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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. No Problem! :D

    Snow is great for photos too!! :happy: Woo!!

    Very Welcome, dear! :D

    Good to hear! How was your Christmas?? :O

  2. Happy Christmas and New Year to you, sorry it's late!! Hope you had a good day!!

    Get anything nice, m'dear?? :happy:

  3. Yessss, many!! :D

    Thank goodness for the Christmas break, eh? :happy: So Happy Christmas, and Happy New Year! :chuckle:


    Oh yesss!! ;) Woo!

  4. Have you not seen U2 live? :O


    Omg! Want a goo!! :awesome::chuckle:

    I bet it does ;) I have now a Muse wall with my calender up :p woo!!


    Yesss!! So sorry for my late reply, had no idea it was a month :facepalm: that's awful!!! So yes..... Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! :awesome::happy:

  5. Ahhh, I see!! :p I want to watch, The Next Three Days, it's similar to the idea I had for my media project!

    I was kinda pissed when it came out :p but ahhh, it's good research for my project in the end! :happy:

  6. Not his Kawai, his upright one!! I forget which it is called!! :( But such a nice sound!!

    Although tbf, all Kawai's are pretty much awesomee!! <33

  7. :happy: Goof for experience, so I'm happy!!

    My friend wants me to bike there with him, hehe!! :chuckle: Not that bad tbf! :p

  8. Me too!! Had school show band, School Radio to keep running, Art pieces to finish off.. took me an hour to do one layer :noey: haha, but should look good I hope when it's done! :awesome: yeey! I can't remember the last time I had a weekend, hehe!! :chuckle: I'm shattered!!

    I have left today, and tomorrow!! :D Then Christmaaaassss!!!!! :awesome: It's going to be good this year, I can feel it!!! :happy:


    You too, my dear!!!! :D So sorry for my late reply :( xxx

    No, next Summer!! :) Youuu?

  9. Hmm :) Hahahh :p awww!!!

    Haha, like the old woman who lives in a boot! :chuckle: Whatever keeps my phone afloat! D:

    Seeing my boyfriend, getting some shopping done :happy: pretty much it, hehe!! How about youu? :)

  10. But she's all good now! :yesey:


    Manchester Accademy! :D Really quite a small place! :happy: What about youu?


    The snow can have it's fun kind of ware off for me wen it is so cold and I wanna go out!! :p No snow recently though! :)

  11. Sorry for my late reply, it has been too long!!! I have been so busy!! :(


    Awwwww!!!! heheh!!! How cuute!!! :awesome:

    Very good question!!!!! :chuckle: hehe!!!

    Thanks!! :D


    I can't be bothered to get the plu in the first place!! :LOL:

    I feel so bad, just not been on here in so long now, I have mass notifications! I have a boyfriend now, and he takes time too, hehe :)

    Thankyouuu! :D I can play parts of them both now, but I have piano exam pieces to learn too! Which unfortunately take a little more priority! :(

    Awwww, nice one, Dad!!! :D hehe!!! That's awesome!!


    Ahahah... hmm... sounds good! :yesey: hehe!! Wow!! Yeey!!! :D

    I have had sleeps, but not enough really, haven't have a lazy weekend in months :chuckle:

    Well, I have seen Pendulum and Scissor Sisters in concert :awesome: loved them both!!!!!!! :D <333 And I performed in the Christmas concert!! :) How about youu? x

  12. Awww, don't worry sugar, you're fine! :happy:


    Awwww, yeeeyy!! :D What are you going to get her?

    Then... you would actually faint, haha!! :p I'd be so excited!!! :D

    Me too!!! Aww :happy: I wish you the best of luck seeing them!!


    Haha, my laptop is too bright at nights!! :p

    Nooo, I had a late reply too this time, so we are evens!! :happy: x

    :p haha, aww!! Umm, I'm learning USoE anf parts of B&H :p but really not got a lot of free time atm D: so much going on!!

    Oooo, what's on at the ballet? And what did you watch? :happy:

    I'm great thanks!! A little tired though :p How about youuu? :D

  13. Definitely!! Hehe!! Hopefully Reading & Leeds! But the Leeds side :chuckle:

    Ahh, ofc, sorry, going madd!! :p

    Yeaaahh!! Exactly, Cd's or a T-Shirt.... or a guitar!! :p hehe!


    Sounds great!! :) Turkey sandwiches for the weeks after!! ;D yumm haha!

    Ohh so true!! :happy:

    I know!!!! :D:dance:

  14. Awwww, that's so cuute!!! From closer to you though!! Make them spoon versions of themselves!!! :awesome: Hehe!

    Where? I don't see it? :(

  15. :p aww, hehe!! Hahaha!!! Woooo!!! Morgan is great though! :D

    Ooo, isn't it cold swimming at this time? :p hehe.

  16. Exactlyy!! I'm listening to Unintended now!! :) Such a gorgeous song!! I must learn the guitar!!

  17. Aww :) more brain than mee! :p haha!!


    Tbh, I don't think you could knock Chris out, lmao!! :p He's huuuuge!!

    Use my football, or sign it me for then lob it back in the NE direction! :awesome:

    Yeeah ^^ throw Chris a cowboy hat to wear!!! OMGGG!! I bet he would wear it too!!! :ohmy: Omg! Would be so awesomeeee!!! :awesome:


    Not suprised, it looked jammed in!! We've just started getting the snow here :ohmy:

  18. Not U2, noo :(


    Omg, I want your pedal!!! :D And aaarghh!!! That is so awesome!!!! :awesome: :awesome: Wow!!! :happy:

  19. Haha!! Awesome!! :awesome:

    :chuckle: Thank you, thank youu! ;) loll!

    Damnit, I knew I was forgetting to try something :/ would have been sooo much easier D:

  20. Good luck getting them there! :happy:


    Awwww, how lucky!!! It snowed for the first time near me today for about 20 seconds, then it died out :( was rubbish!! But so pretty!! :)

    Happy thanksgiving for the other dayy!!! :D

    Umm, yeah I've been great thank you, how about youuu?? :)

  21. Sorry about such a late reply, duude! D:

    You are very welcomeee! :happy:

    Oooo, happy thangsgiving for the other day!!! I can't wait for Christmas!! :dance: I think it's going to be so awesome this year!!! :happy: Wooo!!!

  22. :D yeeey!! On a proper grand too!! :ohmy: Love it!! <3 It's like outdoor hiking/camping/skills and first aid :chuckle:

    Ahhh yes, leaves us all very tired and in need of a break :(


    :ohmy: My lips are sealed!! ;) Have funn! :eyebrows:

  23. Sorry about my late reply, had so much on recently D:

    :ohmy: Damn youuu!!! :p hehe!

    Awww :( hope you are better now!!

    Ummm, tiring to be honest! :LOL: Running around trying to get people in rooms!! :/ some people just go out of their way to do the opposite :chuckle:

    How was your day? :happy:

  24. Me too!!!! Damn not having a job yett!!! :( Can't afford to buy friends the presents I want to!!! :'(


    Exactlyyy!!!! Love it!!! III WISSHH IIII COOOOOOOOULDD! dunn na na na dunna na :D:dance:

  25. *slaps* That help? :awesome: heheh!

    Yeaaah, I should :rolleyes: but I never do!!

    Oh yeeeah ;D :ninja: Woooo!!!! :awesome: Go Meg, gooo!!! :party:

    Heheheh!!! :LOL: I think I would laugh a little then be slightly scared!! xD Omggg!!!! That'd be awesome!!! Aim for Chris!!!!! :D :D :D

    Yussss!!!! Saying... "Dom... did you know I love your face when you drumm? :awesome:" hahah :LOL:

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