title.


Lol yeah because Matt would tweet shit to deliberately mess with us. Pretty sure that's Tom's job

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"Hey relax, that was just a rehearsal for our 20th anniversary tour".


Yeah but that wasn't "to mess with us". That's just because Matt changes his mind every 10 seconds. I'm sure Matt means everything he says on Twitter, at the time which he says it.


Tom is the one who says stuff to mess with us.

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I do hope we get a single, but I'm still keeping my expectations low. Matt might not have meant it as a title of a single. He had tweeted stuff before that was misinterpreted by at least some fans. It's not very uncommon that if you mean something the rest doesn't know about, you do not realise what it looks like to other people. So Matt is not messing with us, but inadvertently made us believe there would be a single soon. That's not too far fetched, imho.


It's not that I think that there will not be a single, but I'm also not convinced there will be one soon.

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depends on what is interpreted as soon though I guess.


For myself, I believe we'll get a single in the next 2 weeks. I dont feel we'll be getting a trailer like we did with Unsustainable - though I wish we would because I really liked the last one and it had me pumped for T2L

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I would be surprised if we got a trailer. For T2L it was effective because we hadn't heard anything before, I don't think we would get the same 'shock factor' with a trailer this time as we've already had the IG snippets.

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I'm not trying to argue there won't be a single soon, just keeping the option open that Matt meant something different. But yes, I do agree that early March would be a logical moment for a single, so it may very well be the song title. Then again, since when do Muse care about what's logical...

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Well, we only have to wait at least for the incoming week.

Still, I don't know where some fans have brought the date of 5th March out from.


Because 5th is the last Zane Lowe show on R1, Zane has premiered Muse songs before, therefore it's conceivable he might do so for his last ever show.

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