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Vocal effects/guitar


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I have a few questions. First off, this thing just looks like hours of fun.




Before I start, i love the simple hip hop drumming of this. I was at this gig (Mini-festival in San Fran), and the drummer was probably the best part of the gig. Simple, great presence. The question; what vocal effect is he using? Im also trying to figure out a "vocal mutli effects" that will also have a little "overdrive" on the vox (similar to Julian Casablancas from The Strokes).




Everything either has moar gain, or sounds too muddy without clarity.


I need crunch, presence, and clarity.




The guitar on that nearly nails what im looking for, just a little "brighter." It doesnt even need to have a lot of gain, just crunchy with definition and articulation.


I guess I'll just come out and say it, I've been really into The Strokes lately. I dont want to walk into a Strokes forum. "Haiy guyz wut does he use for ghis ffectS??? THANKSS!!"


We know what happens to those guys here. Any suggestions?


-Crazy live vocoder "thing"

-Bitchin overdrive, keep it under $150, but give me all options.

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its quite possible that the guy from the strokes uses an old mic, possibly even a ribbon mic through a totally cranked mic preamp with a lot of character to push it over the edge.


im totally talking out my ass here though. :)


im pretty sure i read somewhere that his regular sound is just him singing into some old mike they found with a really low SPL (i think thats the term), so he overdrives it easily and gets this sorta tinny sound..

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I remember reading in NME (flame shield plox) that he has a vocal distortion unit...I'll dig it out later to find out which one for you, but iirc it was quite pricey. What they suggested on a budget was get a really really cheap mic.

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The sound of the voice sounds totally normal.


All that seems to be happening is whatever effect is on there is automatically tuning his voice to the nearest note, getting rid of any slides he does and making them sound like crazy melisma.

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right, first one is autotune, so the vox are running through a laptop.




if you want to run straight into a pedal, use something to tame the volume from the mic going into the pedal. otherwise just run through a laptop with a plugin running, much easier to get decent vocal distortion doing that than trying to use real gear :)

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  • 2 years later...


Hello. You might try TC Helicon's variety of voice fx pedals if you're looking for an inexpensive easily adjustable option for stage gigs. If you have a little extra money... you can buy a Sure Beta 58 (SM 58 works just as good for a little less) and purchase a Yamaha Motif XS workstation. Not only is this workstation awesome in editing, sounds and sequencers, but you can run a microphone through the line in and get some really cool vocal effects like the overdrive, reverb, delay, compressor and such things. Its a lot of fun, really. It also comes with a (good) copy of Cubase that is up to date and there is an auto-tune patch for that so you can run your stuff pre-recorded and live. There are endless possibilities with electronic and digital equipment, you just need to know who's been there and done it. Let me know if this was helpful. Thanks.

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