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Yeah. I was considering asking for a neck pickup when it was having work done a while back, but decided against it. I guess mainly because there's not much room left.


And that is the custom hardware I think, but just spray painted black (not the same as the black custom hardware on the sunburnt)


Oh right, in that case, needs more silver custom hardware!

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I think we came to the agreement of just doing a normal neck joint. I don't play in a way that I'd need one of those anyway, so it would be unnecessary. Tim did show me the options, but it would just be more hassle than it's worth.


You should consider what James said about the neck joint though, not only does it look cool but I dislike the normal looking neck joint on RGs cbecause it makes them look cheap IMO. I know this isnt an ibanez but still. What I will say though is that finding replacement neck bolts and the cover-things they fit into has been a right pain in the ballox. I (stupidly) used them for something else :ninja: and, since putting my RG back together, am fucked until I can get some.



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really? is it more expensive?









Those two oh my god


If you ever decide to sell the Stealth I will desperately try to get money for it. I love it


how does it even sound?

Just to keep it on topic' date=' James! And what's that black guitar? Is it that Manson Stelth thing? needs more custom hardware and sustainer[/quote']


Indeed it is the Stealth :yesey:

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Those two oh my god


If you ever decide to sell the Stealth I will desperately try to get money for it. I love it


how does it even sound?


Well... there are three settings


1. both pickups parallel. think of this as a les paul in the middle position, but with less bass because of the positioning of the top pickup.


2. bridge facing P90 only. i still think this is plenty for most sounds...i use it on this setting the most


3. both pickups in series (massive humbucker). noticeable jump in output, more lows and mids. the only thing about this is that it loses some bite compared to the other two settings. I find this sounds better distorted - it's a bit dark when clean




MFC, I just remembered... this guitar has the P91s, so it probably wouldn't work well with the sustainer. basically, they squeal like mad on the series setting...there's a custom set they use now for that, but it seems to sacrifice a bit of output on the series setting.

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MFC, I just remembered... this guitar has the P91s, so it probably wouldn't work well with the sustainer. basically, they squeal like mad on the series setting...there's a custom set they use now for that, but it seems to sacrifice a bit of output on the series setting.


Ah, right well that would suck then. It looks pretty amazing, as it is, tbh.

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really? is it more expensive?


I'd assume so.


You should consider what James said about the neck joint though, not only does it look cool but I dislike the normal looking neck joint on RGs cbecause it makes them look cheap IMO. I know this isnt an ibanez but still. What I will say though is that finding replacement neck bolts and the cover-things they fit into has been a right pain in the ballox. I (stupidly) used them for something else :ninja: and, since putting my RG back together, am fucked until I can get some.




As I get down the fretboard though, I bring my thumb round the back, instead of getting my palm right into the neck joint, so I wouldn't really need it. I did talk it over with Tim but we came to the conclusion it wasn't really necessary, and I'm happy with a normal neck joint anyway.

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Playability on a sculpted neck through or glued on neck is awesome. I just don't like the tone of a solid body electric guitar with a neck through or glued in neck. Yes, even Les Pauls and PRS guitars. It's weird but it's me. I miss my old Les Paul and I would buy it back just to have it, but I would rarely play it.


I've also gotten rid of all of my 24 fret guitars except for my PRS CE24. I don't like a 24 fret neck much, and I can barely get my fingers into the last frets because they are so small. My fingertips are nearly twice the width of the space between the frets!


James, the DC SG Jr. style (stealth) is awesome looking, it doesn't need all of the series and parallel stuff. Just go with the bridge pup, it's one of the best tones in all of rock music.



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Playability on a sculpted neck through or glued on neck is awesome. I just don't like the tone of a solid body electric guitar with a neck through or glued in neck. Yes, even Les Pauls and PRS guitars. It's weird but it's me. I miss my old Les Paul and I would buy it back just to have it, but I would rarely play it.


I've also gotten rid of all of my 24 fret guitars except for my PRS CE24. I don't like a 24 fret neck much, and I can barely get my fingers into the last frets because they are so small. My fingertips are nearly twice the width of the space between the frets!


James, the DC SG Jr. style (stealth) is awesome looking, it doesn't need all of the series and parallel stuff. Just go with the bridge pup, it's one of the best tones in all of rock music.




which les paul did you have? i don't really have a preference as far as neck construction goes, but it's much easier to replace a damaged neck when it's bolt on obviously.


when i ordered my orange guitar i was told that a full neck thru would sound slightly more scooped. i went with this semi neck thru instead, which ends around the bridge pickup i think... i don't think i would've been able to tell the tone difference though


i like the series/parallel switching, but i get what you mean. i could definitely do without the fuzz factory, but it had that when i got it.

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I had a 93 LP Standard. It was a limited edition, 3piece Birdseye maple top, cream binding, gold hardware, no pick guard. It was beautiful, played well, sounded like crap in a bag. I should have changed the bridge and pups but I sold it to buy a PRS Custom 24.



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This is what my Les Paul looked like. It was the only LP that ever looked perfect to me. Sigh....




Never seen one like that. Did this have the 490R/498T set? (I don't think the burstbuckers were out yet, but I'm not sure about the 57 classics)


I bought this recently, but it's not here yet.






Not a gibson, but a tokai LS100Q.


I had a slightly cheaper one a couple of years back (the one I just bought was a little under $1500 with hardcase and shipping from the UK), and it really was better than pretty much every modern gibson I've played.


There were just a couple of things like the nut (which was a bit cheap) and maybe the pickups which weren't to my liking, but we'll see what this one is like.


Also, what do you think of fender bandmasters? I found one for a little under $400, and ended up buying it. Pretty sure it's a '68, and it looks completely stock... I expect it will need a bit of servicing because of age, but that shouldn't be too much.

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Never seen one like that. Did this have the 490R/498T set? (I don't think the burstbuckers were out yet, but I'm not sure about the 57 classics)


I bought this recently, but it's not here yet.






Not a gibson, but a tokai LS100Q.


I had a slightly cheaper one a couple of years back (the one I just bought was a little under $1500 with hardcase and shipping from the UK), and it really was better than pretty much every modern gibson I've played.


There were just a couple of things like the nut (which was a bit cheap) and maybe the pickups which weren't to my liking, but we'll see what this one is like.


Also, what do you think of fender bandmasters? I found one for a little under $400, and ended up buying it. Pretty sure it's a '68, and it looks completely stock... I expect it will need a bit of servicing because of age, but that shouldn't be too much.


This was way before burst buckets. They should have called them mudbuckes, or shitbuckers. I was going to swap them but I went apeship over PRSi at the time and sold it. Dumb move. It's the #1 gear regret in my life.


I'll never buy a new Gibson, the company has gone to shit. They are capable of making a good guitar but apparently not for under $4k. there are a lot of great builders out there who will build you a better LP and I'd rather give my money to them. Heritage is first on my list for value and quality.



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