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Where's your 'back-up'? If you want a debate, don't make statement like it's a fact because that just makes you look stupid.


So now omitting the "imo" in a post means that I intended it as a fact? :LOL: You, on the other hand, said "I said it does because it does and you're deaf if you think otherwise".

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No, you have this complex where you think your opinion is law and feel the need to constantly remind people of it. I was like that until I stopped giving a shit because most of you are always going to be so single-minded about your opinions that it's pointless telling you that you're wrong because you'l never learn which is part of the reason as to why you're wrong in the first place.


You are a very special case where you never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever shut up about how right you are when the reality is that, 99.99% of the time, you're so single-minded about how right your opinion is that it isn't even funny. In fact, it's kind of sad.


I guarantee people will now go off on me about "getting mad over stupid shit", blah-blah-blah. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed that this board is filled to the brim with so many people who are almost exclusively so wrong.


Real talk.

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don't make a statement like it's a fact because that just makes you look stupid.


No, you have this complex where you think your opinion is law and feel the need to constantly remind people of it.


And I said it does because it does and you're deaf if you think otherwise.


See an inconsistency here?


Saying shit like "you're wrong" and, in the context of this thread, "shit set", (in fact most of what you post in this thread is going on about how this thread is ruined by all the shit sets) is pointless first of all, is totally unnecessary and isn't constructive in the slightest. If you care so much about all the shit sets maybe it might be a better idea to actually explain why you think something is shit, instead of acting like a five year old that doesn't get what he wants.

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Whenever I pick apart set lists, either people bitch and moan to mods or they bitch and moan at me about how "I'm wrong" or that it's "their perfect set" so I just don't bother anymore. There's no point, like I previously mentioned, because none of you ever improve or take anything anyone says on board.


What's the point in being constructive when all people do is complain when people are constructive and/or don't listen? This thread might as well just be a bunch of people posting set-lists with no feedback whatsoever because it's not like anything anyone says about anyone else's set-list is ever going to matter because nobody ever listens.


And prey tell, act like a 5 year old? Surely a five year old wouldn't be able to constructively pick apart your argument like I just did and SURELY a five year old would be far less mature about this whole situation (and the thread as a whole) as I have.


Go and find me one of these supposed bitch-fits about one of the set lists in this thread. If we're talking about "backing things up", surely that should be a requirement.

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Okay first off if people are reporting you to mods for constructive criticism, then I'm totally on your side. They're retards.


Okay, I'm interested to see an example of this. Post a shit set I posted either in this thread or the old one, and show me the criticism you gave on it.


Since you asked for it.. Here are quotes of comments you've left on setlists in this thread. I didn't bother going into the old one. Not once did you actually explain to someone why you thought something was shit.


Also, for the record, I'm not even trying to start a fight with you because I know it's absolutely pointless and wont achieve a thing.


People really need to stop encouraging people who write shit set-lists.




My poor thread.


What have they done to you? :(


You're right, that wasn't feedback.


This thread has really fallen from greatness. Waaaaaaaay too many shit sets lately.


You guys need to sort your shit out.






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Yes, I realise that. I never said you bitch fit about specific sets. My point is that you complain that the thread is full of shit sets, come in and tell people their sets are shit, then leave without a) explaining why it's shit, or b) telling them how to make it better. That's what my quotes relate it.


You said you used to give constructive criticism on people's sets. If you stopped because people weren't taking your advice on board then I don't know why you bother with posts such as "sux" and "wrong" since it's going to achieve even less and is a total waste of time.

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Because it amuses me and nobody pays attention anyway so, like you said, it doesn't matter.


Although, if you feel the need to point it out, it clearly matters to you, I just don't see why.


I don't really see what we're arguing about? You're just claiming what I do is pointless and I'm saying it's only pointless to other people.

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Rather small venue, extremely high end light show and visuals, you are given free hallucinogens with each ticket.


Isolated System

Space Dementia

Forced In

The Gallery

Ruled By Secrecy


Hyper Chondriac Music


Take A Bow


No idea what the fuck I'm trying here.

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No, you have this complex where you think your opinion is law and feel the need to constantly remind people of it. I was like that until I stopped giving a shit because most of you are always going to be so single-minded about your opinions that it's pointless telling you that you're wrong because you'l never learn which is part of the reason as to why you're wrong in the first place.


You are a very special case where you never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever shut up about how right you are when the reality is that, 99.99% of the time, you're so single-minded about how right your opinion is that it isn't even funny. In fact, it's kind of sad.


I guarantee people will now go off on me about "getting mad over stupid shit", blah-blah-blah. I'm not mad, I'm just disappointed that this board is filled to the brim with so many people who are almost exclusively so wrong.


Real talk.


I normally don't care about these frequent arguments and insulting but this made me more than a little bit uncomfortable

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