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Gretchen, seriously, we need to get on this.


What if we promised one if they came to Lolla? I would SO chip in!!!!

Im in! and I volunteer to do any unziping. :eyebrows:



if you want to unzip dom's wetsuuuuit.... pull this zipper as he waaaaaaaaalks away!

:LOL::LOL::LOL: he'll soon be naked lying on the floor!

Well, no wonder Dom likes this song. :LOL:



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Yeah, but that's because people were expecting a normal gig. I think it would be better if you walked in expecting it.....


Oh, absolutely, they need to let everyone know ahead of time.


... to see him lying there in his spiderman skivvies.... lying on the floor, lying in the flooooor he's come undoooooonnnnnnnnneeeee!


You are brilliant, especially for this hour.



Oh boy, we get a second Muse song!

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