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purple and red look pretty good too.




Please for the love of god make the darker section of the inlays sound holes with thin cream binding. I know it'll be a an ass to do but by Christ will people instantly ejaculate when they see it.

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what the phuck that's amazing :LOL: is that mother of pearl inlaid? how did you do the shading? :stunned:


Also, i've never understood how people take photos of guitars etc. resting on stone and rock n shit, i'd be too scared of damaging it, even if you DO put it down really reeeeeeally carefully..

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Lovely work mate, I'd still add a few more flowers to the cluster, just for balance..


i dont knowwww. im gonna try photoshopping a few things to see.


and phil - its pink mother of pearl. the falling petals have white mop bits on one edge but you cant really see it in the pics. and the shading is done by engraving it and rubbing a filler over it

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have sanded all the etching off and cut and glued in the two new flowers. tomorrow i'll try to etch a bit better!


these two new flowers look a lot pinker than the others. maybe the pink gets sanded off which is a shame


PICS or it has become a BARNETT

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