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Just a few lyrics of mine


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So now it comes to pass / that all turns to dust,

Your vibrant eyes / the ones that used /

to call from the wreckage/ and keep me alive...

Now they've lost / their shimmer / and crumble,

I hear your voice / as you falter and stumble,

Your soul is arrayed / with the trinkets of torment.



I will suffer

For you no more

You've burnt your bridges

And your memories are drawn

The skies will sear

As God's patience is worn

And I no longer love you


(verse 2)

Countless years / spent searching for dawn

The light of the sun / such a distant / memory for all

And though my heartbeat spreads chills all around me

My mind is a fire / my body a foundry

You cheated me once / I'm no longer alone






Falling away, falling away from you

And I'll whisper your name, falling away from you

Too little, too late, falling away from you

So sick of the games, falling away from you

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I don't care if I get ignored,

Just please don't break my ideals (just realised I nicked that from shine, oops!)

I'm just a pauper trying to please the queen,

If anything, leave me my dreams.


And I feel a change coming on,

Like the rise of the first sun

Bringing light and life to the universe

God gave me this gift,

But this gift is a curse.


And it hurts to think that the divide

Between the mountain and the sea, is like you and me

I see heaven in my dreams, and I wait for them

To come for me and set me free.

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I'd say I like the first one most, there's some good metaphors/imagery in there :)


Is this a thread where for other people to share some of their lyrics too, or is there already a thread for that? I know there's a poetry one but there's a bit of a difference.

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I'd say I like the first one most, there's some good metaphors/imagery in there :)


Is this a thread where for other people to share some of their lyrics too, or is there already a thread for that? I know there's a poetry one but there's a bit of a difference.


Thanks man! #1 is my favourite by far too, also our best song in my band (in my opinion :) )


This wasn't intended as a thread for everyone's lyrics but this forum does lack one so be my guest, let's start the Musers lyrics thread!!

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Maybe I'll post one or two own lyrics too if this will become a Musers lyrics thread


Guess we might as well :)


I'll post one of mine that I sort of finished recently (there are some bits that I need to add on at the end) when I can find the notepad I wrote it in.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I love the 2nd one :eek:

I guess I'll use those to make an own song :ninja: (don't panic, I won't release it in any form)


Maybe I'll post one or two own lyrics too if this will become a Musers lyrics thread


Go for it dude I'd love to hear it if it gets finished! It's a slow one for me, the lyrics have no music yet :( and post yours when you get a chance, would love to actually have contributed something back to the board :happy:

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Another one of mine, pretty new!




(note, I don't sing most of these in the video...)



I lay under your skin

It's what I eat

(Oh you're so good)

And what I hunger is you

Under your skin

I feed on you

(And when the time is right)

Then your soul is mine



I'll always find a way

To rip you into little pieces

I'll always find a way

To tear your heart in two




I know you want lies

The fuel to your fire

I starve on your freedom, baby



I'll always find a way

To rip you into little pieces

I'll always find a way

To tear your heart in two

I'll always find a way

To rip you into little pieces

I'll always find a way

To break even your tomorrow, yeah

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  • 1 month later...

Here are some lyrics for a song my band are writing. I'm quite happy with them :happy:


Do You feel? Do you know how to?

Can you love? Do you know how to?

Will you fool me? You know how to.



The Problem of other minds

Am I loved or truly blind?

Are you really sweet and kind

Or just another auto-mind?


Pointless piece or heroic savior

Destined journey or doomed endevour

Oh faux god, why is it?


Ministry experiment?

Truman's own entertainment?

Can will I fight or just lament?


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Well... this is my first full lyric... :$ It's rather dark, but it's based on some rather dark experiences in my life so I guess it would be :LOL:


Point Blank/Death Stare



At point blank, it surrounds, in around, all encompassing sounds

Claws at sleeves, gnaws at soul, encapsulates


A death stare, full view, no view, all view, no view


It struggles from within, (yet) outside and in

It forces you, to listen to the loud

Thump thump thump, ever faster


A death stare, full view, no view, all view, no view


But a bright light cries as the closed box flies

(in moonlit skies)

Back it rushes


A death stare, full view, no view, all view, no view


Back it rushes

Back it rushes

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