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GAS Thread: it's just too expensive to drive this.


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Sorry for the double post. Played the Vox the other day and it's LOUD. Had it at about a 0.5 and I was bordering on being "that guy" at Guitar Center. Went to try the JCM and it was sold. Alternately, another guy is now selling a JCM 2000 TSL 100 w/ 1960a 4x12 cab (includes Celestions) for $850. Seems a fair price but also way too much amp for me. The Vox AC15 just didn't quite do it for me the same way the 30 was sounding, but it would be hard for me to ever utilize that 30's true tone.

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Sorry for the double post. Played the Vox the other day and it's LOUD. Had it at about a 0.5 and I was bordering on being "that guy" at Guitar Center. Went to try the JCM and it was sold. Alternately, another guy is now selling a JCM 2000 TSL 100 w/ 1960a 4x12 cab (includes Celestions) for $850. Seems a fair price but also way too much amp for me. The Vox AC15 just didn't quite do it for me the same way the 30 was sounding, but it would be hard for me to ever utilize that 30's true tone.


Marshall often tend to have more useable volume controls than other brands, not too much experience with Vox amps, but Fenders are terrible for it turning to overdrive amount by about 3-4 and its already loud by 1. At a practise room I like to use, despite them having a Bassman, tended to use the JCM900 they had, it was just less hassle.


TSL is more usable than the DSL though, as each channel has its own EQ.

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Marshall often tend to have more useable volume controls than other brands, not too much experience with Vox amps, but Fenders are terrible for it turning to overdrive amount by about 3-4 and its already loud by 1. At a practise room I like to use, despite them having a Bassman, tended to use the JCM900 they had, it was just less hassle.


TSL is more usable than the DSL though, as each channel has its own EQ.


Thanks for the insight. Still haven't tried a Marshall head yet. My Guitar Center only stocks the shitty solid state Marshalls so dudes can shred some awful tone open chord metal every time I'm in there.


Played a Peavey 3120 last night which had surprising decent clean tones, but it was way too much amp and the distorted tones weren't at all what I want.

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James 90's next TARGET?


It looks nice and everything, but I could buy a Manson for that price (or at least what I'm guessing it costs)


what is this?


new amp on the way!


butterslax :-)


Some sort of suhr tele. Not sure if it has an exact model name.


Does it #chuggz? Of course it does.

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