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Claudia O

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Everything posted by Claudia O

  1. Great insight on the recording process for me.
  2. Just heard on Radio 1 they will be there backstage and stuff, you can watch it on their website...but I am sure about YT videos as well ...won't watch on Radio1 all day
  3. new link, the other one is not working anymore
  4. Can it be that Matts whisteling is inspired by this? Just a thought... http://youtu.be/pLXyVwaC5qU
  5. Ok, a capella for me is just singing, without any Instruments. That would mean without a gregorian choir in the back! So maybe, the choir is at the beginning and then it is Matt singing this verse?
  6. So wich song do you like most? For me it is difficult, but it is Unsustainable, Supremecy or Liquid state...
  7. Oops, can someone please delete this.... thx
  8. Take a bow, follwed by Knights and Hodoo P.s. I was searching for this poll yesterday, but forgot to make one then so one for 2nd law is missong then? Edit: wow, that's interesting....Map of the problematique? Ok...I don't like it "runs away"
  9. At the moment it is Butterflies&Hurricanes. But also SS, Hysteria, ...
  10. Can someone of the mods please change the title to written? Thx. And can someone translate it, please ?
  11. http://www.spaziorock.it/intervista.php?&id=muse-matthew-bellamy-chris-wolstenholme-dominic-howard-2015 written
  12. Thank you I find them on twitter. hm, it works for me. You have to click on the "play" button in the picture, then again on a "play" button. There is an advertising first, then there's the interview The second one, what does it say? I don't speak french.
  13. Hm, second listen for me now ... My least favourite so far sorry. I'm no big fan of their more pop-rock songs... And Dom? Well, what did he say? Some things about the smaller concerts, but they are looking forward to play festivals now...what else?
  14. Oh, didn't read this thread..I posted the link in the media section to that interview
  15. http://www.rtl2.fr/culture/video-muse-on-retourne-au-son-de-nos-debuts-affirme-matthew-bellamy-7778354606 with a bit of whisteling from Matt (like on Globalist) Plus Written interview for french radio station NRJ, maybe there will be audio as well someday? http://www.nrj.fr/artistes-509/fiches-artistes-522/artiste/actu/1180-muse.html?actu_id=326669_muse-en-interview-sur-nrj-revelations-sur-leur-nouvel-album
  16. The fans who camp outside maybe? So let others get to the front for Christ sake
  17. https://www.youtube.com/embed/AMos_3NvKkY Great and funny and kinda weird interview - I love it!
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