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I Belong To You (lounge lizard piano, classical mid-section, pretentious French singing and clarinet solo - what a mess)


Save Me (just drones on and on and on, grinds The 2nd Law to a halt for me)


Endlessly (sounds like warmed over Depeche Mode)


Undisclosed Desires (sounds like warmed over Endlessly with a slightly better beat)


Something from the final third of Showbiz (can't quite decide)

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Oh lovely someone else called music pretentious. Let's have THAT argument again.


I don't plan to argue one way or another. Maybe pretentious wasn't the best word. I could have also referred to the French verse in IBTY as unnecessary, cloying or cringe-worthy. The clarinet solo and overly emotive singing don't help either.


Either way, I'm not married to any particular adjective.

Edited by Nigel_Tufnel
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Totally serious sonny. I've been skimming through this thread, and apparently there's a general dislike towards Overdue, which I simply can't understand.


It's not that hard to understand. The lyrics are shit, the vocals are annoying, the riff's generic/boring and the whole thing sounds like it was written by a 13 year old. Probably doesn't help that it's horribly placed on the album as well.

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I thought the clarinet solo was pretty cool. It's not something that make it the best song ever or anything, but it's not terrible, either.




Best part of the song. Clown-coloured cherry on top of an already gooftastic cake.

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It's not that hard to understand. The lyrics are shit, the vocals are annoying, the riff's generic/boring and the whole thing sounds like it was written by a 13 year old. Probably doesn't help that it's horribly placed on the album as well.


Well, I disagree. I'll give you that the lyrics are nothing special, but the rest of the song is good ol' rocking Muse IMO. :)

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Nah, Guiding Light is good in its own cheeseness. Big Freeze always left me cold.


Cheeseness (or cheesiness?) is the perfect word for Guiding Light. For me, it's Muse's answer to an 80's power ballad from some cheesy hair metal band. The keyboards and guitar build to a somewhat climactic (but cheesy) crescendo before the song slides back into its mellow groove. I've actually grown to like it more than I did at first. Maybe hearing it live gave me a different perspective. I'll take it over I Belong To You or Undisclosed Desires any day.


Big Freeze is not one of my favorites at all but the guitar part always reminds me of Prince's Kiss, a song that's kinda cool and funky. The vocal style is similar to Panic Station though, in an annoying sort of way..

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