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Everything posted by Musoliasla

  1. Yess! :D

    Lmao! Not how I had intended it... but now that you mention it ;)

    In what way is thiiis? :LOL: Or both ways? :eyebrows:

    Oh he does! It's so cute! :)

  2. Yeeeah! :chuckle: It would be so cuute! :happy:

    I love biscuits with milk, when you dip it in! Yummy!


    Oh yes! That would be beautiful! :happy: He must know so many lovely pieces! <3


    I do like your new wallpaper!! :D His eyes are so bluee! <3 It's lovely!! Good job! :)

  3. You want to do in to production? :ohmy: Or you wonder why?

    Jump up and down round your head :chuckle: haha!

    Oh dear, just sit and watch you while eating a banana, I would say I'd be a little scared, over the time he has sat there eating bananas, there is a big pile of skins next to him! :p


    It was indeed! I was over the moon! :LOL:

  4. I would ask for them to take me to the studio, a lot more questions with my future career in production! :happy: I'd have just so many things to ask!! What d'you think they would do if you just fell asleep? :chuckle:

    Wooo! :D I got to Norway and back for £20 once :p that was cheap! Ryanair flight!

  5. Yeahh! :p My friends were all playing jokes on us! From what I remember there was electric mussic aswell! Kinda spooky O.o

    Awww :chuckle: hahah! Bless! I jump at the slightest thing too! :p My friends just think I'm weird! I wish I could have gone over halloween though! :( Would have been great scary fun!


    Yeeah, I wanna try there too! Never really been to many theme parks! :supersad:


    :ohmy:!!!1 It's crazy! It's so fun! You must go on it next time! I love it, you spin round and turn round and it's great fun! the lad sat next to me kept screaming like a girl!! :LOL: It was so funny, he hates spinning round while the ride spins... our photo came out dreadful! :chuckle: I looked scary because I was laughing so much!

    You must go on it next time duude!! :cool:

  6. Niice! I'm just drawing, chilling out in front of the Tv! :) Quite a chilled out day today to be honest, not done an awful lot! :chuckle:

  7. Hahah! Yess! :LOL:

    Awww! I would have come on with you :awesome:

    Ooo, thaat's horrible! :( I'm not surprised! Yeah exactly! I would usually love that bit too xD how scary!!

    Yeaaahh! :cool:

    Woo! Hehe! :awesome:


    Aww :happy: haha! I liked also Sonic Spinball, one of my favourites! :D I love it! Plus you play games on the way round!! Woo!

  8. That's always the worst :/ how old is she? I went to see Muse with my mum! Was a laugh! :happy: But I can't quite imagine my mum at a festival! :p Camping it surrounded by some of those you get over here! At T in the Park this year, some died from being trampled! >< Ouch!!

    Awww, I'm shyer when face to face or skype! I fail miseraably, and this is in my own language! The only other languages I know of is German which I did for 5 years and a bit of Norwegian, as I had a norwegian boyfriend for 2 years :chuckle: I fail at other languages, I always get conscious of my attempted accent! :p

    You seem to be doing just great to me! :yesey: Woo!


    Nawww! :p For Christmas let's hope! Fingers crossed! She may just be saying it so you don't expect it for christmas :p that towel though looks mighty fine! :cool:


    Ahh! Okay! :happy: What's the NME special? Seen anything in particular that you are hoping for? :)

    Iiiii have T-shirts (Resistance songs, black exogenesis, album cover, last year tour dates one), I have a hoody with MUSE on the front, I have numerous posters, All CD's and DVD's, and the two programmes. I think that's it :) but I wantt the 2011 calender!! :awesome: Will be awesome! Yey! I've liked Muse quite a few years really but, have not overly that long been a concert goer.. I basically thought we don't have the money, it's never going to happen! But now I try and go to as many as possible with good bands! :happy:

    Have you seen anyone else in concert?

  9. Oh yeey! :awesome: You doing anything much interesting m'dear? Got anything planned? :)

  10. Aww :( that sucks! You should! :D My camera that I have atm though, the sound is shocking even though the picture is good! It doesn't like bass D:

    Oh no! :( My friend's would come to a festival, but leave me on my own all day at the Muse stage while they bugger off and watch other bands and leave me! :LOL: I love meeting the new people on here! Muse fans are always so nice! :happy:


    Yess! What we love! :awesome: <3


    Hahah! :chuckle: awww! :p I'm like that... Mum, I know what I wan't for christmas! ;) I want the belt, but costs £20 :( Too much for a belt when they can ripp. I love my t-shirts though! I outgrew one and so instead stuck it to my walls! :LOL:

    What merchandise do you have of Muse's?

  11. Niice! What's this Alice & Wonderland project? :)

    Doing Art prints and coursework, learning parts for a school production band, and analysing X Factor for media :/

    Yeah, exactly!!

    Evening was alright, been doing painting and made cheesecake :LOL: was yummy! How about youu? :happy:

  12. I shall carry you round with me, we will be an unstoppable force :cool: haha! It would be safer, yes! But we would liike the fun too! :awesome: wed have to see if they would let us! If they are all the size of Chris, I would die! :chuckle: Big men against small girls.. and now you say it like that.. it sounds mean! Haha, no one will expect our sheer skills :ninja: let's get them!! :cool:


    Oh awesomee! :D I think I will have to wait until they come round again! :( bummer!

  13. :chuckle: Imagine waking up with a blanket over you in the bus! That would be so awesome!

    Oooo coffee, I don't do coffee! The smell is horrible!! :p I don't drink tea either :(


    I'd love to have a go on his pianos! :happy: They must be absolutely magnificent!! <3

    Yeeeey! :D

  14. Noo, I don't find them scary either, I love mad rides! :awesome: The drop was brilliant, but I did let out aa teeny scream because it dropped a little bit at first, and I was like... oh.. that was it O.0 next minute... DROP! D: :LOL:

    Oooo! I've been to Oakwood! Was hydro open for youu?

    For our music trip to Alton Towers, was a bit cheaper for us as they were giving it to us as it was for a treat for contribution to the Music Department :awesome: Yeeey!

    Oh awesome! :D I wanna go back as soon as :awesome: I wanna do something for bonfire night as well! :( But no one can be bothered! Sucks!

    Your belt came undone on a ride? O.o I see it as a leisurely ride, I love it! It's just right :happy: Although I do like the scary ones! :D

    The ones at Alton Towers has gotten better! Squirts you too! :chuckle: Love them!


    Yeaah! After 13! Was great fun! At first it was like... aaargh my face! D: Haha! What about you? You liked it, right? :happy:

  15. Ahahah! :LOL: You poor thing!!! xD Oh, I'm so sorry!! Spray paint it? ;) Woo!

  16. And we all love the inner Matt! :happy: Yeah!! :/ but he comes before the music! We love him too as well as the music!! I know, it's even like we feel sad for him, through listening to his music, his songs are so personal! Why more people can relate to them as it is!


    Oh yess! Especially when they play up to it! :p Haha! Makes me laugh, it is so adorable! :chuckle: Oh yeeeah! Very good point!! :awesome: Woo! Let's go find them then!! :D

    I do yes... but.. I don't really know how to use it much!! Bit crap on it! I just check up on what other people are doing :yesey:

  17. Why couldn't the cameras be any better? :ohmy: I wanna go to a festival at the front, I hope I can find someone on here that I could meet up with that is as mad about Muse as I am! :p My friends aren't Muse's biggest fans!

    Concerts are probably best, although I haven't been to a festival, it's one band which you love! And they are on for longer I presume :)


    Yeah, very good point!! No postage! Forgot about that :p

    Yesss!! :D Woo!! I know I was so happyy! :awesome: I lost an old purse when I was 12, and I'm now 17!! :p

  18. Pleasure!! :happy: *hug*

    Good! :D What have you been doing? :)


    Oooo! I love Futurism!! I remember, I used to not even know it was a B-side when I first heard it :facepalm: fail! But great choice!! :D Hyper Music is on of my favourites there too!!! Love it! :happy:


    Yes, for the week! But only Saturday and Sunday left now! :supersad: Gone too fast, and I still a lot of work to do!! What about youu?

  19. Ohh nice!! :awesome: Oh nooo! How come??

    Brilliant! :D Nice choices! I have the Resistance songs one, black exogenesis one, white album work one, tour date last years one, & I can't remember the others :p haha! I have my black hoody aswell, with just MUSE on the front! :happy:

    Oh aweeesome!!! :awesome: I would like a new top too :cool: Woo!!

    Only we should know about it! :ninja: Us boardies! I think that's how you spell it! :p

    On guitar, I just play things like New Born, Falling away with You, Time is Running out, Dark Shines, Plug in Baby, Sing for Absolution :) I think that's about it! Can you play anything m'dear? :) xxx

  20. Oh nice! :happy: I wish that I get to meet them one day!


    How are you??

  21. Yeeah! There's been a picture somewhere! On the front was a photo of Matt is his white coat :happy: I'm hoping to get one too!!

    Any DvD would be awesome! :cool: woo!

    I'm hoping both, would be so funnyy!! :LOL: I know, fingers up at it, and chopp... on the floor... and wave (:

    Hee does!! :awesome: He looks so soft! :chuckle: I just wanna jump them for a hug! :D

  22. Yeah! Really? Is that what people say? :ohmy: Wow! :happy: Someone walked up to the tech guys and got the setlist off them just from asking! I must remember to do that next time! But my mum just dragged me away to beat traffic! :/


    I hope that you get an awesome setlist next time!! <3


    I'm about to go to bed in a bit, it's really late here! I just get a spam of notifications at like 1am my time! :p I don't like not to reply!

  23. Oooo, yey! I want to get one of these 2011 calenders as well which I have heard about! :awesome: Sounds good! Can't wait for another DVD!!! :D

    Not specifically, but could ppossibly involve that, if you put a camera down and leave it on record in one place, and you are all smashed playing games! You would forget the camera was even there! :chuckle: I just wanna hug them and whatever so badd! They just look so comfy! :happy::LOL:



  24. Ahhh, thanks! :D I'm not surprised! :p More counting down on him if he gets famous pieces wrong, if it's his own, he can just improvise! It's a shame really! :chuckle:


    Let's hope you do next time!! :( I hope that Muse come around again this year! I just can't wait to get back out there and see them againn!!!!! You would think after you have seen them, it's not as bad, but it is worse! :p

    I think that with the songs I got I was really so lucky!


    How are you doing?

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