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Everything posted by Bohemian-Cygnus-Running-Out

  1. And again: Apocalypse Please Sing For Absolution Hysteria Butterflies & Hurricanes Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist Ruled By Secrecy I think for whatever reason TDS really opened my ears anew to what was so special in the first place about Muse building rock/pop songs around romantic/classical arpeggios given an electronic twist. Now I'm hearing them all again like I hadn't heard them before.
  2. Last night: Supremacy Panic Station Follow Me Unsustainable Just now: Take A Bow Supermassive Black Hole Map of the Problematique Assassin Exo-Politics Some were better than ever, others I was just reminded of their greatness. Most interesting is how I no longer care so much about the wubs in Follow Me, and I’ve come to really appreciate its infectiousness and Matt’s vocal. I guess even at their worst, Muse manage to win me over in the end. I must be a superfan!
  3. I'm currently in Europe. I'll briefly be in America for Christmas, then in Europe again until May... I've never seen Muse live and yet again I will not be able to see them on this tour.
  4. I’m still surprised I only listened to Pressure twice, both ties were right when it came out, and I can still instantly recall the chorus. I hope the rest of the album is that catchy.
  5. Most of Showbiz and Abso are far closer to the pop end of the spectrum than the prog. OoS is really the only album where prog dominates. Actually I suppose about half of TR is prog as well.
  6. Muse are a pop rock band with some progressive tendencies.
  7. Pop and rock are not mutually exclusive. Also Unintended was pop.
  8. I think he's felt the music hasn't called for super complex parts for the past few albums. I think he's also decided to experiment with being a more minimalist player, hitting with more weight and precision but less often and in more straightforward patterns. He's proven he can play his butt off many times in the past, so perhaps he just feels he doesn't need to keep proving it unless it's truly called for.
  9. I'd argue Anything from the first four records is up for "classic Muse" status, and in a few more years TR could make it as well.
  10. Now that I've heard the Jools Holland performance, yes my digital version will be swapping DD versions for sure. Now if only they could ditch the old version on the vinyl edition...
  11. DD shouldn't be on the album. I sometimes fantasize about a better, revamped version being surprise released as the official album cut to make up for the lackluster single, but that won't happen. I didn't know Fantano liked TR! I love TR! It's my favorite! I also agree Muse do camp extraordinarily well, and I wear my Queen fandom on my sleeve as well. Pity he doesn't like their less camp stuff as much as I do.
  12. I agree TR might be the best album cover. If the background weren't sliver/gray, it might be indisputable. Also T2L isn't a bad album cover. The color scheme and tone are very classy and digital without seeming too tacky...although that shape could look less like a brain. And I for one am on board with the ST artwork. Muse camp at its finest. More B-sides would be cool, but would also cost me more money. Better to put more effort into the album cuts.
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