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Is Matt lazy live with his vocals?


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It's gotta be remembered that he's playing guitar/piano along with singing these tracks, which is hard, and he would've recorded the studio versions without any of that. Then you have the fact that it's a live enviroment. If you have a niggling thought that you might not hit it well or just mess it up using your chest voice, in all likelihood you'll just take the easier option and use falsetto. Maybe it's a little lazy, but I think the main thing stopping him is probably apprehension, and making it slightly less powerful is better than totally fucking up in front of thousands. Although I'm sure he wouldn't have a huge problem singing it.


And surely another point to consider is that in an hour and a half gig or however long they play, surely you'd want to conserve your voice, which might mean sacrificing those notes?

Well he has done pretty much all of these notes SOMETIME live, so he obviously can play and sing them at the same time. If it being a bit difficult is the reason for not doing them now, then that IS laziness.


And If he was concerned about conserving his voice, he wouldn't belt out B4s AFTER the songs that he had just skipped a G4 in.


And if he's just scared of failing, why would it come so sudden when he had done it perfectly well when he did it just a few months ago?

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If he's to avoid any note there is a slight possibility of him fucking up, which can in theory be any note, he might as well retire singing. I'm sure most people won't even notice if he slightly falter on a note or maybe even cracks.


Yes but of course in his mentality he's going to consider some notes more risky as others, that's what I'm saying.


Well he has done pretty much all of these notes SOMETIME live, so he obviously can play and sing them at the same time. If it being a bit difficult is the reason for not doing them now, then that IS laziness.


And If he was concerned about conserving his voice, he wouldn't belt out B4s AFTER the songs that he had just skipped a G4 in.


And if he's just scared of failing, why would it come so sudden when he had done it perfectly well when he did it just a few months ago?


Fair enough, I have been served. :LOL:


Although, you can't say that he isn't concerned about conserving his voice, anyone would be live to a certain extent. And as for the whole scared thing, sometimes mentalities can change.


You're saying he's belted out the SFA and RBS notes that you put earlier? Where?

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Fair enough, I have been served. :LOL:


You're saying he's belted out the SFA and RBS notes that you put earlier? Where?

"pretty much" all of them, not all of them.


But yes, SFA has been done in chest. One occasion being in a Berlin radio station in 2003, if I recall correctly. I think Ryoma-kun was the one who found them if I'm not mistaken?


I can probably get a link if you want. And about RBS; I don't actually know it has been done in chest, not that I've heard anyway.

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What Will mentioned about it being hard, I think it is worth pointing out that they are musicians in one of the worlds biggest bands. This is their job, to perform and write music. I mean I know he's only human and might want to conserve his voice but


I don't know. I cba to finish this sentence

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What Will mentioned about it being hard, I think it is worth pointing out that they are musicians in one of the worlds biggest bands. This is their job, to perform and write music. I mean I know he's only human and might want to conserve his voice but


I don't know. I cba to finish this sentence

And tbh, it's not like he's doing any technical solos while singing these high notes.

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"pretty much" all of them, not all of them.


But yes, SFA has been done in chest. One occasion being in a Berlin radio station in 2003, if I recall correctly. I think Ryoma-kun was the one who found them if I'm not mistaken?


I can probably get a link if you want. And about RBS; I don't actually know it has been done in chest, not that I've heard anyway.


So you're saying that once nearly 9 years ago is enough to believe that he can still sing that note well?


Nah, it's fine, I'll search. :)


edit: Actually, the point you and Dom made about guitars and technical side is true, and they've played those songs so many times that they must know them like the back of their hand, so fair enough.

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So you're saying that once nearly 9 years ago is enough to believe that he can still sing that note well?


Nah, it's fine, I'll search. :)

What? When did I even imply that? :p


I'm saying that a sustained B4 on several occasions in the last year is enough to believe that he can sing an A4 :) And no, I don't expect him to do the SFA or CoD notes, because they ARE hard for him.


But backing out on the G#4 in RBS or even the G4 in Resistance is just lazy.

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What? When did I even imply that? :p


I'm saying that a sustained B4 on several occasions in the last year is enough to believe that he can sing an A4 :) And no, I don't expect him to do the SFA or CoD notes, because they ARE hard for him.


But backing out on the G#4 in RBS or even the G4 in Resistance is just lazy.


Well in that case fair enough :)

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I can understand that when you tour as much as they do, there will be days where his voice doesn't hold up as well as normal. At these times, it's completely legit to do the easy way out on the most difficult notes, but to do it on a regular basis like he's doing now is just pathetic really.

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...What do we do now?


I have never experienced this before. An argument actually ENDING. What happens next?


Hmm. :erm:


They say if you have a wank you'll drop lifeless, but I think it's actually that if an argument ends, you drop lifeless. You can't live without them. :chuckle:

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You can but then you risk looking like a dick. Best leave well alone.

Oh yes, wouldn't want that, would we. Would totally ruin my reputation.

Muse will play Muscle Museum and Showbiz in every gig henceforth.


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Now, I'll be careful here, seeing as my last argument was butt-raped by Sippe, but I don't think it's exactly laziness, exactly. If you think about it, it's very possible those incredible notes he hits in the records took multiple takes to get right. It wouldn't have been in the middle of concert either. Naturally, whilst performing, especially at their level of energy, you will tire. I'm wondering if most (if not all) of these offenses are less due to laziness, and more a result of exhaustion.

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